People/a Double-sixteen Company of Whea ton, Illinois has produced an entirely new method of presenting Bible sto ries for children in the Sunday school, children’s church and Bible clubs. Thirty of the most-used Bible stories come to life in both sight and sound with the new canon Bible pro grams. Produced in full-color film
MeIfewe the United States, Latin America, Japan, Formosa, Nigeria and the Congo, to study the “ in-depth” evan gelistic concepts pioneered by the Latin America Mission in seven na tionwide efforts held thus far in Cen tral and South America. More than a hundred members of the Am e ric an Scientific Affiliation gathered at North Park College in Chicago during the latter part of August to celebrate the 25th anni versary of the organization. Current tensions between science and theolo gy were analyzed by the group. Ac cording to Dr. Harold Hartzler, execu tive secretary of the organization, evangelical Christians trained in science, including the social sciences, are actively sought as ASA members. Government schools in the capital city, Accra, Ghana, closed to Chris tian literature distribution since 1962, have been re-opened to repre sentatives of African Challenge, Gos pel news magazine published by the Sudan Interior Mission. School prin cipals are reported to be welcoming the magazine back, “ like an old friend.” Schools in the Cape Cod district which were also closed for a short period have likewise re-opened as a result of the lifting of the restric tions. African Challenge representa tives predict an increase in circula tion of at least 10,000 copies month ly.
presenting 3 C O M B IN A T IO N 1967^ S i P TOURS U SIN G MAJOR JET AIR LINES HOLYLAN D-RUSSIA - 20-day tour conducted by Rev. Don Lyon. $ 1015.00 HOLYLAND-EUROPE - 22-day tour conducted by Dr. Gordon Beck and Mr. Mel Johnson. __________________ $995.00 22-day tour including Europe, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Baghdad, Babylon, UR of the Chaldees, Istanbul, Ephasus and Pergamus, Con ducted by Dr. W. Morton, Archeologist, Rev. D. Dillow and Rev. W. Bennett, Jr. $ 1145.00 PASTORS, EDUCATORS You now can con ct a tour to places YOU are interested in. special tour arrangements, can be ged. For information mail coupon. Suite 1230 33 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, III. 60602
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strip and seven-inch records, Bible narratives for youngsters fohr to nine are presented in words children understand without interpretation or application. The record and filmstrip are designed for use with the Gener al Electric “ Show and Tell“ phono- viewer, which can be operated safely and easily by children. The National Association of Chris tian Schools, in co-operation with Harcourt, Brace and World Publish ing Company, is prepared to supply standardized tests to teachers of missionary children in the exact quantities required for these over seas classes. With their state-side norms these tests will enable mis sionary teachers to strengthen class room training as needed, and will insure missionary parents of the ade quacy of their children’s prepara tion for enrollment in stateside schools at furlough time. Rev. Heini Germann-Edey, veteran Swiss missionary with 17 years of work in Indonesia, began duties October 1 as director of World Vi sion of Canada in Toronto, an nounced Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc. Rev. Germann- Edey replaces the Rev. Bernard Barron who has held the position since 1959. Rev. Barron was transferred to Mel bourne as director for World Vision of Australia, organized early in 1966. More than 200 Christian leaders from 20 nations gathered in San Jose, Costa Rica, for two weeks of intensive training at an Evangelism- in-Depth Institute sponsored by the Latin American Mission during Au gust of this year. Parallel Spanish and English sessions enabled dele gates from churches and missions in
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Gikita M. Komi and Yaeti K. Kimo (left to right), holding blow guns and poison darts, are shown talking to Miss Rachel Saint of the Wycliffe Bible Translators. They are near their village on the Tiwaeno River in the Ecuadorian jungle. Komi and Kimo are Auca Indians who have been converted to Christianity after five missionaries were slain by their tribe more than a decade ago. Miss Saint, whose brother was one of the missionaries killed, along with Komi and Kimo, will attend the World Congress on Evangelism, October 26- November 4, 1966, in the Kongress- halle, Berlin, Germany.
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