Valent U.S.A. East Row Product Guide Book

Product Use Overview


Key Problems / Uses

Product Benefits and Use Recommendations

Asana® XL Insecticide

Aphids, beet armyworms (aids in control), cabbage loopers, Colorado potato beetles, cucumber beetles (adult control), cutworms, European corn borer, flea beetles, grasshoppers, leafhoppers*, potato leafhoppers, potato psyllids, potato tuberworms, tarnished plant bugs, Western yellow-striped armyworm *Except California Aphids, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, leafhoppers, potato psyllids* (suppression), scarab beetles* (adults), sugarcane beetles, sweet potato weevils, white grubs, wireworms *Except California

Long-lasting, unique formulation for outstanding control of a broad spectrum of pests. Labeled rate range: 2.9–9.6 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 7 days. Asana XL is a restricted use pesticide.

Belay® Insecticide

Long-lasting, fast-acting control of a broad spectrum of pests. Apply when target pest(s) threshold populations are observed. Do not wait until population beyond threshold has been established. Apply by ground or air in sufficient water to ensure uniform and thorough coverage of foliage. Use a minimum of 3 gallons per acre for aerial applications. Labeled rate range for foliar: 2–3 fl oz/A. Labeled rate range for soil: 9–12 fl oz/A. Labeled rate range for seed piece: 0.4–0.6 fl oz/100 lb seed. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 14 days. Environmentally-friendly and effective control of Lepidoptera larvae. Scout fields and apply when insects are hatching or small. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. Controls more than 100 different insects throughout the entire season, including right up until harvest. Compatible with sustainable production systems. Labeled rate range: 2–12.6 fl oz/A. The final spray mix should be buffered to a pH of 5.5–7.0. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. Aids in inhibiting mixed function oxidative resistance in insects. Raises level of control by increasing insect susceptibility to insecticides. Exponent is not intended for use alone but only as a component of a tank mix. Labeled rate range: See label for rates with appropriate insecticide. REI: 12 hours. PHI: depends on partner insecticides. Highly effective insect growth regulator for various whiteflies. Labeled rate: 8 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 7 days. Knack is not labeled for use in California on potatoes. Controls a broad spectrum of insects. Pyganic 1.4 II labeled rate range: 16–64 fl oz/A. Pyganic 5.0 II labeled rate range: 4.5–15.61 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. With two effective modes of action, Senstar provides fast, long-lasting control of soft-bodied insects at all life stages, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 8–10 fl oz/A. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 7 days. Senstar is not labeled for use in California on potatoes. Super-systemic insecticide for quick, long-lasting control of pests. Labeled rate range for foliar: 1–1.5 oz/A. Labeled rate range for soil: 6.5–7.5 oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 7 days. Treat when larvae are young (early instars) before crop is damaged. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. See individual state regulations.

DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable

Lepidoptera pests, including armyworms, cutworms, Heliothis, hornworms, loopers, omnivorous leafroller Aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, lygus, thrips

EverGreen® Crop Protection EC 60-6

Exponent® Insecticide Synergist

For use as a synergist in a tank mix to aid in improving the control of insects

Knack® Insect Growth Regulator Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4 II / 5.0 II


Aphids, beetles, leafhoppers, mites, plant bugs, thrips, whiteflies

Senstar® Insecticide

Aphids, psyllids, Western flower thrips (larvae) (suppression only)

Venom® Insecticide

Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, potato leafhopper, psyllids

Armyworms, cutworms*, loopers *Except California

XenTari® Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable


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