How To Use Rate
13–16 fl oz/A • Do not apply earlier than 14 days after the last Esteem 0.86 EC treatment • Do not make more than three applications per growing season • Do not exceed 48 fl oz/A per season
Timing Method
Dormant through delayed-dormant
Ground equipment. Thorough coverage is critical for control.
Spray Volume
100–400 gal/A
At dormant or delayed-dormant, use a spray oil at the manufacturer’s recommended oil rate
12 hours 14 days
Other Important Information Esteem 0.86 EC is often used in combination with other commonly used dormant insecticides and/or spray oil at the rate of 2–4 gal/A at the dormant or delayed-dormant timing Delayed-dormant applications of Esteem 0.86 EC in stone fruit will also provide suppression of peach twig borer, which makes Esteem 0.86 EC ideal for use as part of a soft program with DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable† Length of control depends on scale pressure and your pest management program Esteem 0.86 EC is not toxic to bees and has minimal impact on beneficial insects and other arthropods that help manage insect pests Signal word: Caution For in-season scale control, please use Senstar® Insecticide
Products That Work, From People Who Care ® | | 800-6-VALENT (682-5368) Always read and follow label instructions.
Esteem , Senstar and Products That Work, From People Who Care are registered trademarks of Valent U.S.A. LLC. DiPel is a registered trademark of Valent BioSciences LLC. ©2023 Valent U.S.A. LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2023-EST-8005 9/23 † DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable is NOP compliant and OMRI listed for organic production.
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