absolutely nothing about it. It seems as if it is popular to champion the right of the crimi nal and not the police. There is a spirit of lawlessness which mani fests itself in riots and civil dis obedience. We have considered the symp toms of our “ sick society,” but what are the causes? First, there is the rejection of individual re sponsibility. It has become popu lar thinking to place the blame for problems on society. But who makes up society? Our courts are becoming more len ien t with criminals, so much so that there is no longer a swiftness and sure ness of justice for crimes that have been committed. According to F.B.I. statistics, 68% of those who commit crimes receive leni ency in some form. The second cause is that o f the relaxing of p o s it iv e concepts. There is no longer a right and wrong because everything is rela tive. What was wrong yesterday becomes right today. In the area of morals, there is no black or white—all is gray. To illustrate, there is an increasing pressure to legalize homosexual acts. Even some psychologists sug gest that it is damaging to the personality of young children to use the words “w ron g ” and “bad,” states in Colossians 3:25 that, however, the Bible clearly “ he that doeth wrong shall re ceive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.” Third, it is becoming socially accepted to base the criterion for decisions on convenience rather than on ethics. Is it convenient for me to cheat on my expense ac count? Is it convenient for both parents to work and ignore the upbringing o f their ch ild ren ? Convenience now takes the place of right and wrong. The symptoms o f our “ sick so ciety” are obvious and the causes are clear; but what is the rem edy? First of all, we need to restore Continued on p. 5U
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