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book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
is not one phenomenon. There is the speaking in a distinct foreign lan guage by one who has never studied it, and there is the utterance which is unintelligible to any, even to the speaker, which must be interpreted, and this interpretation is a separate occurrence, whether by the speaker or another interpreter. Then there is the origin of this ability—wheth er a gift from God, the devil, or merely a psychological or parapsy- chological demonstration. The study of this activity in volves its history, Biblical and theo logical significance, and its relation to spiritual life and to missions. Whether admitted formally or not, it is also a dispensational problem. The present author, Professor of Systematic Theology at Calvin Theo logical Seminary, does not deal ex haustively with all of these aspects, but he has given considerable study to a number of them. He exhibits a most understanding spirit toward the Pentecostals and the Neo-Pen- tacostals (a term which he seems to have coined, or at least is populariz ing, which refers to the movement in the 1960’s among major denomi nations) . He tries to be fair to their literature, but agrees with some of those who have had experience in it and have ceased to practice it, that tongue-speaking is not an essential elem en t of contemporary Chris tianity, and as Paul says is the least of a lift of “ gifts.” There is a strong inclination to the view expressed by some psychiatrists that there is evi dence of a psychological explanation for some of it. The book is a worth while treatment of a difficult sub ject.— 161 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans P u b lis h in g Co., Grand Rapids; $3.50. THE MINOR PROPHETS by Jack P. Lewis. 103 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. A study guide which introduces the stu dent to the study of each book by dealing briefly with the significant factors of each. Recommended books are avail able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An geles; and on the La Mirada Cam pus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.
The Bible, Science, and Creation by S. Maxwell Coder and George F. Howe
This book presents a very fine brief defense of the Scriptures in a convenient outline form. Besides the evangelical view, which is accepted, the lib e r a l and the neo-orthodox views are described and refuted. Highlights of prophecy and archaeol ogy are presented as strong evi dences of the divine inspiration of the Bible. As to the time involved in crea tion, three views are presented from which the reader may take his choice. The Gap Theory and the Day-Age Theory a llow a great amount of time, while the third view—that most of the fossiliferous strata are related to the flood— is in conformity with a relatively young earth. Those who hold the Day-Age Theory, or variations of it, assume that the order of the appearance of the various forms of life as given by the evolutionists corresponds with the order of creation presented in Genesis. This involves some difficul ties. There is apparently an e r r o r where Adam Sedgwick is described as a “ staun ch evolutionist.” Al though he taught geology to Charles Darwin, he opposed the theory of evolution to the end of his life. The sort of thing that most dis tresses this reviewer is that J. Frank Cassel of the American Scientific Affiliation is quoted favorably. There is nothing wrong with the quotation given, but the implication to the reader is that Cassel’s views on evo lution are acceptable, while on the contrary, Christians need to be warned a g a in s t the evolutionary views he holds.—128 pages; index; Moody Press; $2.95. Reviewed by Dr. Bolton Davidheiser. What About Tongue Speaking By Anthony T. Hoekema The twentieth century has seen a revival of the phenomena of speak ing in tongues, or as it is technically called, glossolalia. We use the plural, phenomena, because tongue-speaking NOVEMBER, 1966
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