Valent U.S.A. South Region Product Guide Book

| Rice—Southern |

Regiment® Herbicide Controls Aquatics, Broadleaves & Grasses Regiment® Herbicide controls yield-robbing broadleaf, aquatic and grass weeds. Regiment even controls barnyardgrass that is propanil- and/or Facet®-resistant. Weed Control with Newpath® and Regiment

Alligatorweed Johnsongrass

Newpath Regiment®

Barnyardgrass Resistant barnyardgrass Hemp sesbania Broadleaf signalgrass Sprangletop Large crabgrass Jointvetch Rice flatsedge Dayflower Eclipta Texasweed








% Control

Regiment Use Guidelines and Reminders 1. ALWAYS use a MSO/silicone/UAN adjuvant with Regiment a. Helena: Dyne-a-Pak® use rate = 1% v/v

b. Agriliance/Winfield Solutions: Use rate Rivet® 9.6 oz/A, plus 2% N-Pak® 28 c. CPS: Phase® II use rate = 1% d. Jimmy Sanders: Soysurf Xtra use rate = 1% v/v e. MFA: Triple Play use rate = 1% v/v

2. Use the 0.2 oz/A rate only after rice reaches 2-leaf stage 3. Use 0.4–0.67 oz/A rate from 3-leaf stage to green ring 4. When using 0.2 oz/A expect to make a sequential application 5. Do not apply to Bengal rice 6. Apply to actively growing grasses and weeds

7. Avoid Regiment drift to soybeans 8. Do not use when inversions exist 9. Thorough spray coverage is essential. Air: 10 GPA. Ground: 15–20 GPA. 10. Do not use in first-year rice on cut ground 11. Do not exceed 1.06 oz/A of Regiment in one use season 12. May be used pre-flood or post-flood as outlined in Weed Control Program Section 13. Do not mix with propanil-containing products


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