Ohio Baptist Messenger

May 2024 | 15

I am excited for the future in revitalization throughout the state of Ohio. I have been engaging in conversa- tions with associations and sharing opportunities to take a journey toward renewal. Our associations are only as healthy as our congregations and our congre- gations are usually only as healthy as their pastors. If you desire to grow in ministry, join us May 21-22 for Revive Summit at Violet Baptist Church, Pickerington. Speakers Mark Clifton, Colin Pugh, Joe Crider, JimBo Stewart, and Dr. Richard Blackaby along with others will lead us to be healthier. The event begins at 8:45 am to 6 pm on Tuesday, May 21 and continues from 8:45 am to Moving Forward in Revitalization By Mark Jones, SCBO revitalization consultant Together for the Nations Event This leads me to something that I believe has the power to transform your church and our state. On September 14, 2024, FBC Kettering will host the IMB’s Together for the Nations event. This will be an amazing day of learning how you and your church can engage in taking the gospel to the nations. This event is not just for pastors but for every member of your church.

There will be missionaries from every part of the world, so no matter where you are interested in serving, there will be opportunities for you to learn and speak to people serving in those regions. More details will be coming, but plan to spend the day engaging with other leaders on the Great Commission. This event is open to everyone, not just the West Region, so make plans now to attend and bring a busload of people from your church with you.

3 pm on Wednesday, May 22. Even if you cannot attend both days, the summit is well worth the $15 per per- son. I encourage any mature believer to attend this phe- nomenal summit designed with you in mind. For more information and to register, go to https://www.namb. net/church-replanting/events/revive-summit-picker- ington-oh/. Thank you for your prayers and cooperative giving that makes revitalization ministry possible. If I can be of help to you or your congregation, please email me at mjones@scbo.org.

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