King's Business - 1966-11

'It spoke to me more had a greater personal impact upon me than any other film with a religious theme that / have

ever seen. It stirs the emotions and you will laugh and you may weep ...I urge you to bring everyone you know to see For Pete's Sake!"

Premiere Performances

Chicago November 4-9 Arie Crown Theatre McCormick Place

Charlotte November 9-22 Village Theatre

Salt Lake City November 16-22 Capitol Theatre

Winnipeg November 16-22 Playhouse Theatre


Coming soon to your city! Additional cities and performances will be announced. Watch for announcement in your area, or contact:


Vritten and Directed by JAM ES F. C O LLIER 1

WORLD WIDE PICTURES 1313 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 55403

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