Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty

Our food sovereignty goal has been to perpetuate these practices and engage as many people as we can so that these traditions continue. Each moon and season help to refine the food sovereignty program.

This work involves an intentional partnership between the College of Menominee Nation and its extension division. Other local programs and departments involved with this work include Menominee Food Distribution, Menominee Department of Agriculture and Food Systems, Menikanaehkem, Menominee Tribal Clinic, Woodland Boys and Girls Club, and Early Childcare Services. This publication is not intended as a comprehensive field guide; it is intended as a resource for those interested in beginning or expanding food sovereignty initiatives in Tribal communities. We value everyone’s contribution to building a better Menominee community.

This 13-minute video from TEDx-Rainier features Valerie Segrest, a native foods educator and member of the Muckleshoot Tribe.




Campesina, V. (2003). What is food sovereignty. Via Campesina .

Echo Hawk Consulting. (2015). Feeding Ourselves: Food access, health disparities, and the pathways to healthy Native American communities . Retrieved from: health-disparities-and-the-pathways-to-healthy-native-american-communities/

Feast Forward. (n.d.). Food Sovereignty & Food Access . Retrieved from:

Hahn, K. (2013, December 13). What is Food Sovereignty. Michigan State University Extension . Retrieved from:

Hoover, E., Mihesuah, D., & LaDuke, W., (2019). Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the United States: Restoring Cultural Knowledge, Protecting Environments, and Regaining Health (Vol. 18) . University of Oklahoma Press.

Rosset, Peter (2003, October 1). Food Sovereignty Global Rallying Cry of Farmer Movements. Food First Backgrounder.

TedX Talks. (2014, January 22). Food sovereignty: Valerie Segrest at TEDxRainier [Video]. Youtube.


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