Valent U.S.A. West Region Product Guide Book

| Fall Application to Control Dandelion & Marestail |

Fall Dandelion and Marestail Control Solution Dandelion and marestail are proving to be tough weeds to control in the spring.  Marestail germinates nearly year-round so it can begin its command over a field immediately after harvest, gathering reserves until spring burndown  Because dandelion is nearly impossible to control in the spring or summer, a fall burndown plus residual treatment is the best solution  Marestail produces up to 230,000 seeds per plant, spreading the population quickly  Marestail is now commonly resistant to multiple herbicides  Due to the long emergence pattern of marestail, a fall-applied herbicide with crop rotational flexibility can allow fields to stay weed free longer in the spring compared to a burndown alone There is a solution—unleash the preemergence power of Valor® EZ Herbicide on dandelion and marestail in the fall before the weed’s root system can take command.

Marestail—Control your Nightmare with Valor EZ

A Lafayette, Indiana, field engulfed in marestail.

The marestail on the left was missed by burndown and forms a rosette in appearance. The marestail on the right is newly-emerged in the spring.


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