Soon his mother returned with a rope which she threw over a beam in the ceiling. When she placed a stool under it, Fumio-san realized with horror that she was going to commit suicide. “ Son, if you go to church next Sunday, you will bring shame upon us. Say you will not go, and I will not do this,” she pleaded. Fumio-san was desperate. What should he do? Suddenly he remem bered, “ The samurai is ready at all times to defend his word with his life !” He went to the closet, took out his father’s sword and facing his mother, put the sword to his stomach to commit hari-kari (sui cide) . With the rope around her neck, his mother stood staring at him. One! stroke of the sword and her son would be dead. He was speaking, “ I have given my word to go to the church and I will defend it with my life.” His mother’s love for her son was greater than her fear of shame. She slipped the rope from her neck and walked away. Fumio-san put away his sword. Fumio-san kept his word and was in church the next Sunday. In time his mother saw his changed life, his joy and peace. One day she asked to go to church with Fumio-san and she, too, became a Christian. Fumio- san was a hero, willing to die rather than give up his faith in Christ. Copyright by Gospel Light Publica tions. Used by permission. A PRAISE ACROSTIC P raise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely” (Psa. 147:1). R ejoice everm ore ” (I Thess. 5:16). A all thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee” (Psa. 145:10). I t is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High” (Psa. 92:1). S erve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” (Psa. 100:2). E nter into his gates with thanks giving, and into his cou r ts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psa. 100:4). NOVEMBER, 1966
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