| Mid-South Rice |
Fight Sprangletop and More with Bolero® Herbicide Bolero® 8 EC Rice Herbicide will provide the sprangletop control you have been missing in your herbicide program. Controls tough-to-manage sprangletop plus aquatics and annual sedges Great fit in dry-seeded or water-seeded rice production. Also works well in conventional or Clearfield® rice. Compatible with other delayed preemergence applications allowing you to get early control of yield-impacting weeds How To Use Timing & Rate Dry-seeded Delayed preemergence: 3–4 pt/A Compatible with Command®, Facet®, Prowl® and League™ herbicides Apply to well-prepared soil Apply 3–5 days after rice seeding Soil needs to remain moist Early postemergence (for emerged sprangletop): 3–4 pt/A before grass is 2-leaf Option to tank mix with League , propanil Water-seeded Preplant: 3–4 pt/A Apply to prepared soil Flood field 1–3 days after application Let water stand for 2 days before seeding with pre-germinated seed Compatible with Roundup® for emerged weeds Method Air or ground Spray Volume Air Maximum rate 2.5 pt/A. Apply in no less than 10 gallons spray mixture per acre. Ground Apply in 10–20 gallons total spray mix per acre.
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