Valent U.S.A. South Region Product Guide Book

| Potatoes |

Power Potato Yields with Quash® Fungicide Quash® Fungicide is a highly effective foliar fungicide that delivers proven, broad spectrum performance for a planned rotation program.  Proven, broad spectrum performance  Highly effective on potato early blight , brown spot , black dot and white mold

 Preventive protection for when diseases strike  Helps deliver on optimal yields and crop quality  As a DMI fungicide (group 3), Quash offers an alternative mode of action and rotation partner with strobilurin fungicides (group 11) for many foliar diseases Quash Potato Early Blight Program Delivered Excellent Yields Early blight symptoms on potato leaf









Manzate 2 lb/A (1,2)

Luna Tranquility 11.2 fl oz/A + Manzate 2 lb/A (1,2)

Endura® 5.5 oz/A + Provysol 4 fl oz/A (1,2)

Reason® 5.5 fl oz/A (1*) Luna Tranquility 11.2 fl oz/A + Bravo Weather Stik® 1 pt/A (2) Provysol 4 fl oz/A (3)

Luna Tranquility 11.2 fl oz/A + Bravo Weather Stik 1 pt/A (1) Provysol 4 fl oz/A (2)

Quash 2.5 oz/A + Manzate® 2 lb/A (1) Luna® Tranquility 11.2 fl oz/A + Manzate 2 lb/A (2)

Within the competitive set, Quash is a stand-out. In this trial, the Quash program delivers the highest marketable yield and is a top performer on early blight control. All early blight programs were followed by (fb) two applications of a chlorothalonil product. *Received only one application of chlorothalonil. Application timing indicated by (#) in treatment list. 1 = Applied at row closure. 2 = 14 days after the first application. 3 = 14 days after the second application (or 28 days after the first application). Source: Miller Research, Rupert, ID


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