| Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans |
Manage Insects Longer with the Extended Action of Asana® XL Insecticide Asana® XL Insecticide delivers: Excellent control of foliar pests on multiple crops, including hoppers, aphids, beetles, stink bugs, worms, borers and more Unique cottonseed oil formulation for proven, rainfast protection Superior UV stability for consistent activity against target pests that results in efficient pest control Asana XL Row Crops & Pest Summary Crop Pest Corn Aphids, armyworm, black cutworm*, chinch bug, corn borers, corn earworm, corn rootworm (adult control), cutworms, flea beetle, grasshoppers and many more
Beet armyworm**, bollworms, budworms, cabbage looper, cotton aphid**, cutworms, fleahoppers, grasshoppers, lygus bugs, plant bugs, stink bugs* and many more Beet armyworm**, corn earworm, cutworms, Fall armyworm**, grasshoppers, lesser cornstalk borer**, potato leafhopper, red-necked peanut worm, velvetbean caterpillar and many more Bean leaf beetle, beet armyworm**, cabbage looper, caterpillars, corn earworm, cutworms, grasshoppers, green stinkbug*, potato leafhopper, soybean aphid*, southern green stinkbug and many more
*Except California **Aids in control How To Use Rate
2.9–9.6 fl oz/A, depending on crop (consult label for more information) When pests reach economic threshold levels. Consult your state Cooperative Extension Service or professional consultant to determine appropriate action for treating specific pests.
Ground or air
Spray Volume
Refer to labeled spray volume requirements for specific crop and pest stage
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