The Planning and Research/Risk Management Division is responsible for research and preparation of complex and in-depth reports, audits, and projects involving department statistical information, policy, and procedures. The division is held to high standards to produce quality data, information, and resources for decision makers in order to improve the function of the organization. Planning and Research is in charge of producing reports requested by the city council, city managers, and other citywide and out-of-town entities. Planning and Research is also responsible for tracking the performance of the Department as to how it meets or exceeds the goals set out by the Chief of Police and the City Manager's Office. This year, Planning and Research merged with Risk Management to maximize efficiency within the Department. Risk Management focuses on compliance, audits, inspections, and risk assessment. The division is also in charge of the Watchguard system that manages all body worn camera files and dashcam footage for the Department. Among the innumerous tasks delegated to Planning and Research, another duty handled is the staffing management for both the civilians and uniformed officers. During 2019, the division has transferred, retired, promoted, and welcomed 495 uniformed positions and 121 civilian positions with staffing movements, to include the 124th and 125th Academy classes. Promotions fall under the division as well, and the year saw the promotions of three lieutenants, six sergeants, and eight detectives. The division is essential for providing accurate and updated research and policy for the Department in their efforts to provide professional and services to the community of El Paso. PLANNING AND RESEARCH/ RISK MANAGEMENT
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