Valent U.S.A. East Row Product Guide Book

| Soybeans |

Perpetuo® Herbicide—Burndown and Residual for Tough, In-Season Control Perpetuo® Herbicide is a premix of proven chemistries (flumiclorac pentyl and pyroxasulfone) with both postemergence and residual weed control. Perpetuo delivers both burndown control of emerged weeds and residual control to stop weeds from emerging. This herbicide solution tackles the tail end of the long germination windows of both Palmer amaranth and waterhemp to help growers keep soybean fields clean through canopy closure.  Provides both postemergence and residual control  Proven residual control of resistant Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and additional small-seeded broadleaves and grasses  Allows flexible application at a low use rate Perpetuo Delivers Clean Rows In-Season Perpetuo is labeled for use in soybeans for the increased speed and overall control of burndown tank mix partners and the preemergence control of small-seeded broadleaves and annual grasses, such as Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, crabgrass, foxtails, panicums and many others.

Fierce® EZ Herbicide followed by Perpetuo + glufosinate


Preemergence application Fierce EZ 6 fl oz/A followed by postemergence application Perpetuo 6 fl oz/A + glufosinate* 32 fl oz/A + AMS 3 lb/A.

Weed pressure is high in the untreated field.

*References any glufosinate that contains 2.34 lb AI/gallon. Trial conducted by Rodrigo Werle, University of Wisconsin. Location: Brooklyn, WI. Photos: Valent. 54

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