Suggestions Continued
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Memory Work Basket For a pre-session activity let each child cut a free hand basket from brown or tan construction paper. Mount on bright colored piece o f construction paper or paste in the work book. For every thanksgiving verse memorized during the month of November a fruit-sticker is placed on the bas ket. Free-hand fruit could be cut out of construction paper. Bible Stories The following stories may be used to emphasize the theme of Thanksgiving. a. The man who remembered to say “ Thank you ” or “Where are the Nine?” (See Luke 17:11-19.) b. A T h ank sg iv in g Day of L o n g A g o (Nehem iah 8 : 1 - 12 .) (In which there was feast ing upon the Word first, then upon the food for the body, remembering to share with those “ for whom nothing was prepared.” c. A Seven Day Thanksgiving Feast (Leviticus 23:89-44). (The Feast of Tabernacles) Scripture Verses There is much in the Bible con cerning the importance o f praise and thanksgiving, I Thessaloni- ans 5:18 exhorts us to give thanks in “ everything” “ for this is the will o f God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” From this verse we see that the “will of God” in cludes praise in everything, no matter what the circumstance might be. Other verses that can be used at this season o f the year are Pslam 50:23, Psalm 34:1; Psalm 34:3; Ephesians 5:20; Philippi- ans 4 :4 ; Philippians 4 :6 ; Colos- sians 3:15; I Chronicles 16:8; Psalm 126:3; I Chronicles 29:13; Colossians 3:17; Psalm 100:2 and
C / t G E T S © O s . A L L ” upon Heaven's resources, there’s more “when this gets all!” God’s love has no measure; God’s grace has no limit; and God’s power is supreme. His wisdom is unbound ed; and, praise His name, His provi sions are never exhaustible! No won der the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus expressing his de sire that they might “ know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge” and be conscious of the fact that He “ is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, accord ing to the power that worketh in us.” Oh, that we might learn to walk in this confidence each day, and never worry about tomorrow! Thank God for His present provision, we should simply go forward a step at a time knowing that “ there’s more when this gets all!”
Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class
W E HAD thoroughly enjoyed the meeting in Altoona, Pennsyl vania, and the privilege of greeting many friends of the Radio Bible Class who attended the service that eve ning. Some dear friends invited us to their home after the meeting for a lunch, but when we got there, it was more like a full-course dinner, and what a feast we had! As we were eat ing, one of the hostesses came into the living room to see if we had enough. Upon leaving, she turned around and said, “ There’s more in the kitchen when this gets all!” Since I come from the Midwest, this Pennsylvania Dutch expression really tickled me. “ There’s more in the kitchen when this gets all!” It was just another way of saying, “When what you have is all gone, there’s more where that came from!” That was good to know, but how much more wonderful this is in the spiritual realm. How com forting the assurance that no matter how great our need, no matter how heavily we might have already drawn
THOT: Our prayer and God's supply are like two buckets in a well, while one ascends, the other descends!
The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, os written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you—FREE and POSTPAID—and is yours just for the asking.
MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! RAD IO B IB L E C L A S S Please send my free copy and information on how I may receive OUR DAILY BREAD each month. J Grand Rapids, M ic h ig a n Dept. n-K|
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many more. NOVEMBER, 1966
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