Product Use Overview
| U.S. (excluding California) |
Key Problems / Uses
Product Benefits and Use Recommendations
Belay® Insecticide
Leafhoppers, mealybugs, Phylloxera spp. (suppression), sharpshooters
Soil Application Long-lasting, broad spectrum insect control that is effective in all soil types and readily available for uptake. Labeled rate range: 6–12 fl oz/A per year. Regardless of the application method, do not apply more than 0.2 lb clothianidin per acre per year. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 30 days. Foliar Application Contact / Ingestion activity with translaminar properties for reliable, broad spectrum control of beetles, leafhoppers, mealybugs and more. Labeled rate range: 2–4 fl oz/A for beetles and leafhoppers; 4–6 fl oz/A for sharpshooters; and 6 fl oz/A for moths and mealybugs. Regardless of the application method, do not apply more than 0.2 lb clothianidin per acre per year. Do not apply this product while bees are foraging. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. Quick, broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide proven not to flare mites. Labeled rate range: 5⅓–10⅔ fl oz/A for leafhoppers; 16–21⅓ fl oz/A for plum curculio; and 10⅔–21⅓ fl oz/A for other pests. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 21 days. Danitol is a restricted use pesticide. DiPel DF is an excellent choice because it delivers effective and economical control of worm pests. And, it has no harvest residue or MRL concerns because it is exempt from tolerances. DiPel DF is a great rotational or tank mix partner to reduce the potential of worms developing resistance to insecticides with other modes of action. Apply 0.5–2 lb/A when larvae are young (early instars) before the crop is damaged. Larvae must be actively feeding on treated, exposed plant surfaces. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. For long-lasting control of protein-feeding ants only (such as fire ants). Apply 1.5–2 lb/A at the first signs of protein-feeding ants foraging and actively moving across the vineyard. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 1 day. Highly-effective IGR for proven, long-lasting scale control. Apply when crawlers first appear. Two applications per season max. Labeled rate: 16 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 21 days.
Beetles (including Japanese beetle and multi-colored Asian lady beetle), grape berry moth, leafhoppers, mealybugs, sharpshooters
Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
Cutworms, glassy-winged sharpshooters, grape berry moth, Japanese beetle, leaffolder, leafhoppers, mites, orange tortrix, plum curculio, rose chafer, spiders, stink bugs (excluding brown) Lepidoptera larvae (caterpillar and worm) pests including European grapevine moth ( Lobesia botrana ), grape berry moth, grape leafroller, grapeleaf skeletonizer (ground only), light brown apple moth, obliquebanded leafroller
DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable
Esteem® Ant Bait
Knack® Insect Growth Regulator Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4 II / 5.0 II
Lecanium scale
Aphids, leafhoppers, stink bugs Apply when target pest(s) threshold populations are observed. Labeled rate range: Pyganic 1.4 II : 16–64 fl oz/A. Pyganic 5.0 II : 4.5–15.61 fl oz/A. Maximum 10 applications per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days.
Senstar® Insecticide
Grape tumid gallmaker, lecanium scale (suppression), mealybugs, phylloxera, whiteflies Glassy-winged sharpshooters, leafhoppers, mealybugs, Phylloxera (suppression), thrips
With two effective modes of action, Senstar provides fast, long-lasting control of soft-bodied insects at all life stages, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 12–16 fl oz/A. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 21 days. Soil Application Super-systemic action with rapid protection against sucking and chewing pests. Labeled rate range: 5–7.5 oz/A. Make only one soil application per season. Do not apply more than a total of 7.5 oz (0.328 lb AI) per acre per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 28 days. Foliar Application Quick control of yield-depleting pests. Labeled rate range: 1–3 oz/A. Do not apply more than a total of 6 oz (0.263 lb AI) per acre per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 1 day. Long-lasting mite control with translaminar and ovicidal activity. One application per season. Zeal is a mite growth regulator that affects all mite life stages, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 2–3 oz/A per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 14 days.
Venom® Insecticide
Leafhoppers, mealybugs, multi-colored Asian lady beetle, sharpshooters
Zeal® Miticide 1
Mites—European red mite, Pacific, two-spotted, Willamette
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