active structure , Elm Street Elementary is able to physical development.
FACT: By adding an
provide students with a fun way to promote
Spinner that help children reach important developmental milestones.
There is a wealth of opportunities for children to be active during recess. Even though not all children play vigorously, they are able to choose their activities and play for the joy of it. Even minor movement helps children lower their risk of obesity and improves their quality of health. Recess is the perfect opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle by fostering good habits early. That’s exactly what Elm Street Elementary School in Newnan, Ga. did when they were in need of a new playground. After doing successful fundraising, the school was able to provide new play equipment for students in third through fifth grade.
This playground is designed to safely develop growing muscles, coordination, balance, and gross motor skills while also having fun. Children are engaged longer and encouraged to keep moving and exploring the multiple challenging components.
Our products are designed to go above and beyond to engage in targeted muscle groups.
The play value added to this school goes beyond the physical. It also allows for learning opportunities in social and emotional health through sharing, negotiating, and cooperation while playing. It’s important for children to cultivate a lifestyle of health and wellness, which is why they chose Superior’s durable and innovative physical play equipment that makes fitness fun!
Our SRP Certified Partner KorKat was able to provide them with an active play structure that fit their need to promote physical development in children.
The playground features elements such as our Zany Zipper Arch Climber, Camel Back Kids Climber, and Sonic
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