Diamond anniversary soirée for public library gŏđŏ editionap.ca
of Ste-Trinité Church in Rockland and the small village libraries of Bourget and other communities in Clarence-Rockland before the amalgamation. The main branch of the library has gone through four incarnations over the decades. The Clarence-Rockland library is adapt- ing to 21st-century needs now, both in its resources, and its overall purpose. Besides the usual collection of reference books and
fiction geared towards children, youth and adults, the modern library also has videos and DVDs for loan and now e-books are available, which also helps with both the public library’s budget and shelf-space situ- ations. People come to libraries now to surf the Net through the public-access computers as well as browse the shelves for everything from the classic works of Shakespeare and
Balzac to the current popular fiction offer- ings of Stephen King, André Mathieu, John Grisham, and Charlaine Harris. They also come to socialize through adult reading clubs or in special programs like the Lego Club that local library staff are setting up for their younger patrons. “But books have not gone away,” said Rouse. “There will always be a home for books.”
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ROCKLAND | The corks popped Friday night at the Clarence-Rockland Library, heralding not the end of the February freeze but the start of a Diamond Anniver- sary celebration all year long for the ven- erable community institution. The focus of the Feb. 28 wine-and-cheese soirée was to introduce the public library’s new logo and motto. Catherina Rouse, li- brary spokeswoman, promised during an interview more to come as library staff brainstorm to showcase the facility and remind everyone that a library is not just a place to store books. “A library is more community-driven now,” Rouse said. “It’s the biggest cultural place in a town.” The 75th anniversary of the public library almost went by without notice except for a fortunate bit of serendipity. Library staff were sorting through some old files and came across a binder full of old paperwork. “We found this, the original declaration, to create a public library in Rockland,”Rouse said. “Dated 75 years ago. We just have to celebrate.” Library staff and their supporters will be involved in a bit of genealogical research on the history of the public library, both the original one housed in the basement
March 8 2014 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, “Equality for women’s rights”
March 8 is : • A day of celebration around the world.
• The opportunity to focus on the women’s situation and gender equality. • A special time to celebrate our victories as workers and as women. • The opportunity to reflect on the challenges and obstacles that remain, while thinking of ways to improve women’s situation. - International Women’s Day is a reminder that many women still suffer from social inequality, and that too many women around the world are victims of violence and oppression. • Show your solidarity. • Equality between women and men is everyone’s concern, speak up and claim equality for women!
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