Yasuyoshi Komiya
Born 1982, Tokyo Prefecture
Edo komon is a type of fine stencil dyeing, in which the elements of composition are point, line, and plane. The designs are extraordinarily small, so that, viewed from a distance, the fabric appears to be plain colored cloth. Come closer, however, and a world of motifs, amazingly fully developed, unfolds. Speaking of the Pokémon designs and Edo komon , “They’re just alike. I should make komon of them,” Yasuyoshi Komiya chose Foongus, Amoonguss, and Galarian Stunfisk. Galarian Stunfisk is a Pokémon that Komiya met in a game. It appears as a Poké Ball, half buried in the ground. But wait — it has a beak, and once it leaps out and sinks its jagged teeth into something, it won’t let go. The shape of the three hills might be a Stunfisk motif or leaves or maybe someone’s footprint! Though it would be scary to wander around the Trap Pokémon's habitat, it's hard not to grin at the witty setup, with eyes glued on the Galarian Stunfisk.
Photo by Masatomo Moriyama
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