


Perhaps by next year residents and visitors to Lefaivre will be able to enjoy their summer evenings listening to live music on an outdoor stage at their own community park. The Alfred-Plantagenet Township parks and recreation department is waiting for a report on part of the design for a proposed performance stage project for Lefaivre Riverside Park. “We are just waiting on engineering plans GPSUIFDFNFOUCBTF uTBJE.BOPO#FTOFS  parks and recreation director, during an August 3 interview. The township has confirmation of a $146,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation community infrastructure grant for the per- formance stage project. The plan is to take advantage of the half-bowl sloping sides of the community park and use them as part of a natural amphitheatre design for the project. The 30-foot-by-40-foot wooden perfor- mance stage will sit at the bottom of the “bowl area” with the Ottawa River in the background. Spectators will be able to sit on the grass of the slope, or on their own chairs, to enjoy listening to live concerts or even watch live theatre performances. “This will mean that we will be having NPSFMJWFFWFOUTJO-FGBJWSF uTBJE#FTOFS She is encouraged by the success of

L’affluence aux soirées musicales du jeudi s’est révélée très encourageante pour les projets visant à faire du parc riverain Lefaivre un lieu incontournable pour les résidents et les visiteurs. Le prochain projet d’amélioration du parc est la construction d’une scène pouvant accueillir des concerts et des représentations théâtrales. —photo d’archives

UIF5IVSTEBZ&WFOJOHTPG.VTJDTVNNFS program this year. 5IF-FGBJWSF.BSJOBIBTCFFOUIFIPTU venue for alternating live music performances

by local musicians and singers and karaoke and DJ-operated music evenings almost every Thursday, weather permitting, at the open-deck patio at the marina.

i*UT CFFO XPOEFSGVM u #FTOFS TBJE “Lefaivre has been coming alive on Thursday nights.”

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