King's Business - 1966-11

This is a time when attitudes are formed and habits are developed. These are impressionable years. How important it is then to influence the young life for Christ. The Commu­ nists are beginning their education and indoctrination at age two. We should begin training in the things of God no later. These young chil­ dren are capable of grasping a tre­ mendous variety of facts! Jesus said, “ Suffer the little children to come unto me. . . .” A. First, it is necessary to define the purpose of the visitation. Cer­ tainly we.want to show a personal interest in each pupil and thereby encourage their continual attend­ ance. We need also to enlist the co­ operation of the home in the efforts of the Christian Education program of the church. “ The church that does not have the home will not hold its youth!” Then when the purpose is clearly seen by the teachers and workers, a program for visitation may be presented. This should involve a careful record system, a well-defined plan, and a method of checking up on the teachers. A plan that has been used with success proceeds in four steps: 1. First week of absence — Teacher contacts the home. 2. Second week of absence—Teach­ er makes personal call. 3. Third week of absence — Super­ intendent makes a call. 4. Fourth week of absence—Pastor contacts the home. Q. What do you do about teachers arriving late for Sunday school? A. “ Late” for S.S. teachers and workers is any time after 15 min­ utes before the scheduled beginning of the Sunday school hour. Teachers who continually miss the opportuni­ ty of this pre-session period are not doing their work properly. Those who continue to arrive late should be reminded by the superin­ tendent that thereby they are reduc­ ing their effectiveness. If they have signed a S.S. teacher’s covenant, they should be reminded of their commitment. A con test between teachers which would recognize the ones who do come on time might help here. Certainly the pastor and superintendent need to set the pat­ tern for promptness. They should also assist teachers in their planning of the pre-session time. Q. How can we stimulate teachers to do visitation and absentee follow­ up?

HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the w itness from an A .M . F. M issionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Biblfe the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes "w e are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. m issionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III. A MINISTRY that is SPIRITUALLY Rewarding . . . and (EARNS YOU MONEY, Part or Full Time I In this day of hectic, hurried activity, HOW DO WE FIND TIME FOR GOD'S WORD? [NOW, through BIBLE VOICE one may listen [to God's Word, anytime, anywhere. The entire recorded BIBLE available for the first time complete with equip­ ment, at a price that any can afford. DISTRIBUTORS AND DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED IN SOME AREAS j For complete information on how you [ can become a sales representative, or I about the many items available through [BIBLE VOICE INC. clip and send this ! ad to . . . (ff j © m BIBLE VOICE* P.O. Box 3521, Van Nuys, Calif. (213) STata 7-5600 Dopt. KB10 n p p £ w q r r i / / v # r v /

by C. Chester Larson W it h t h e c o n v ic t io n t h a t “ every­ one who believed Sunday School ought to be, ought to B-l in Sunday School,” the First Evangelical Free Church (Fullerton, California) pro­ moted an enlargement p rog ram through a “ B -l” campaign. Their goal was to reach and main­ tain an average of 1,000 in Sunday School. The chief incentive was a red button labeled “B -l.” It indicat­ ed two things: the wearer would at­ tend all four Sundays of the cam­ paign, and would try to encourage others to attend. Furthermore, the button was a good talking point in contacts made through the week. Anyone bringing a visitor received a white button. If the visitor was en­ rolled, a blue button was given. The challenge of the campaign was to see how many red buttons would turn to white and hopefully to blue. Slogans abounded. “ Don’t be red —fight—be white,” or, “ It’s up to you to become blue to prove to all that you believe in Sunday School, too!” Ironically, a sidelight to the con­ test—an invitation for everyone to try to bring “Millie” — attracted more attention than the buttons. No one knew who Millie was except the Latin scholars. “ Millie” arrived on the third Sunday and was honored as the one thousandth stud en t (milie, Latin word for a thousand). The final count for the day was 1,030. The Rev. Chester Larson, Chris­ tian education advisor and member of the school, reported: “During the four weeks, over 200 new or re­ claimed students were reached and enrolled. Our average attendance rose from 750 to approximately 900.” That’s a lot of B -l’s, with a Millie thrown in for good measure. Q. How important are the early years of a person’s life and should, we attempt to teach pre-schoolers the Bible? A. The early years of one’s life are certainly the most important years.


Reach Children! 6 pages — 3 colors

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