SCALPER'S ticker cont. ing the ticket to the conductor, I again gave my attention to the scampering prairie dogs — cute little creatures atop the mounds next their burrows. There was a pause. “Where’d you get this ticket?” ' “Kansas City.” Another pause. I felt sure he was trying to come to a decision. “ How long have you had it?” That was a tough one for I had no idea when Dorsey had pur chased it. I made a wild guess: “ Three months.” Still watching the prairie dogs, I waited expecting to hear him pull the bell cord for the engineer to stop the train. Instead, he did the unexpected and handed back the ticket in a manner that said, “ Young man, you had better not try this again.” The trip to Kansas City was a nightmare. Every time the con ductor or brakeman entered the car, my thought was: “ This is it.” When a relief crew boarded the train at Raton, I was sure I would never get by, not knowing that when one gets by the first conductor, he’s fairly safe for the rest of the journey. How I envied the family across the aisle! Father, mother and two children, they were enjoying ev ery minute of the trip. They were happy as they ate their supper o f sandwiches and bananas. Had anyone asked them where they were going, they would have an swered with utmost assurance: “We’re going to Kansas City.” “What makes you so sure you are going to get there?” “We have our tickets and can hardly wait to see the dear ones who will be at the station to greet us.” Just before the train pulled in to the station, the car porter came to me and said: “Boss, I know where you can get a ticket that will save you ten dollars to Chicago if you’re goin’ that far.” I felt sure someone had told him about my ticket. I intended
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