King's Business - 1966-11


t h e


f u n e r a l


by Louis Paul Lehman

A Scripture-based guide to total health for every member of the family—by a practicing physician and active church layman who recognizes the importance of spiritual well-being to both phys­ ical and mental health. Discuss­ ing in detail the practical ques­ tions of diet, exercise, medical check-ups, weight control, lei­ sure-time interests and hobbies, Dr. Hunton prescribes whole­ some ways o f life for the busi­ nessman, the housewife . . . plus a special chapter on the “golden years.” Introduction by S. I. McMOlen, M.D. $3.50

I don ’ t really want to attend the funeral, I just want to read the bulletin board in the funeral home to be sure I heard the news correctly. Imagine that! There it is. It’s an elaborate wreath, made of ar­ tificial holly, o f course, for every­ thing has stopped growing. No, the red berries aren’t real either. They are really red buttons cut from the robes of empty religion. There it is, right on the door of the funeral home of atheistic Christianity, next door to the graveyard of hope. It says it: “God is dead.” I am going to wait for the fun­ eral procession across the street from the parlors where theology has embalmed the Almighty, and you are welcome to join me. I ad­ mit, I have to see this funeral. Of course, many men have said that God is dead, but this time it’s some people in the Christian tradition. Did I ever tell you that story? That one about the fellow who cut down the tree? Well, while we’re waiting for the funeral to get started, let me

recall it. I guess Isaiah told it first. Anyhow, this fellow cut down a tree. When it fell, he started using it. He cut up part of the tree and made a house with the lumber. He needed a fire, and he used some of the chips for that, and then added a few logs to the fire. He baked bread and roasted a little meat. Same fire. He even stretched out his hand to the fire and said, “Ah, nice and warm.” Being a handy fellow with tools, he made a bottom for his wagon. Then he made a chair. All from the same tree, mind you. There was a little left over. He whittled the left-over part. It took shape, and he carved it more carefully. It was weird and grotesque, but he liked it. He thought it looked like a god. He stuck it in the ground and bowed himself before it. Now, what do you think? A boy came by later, saw the stick and didn’t know it was a god. The boy threw the stick in the fire. When the workman saw his


From medical annals and his own practice,

Dr. McMillen presents amazing testimony to the Scriptures power to combat many dread dis­ eases. Cloth, $2.95. Paper, 601.


Continued on p. 21 THE KING'S BUSINESS

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