Leadership in Action - Canada English - 202212

The digital Leadership in Action magazine will equip you and your team with the tools and skills necessary to succeed with your Melaleuca business.



Becoming More Than You Ever Thought Possible by Helping Others P. 14




The Best Way to Predict the Future

As we approach the end of 2022, I find myself reflecting on the year that is now nearly gone. I am assessing my accomplishments, my failures, my challenges, and my future. It has been a very interesting year to say the least.

And let me be clear, I’m not saying that things should remain forever unchanged or that we should simply maintain the status quo. Our consistent, steadfast efforts to be excellent, to be different, and to be the best have always included our desire to improve. The vision that Frank has framed for Melaleuca hasn’t changed in nearly four decades. Our business philosophy and our culture are at the heart of our mission. Working together provides us with the opportunity to explore even better ways to accomplish our mission. We will continue to leverage technology and deploy digital tools that make it easier to communicate, share, and celebrate what we do. We will continue to invest in state-of- the-art facilities, equipment, and systems. We will continue to bring forward unique science-based products that are needed in every home around the world. And, as we remain principled and focused on delivering in those areas, we will continue to enhance our offering for those who engage with our mission and help others discover the unique, one-of- a-kind business opportunity where repeat income can help meet financial goals and change lives.

The Melaleuca Mission: To enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals SM .

Over the last many months, I have been asked repeatedly about my vision for our future. It’s caused me to deeply reflect upon Melaleuca’s remarkable history and to appreciate the significance of where we are today. It’s clear to me that my vision for our future should be no different than the original vision that has driven the company for more than 37 years. The unchanging and principled discipline of bringing our mission to life each day is our future. The help we provide through the inspired products we share is our future. And the hope we bring to families around the world with a safe and sustainable business opportunity is our future.


It has been said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. Each of us has the opportunity to create and shape our own future. And what we decide to do today will influence the success of our journey for tomorrow. I hope that as you reflect on your 2022, you will highlight and reaffirm the greatness you’ve accomplished, the challenges you’ve embraced, the lessons you’ve learned, and the opportunities you have ahead of you. I am so blessed to be a part of something so unique—a mission of caring for others and providing an opportunity to change lives. As I reflect on this year that is quietly passing, I’m grateful for lessons learned and challenges overcome. Now more than ever, I am looking forward with grateful anticipation to creating and celebrating a successful 2023 together with you!

We are all fortunate to be a part of this great mission. I feel especially fortunate and honored to be a small part of the important work we all do each day. Because of the solid and sustainable business we’ve built together, our future is bright. And we are in a powerful position to help others reach their goals. products we share is our future. And the hope we bring to families around the world with a safe and sustainable business opportunity is our future.” “The unchanging and principled discipline of bringing our mission to life each day is our future. The help we provide through the inspired


An Emotional Surprise! In May 2022, Melaleuca announced the Critical Activity Bonus. This new bonus rewarded Senior Directors and above for consistently following through on the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. In September, enhancements to the Critical Activity Bonus made it even more lucrative. Melaleuca also expanded the bonus to Directors 3 and above! At Standing ELC in October, CEO Jerry Felton called more than 50 Executive Director and above businesses to the stage and presented them with additional checks equal to the amount they would have earned if the September changes had been implemented in May. It was a thrilling, emotional surprise totaling nearly $250,000 for those Marketing Executives who had truly embraced Melaleuca’s mission and had been consistently building their businesses using the time-proven Critical Activities.

14 Cover Story

Melaleuca isn’t just a shopping club. It’s a growing, vibrant community. And the greatest rewards come when you participate in that community and help others!



Executive Messages 2 A Message from CEO Jerry Felton 10 A Message from Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson

Product Training 34 The Science of Fragrance 36 Let Us Introduce You to Total-Body Wellness Celebration & Events 40 President’s Club 2023: You’re Invited to Earn a One-of-a-Kind Island Adventure in Bora Bora!

Recognition 20 Advancing Executive Directors

26 Business Building

The Seven Critical Business-Building Activities become even more rewarding when you take advantage of the Critical Activity Bonus.

50 Advancing Senior Directors

44 Calendar of Events

54 Advancing Directors

46 Standing ELC: You’re in the Right Place! 49 Mark Your Calendars for Launch 2023!

Business Building 26 Earn More with the Critical Activity Bonus

28 Why Social Workers Love Melaleuca

10 Executive Message

20 Advancing Leaders

You’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for. Now is the time to take a look at your life and decide what you want to launch in 2023.

What can you learn from the experience and advice of these leaders?

CANADIAN MARKETING EXECUTIVES: Product information and promotions in Leadership in Action are written in compliance with US requirements but may not be suitable for use in connection with marketing products in Canada. Therefore, please use only Canada-approved literature for marketing products and services in Canada.







Morgan & Derek Martin MICHIGAN

Tyler & Laura Schmidt MINNESOTA

Bo & Chelsie Gilbert MISSISSIPPI

Breana & Christopher Borchers CALIFORNIA











Leonila & Jason Renfrow NORTH CAROLINA

Lovely McNulty & Jeremy White ARKANSAS

Vanessa Arizpe & Rodolfo Schaefer TEXAS





All Executive Leadership Council (ELC) calculations are based on Member growth from US and Canadian customers only. These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


The Executive Leadership Council is composed of the top Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a current Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in an organization’s Members during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director’s Personal Enrollee Advancement Factor (the same factor found within President’s Club criteria). Council membership is reviewed monthly. At least five positions are reserved for Masters.

Ashley & Brandon Olive TEXAS 9

Lori & Eric Boutieller PENNSYLVANIA 10

Amanda & Matthew Wilcox NORTH CAROLINA 11

Iliss & Jerry Brown FLORIDA 12






Jose & Yuki Coca TEXAS 14 MASTERS






Robin Waugh-Castle & George Castle FLORIDA

Kristin & Kristian Hoenicke TEXAS

Danie & Todd Branch NEW BRUNSWICK





Masters are those Executive, National, Corporate, and Presidential Directors who have been Senior Directors or above for five or more years.




@darrinToGo @darrinjohnson1

Are you battling IMPOSTOR SYNDROME?

Can you believe it? We’ve got a brand-new year coming up in less than 30 days, and with it, Launch 2023! I feel that it’s time to launch a few things, and I know you’re feeling it too. If you’re reading this article, you’re that type of a person. You’re a learner. You always want to see what’s next, to get a little better every day.



Take a second to imagine launching all of the activities necessary to reach a new goal—in a way that really makes a difference in your life. Even the thought of that releases some feel-good chemicals in your brain, doesn’t it? What is it you’re thinking about that you want to launch in your life? It could be something big, like advancing your business. It could be something small, like cultivating a healthy daily habit. Whatever it is, we’re all thinking of launching something every year. For me, when I’m thinking about what I want to do, it feels great. But, a year later, I look back and always see a few things I wanted to launch that I just didn’t get going with. And I think, Why didn’t I take action on that? What got in my way? I’m sure we’ve all had those moments of introspection. And there very well could have been some legitimate reasons why we didn’t take action on something we

really wanted to accomplish. But it could have been something else preventing us from taking those next steps—something called impostor syndrome.

AM I JUST AN IMPOSTOR? If you’ve ever struggled with feeling like an impostor, this article was written for you. I’ve got a few simple ideas I want to share with you. They’ll help you find peace and courage and will give you some insights that will help you reach your goals faster. So let’s get into it! I have felt like an impostor a lot in my life, and maybe you have too. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve all struggled from time to time with thinking like we’re an impostor. When I was newly married 33 years ago, I felt the big responsibility. Can I really be the type of a husband that I know I need to be? As a parent holding that brand-new baby for the first time in the nursery, I felt self-doubt come over me. Can I really, really do this? I felt like everyone else around me was a much better parent than me and that I was about to be found out.


we’ve had to break through some fear to get there. And impostor syndrome is one of those things that’s stopping us. Here are a few practical changes you can implement in your life to manage impostor syndrome. GET A MENTOR Having someone in your life who can tell you you’re awesome is important. But a mentor is more than that. Get someone in your life who can remind you of how qualified you are and where you’ve been on your journey so that when you do have those self-doubts, you have someone there to discuss things with. In those kinds of conversations, you’ll realize that you do know a lot, that you have great value, and that you have unique experience. Yes, this mentor could be the person who introduced you to Melaleuca. If you’re building your Melaleuca business, they could be a member of your support team—someone who has already helped you see what’s possible and get started toward your goals. But your mentor could just be a friend: someone you look up to, someone who knows you well. Having that mentor relationship can make such a difference! Here is a person who will have your back, who will keep what you tell them confidential, who has your best interests in mind, and who believes in you and wants you to succeed. I urge you to seek out that person. They’re there. You may have to swallow your pride and check your ego at the door—but ask someone you can count on to be your mentor. I can assure you that they will be honored. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, BE A MENTOR This isn’t just a trendy idea; research backs it up. If you want to reduce impostor syndrome, become a mentor for someone else. You’ll realize that the fear you’re experiencing is unfounded. You’ll remind yourself how much you’ve learned throughout your career. All the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve put into building a better future, and all the challenges you’ve overcome, have made you who you are today. That only happens when you’re helping mentor others. This doesn’t even have to be a formal mentoring relationship. It could be you simply putting someone under your wing and sharing an effective approach or an anecdote about Melaleuca’s Mission Statement. Maybe you’re taking an interest in their

Doubting yourself does not mean that you’re going to fail. In reality, it means you’re on the cusp of something great!

When my kids were younger, I volunteered to be their soccer coach. I remember thinking, Why would I ever be a soccer coach? Every other parent from the sideline clearly knows more than I do, and they’re about ready to figure that out. I began my professional career in pharmaceutical sales. In the 1990s, pharmaceutical sales was a coveted career. Eventually I became Vice President of Medical Sales. With every promotion I received, I thought to myself, I’m not qualified for this. I have no idea why they picked me . Sound familiar? If so, you may be facing what I’ve often faced: impostor syndrome. It isn’t a disease but a mindset laden with self-doubt, negative self-talk, and a feeling of nervousness and anxiousness. It’s the thought that you’re a fraud—a phony—and that you’re about to be found out. So how do you counter impostor syndrome? BREAK THROUGH THE FEAR To take on impostor syndrome, you first need to understand this fact: doubting yourself does not mean that you’re going to fail. In reality, it means you’re on the cusp of something great! It means you’re facing a brand-new challenge and are about to learn something new about yourself. It means growth is around the corner. My point is simple: that feeling of uncertainty is a good thing. And maybe you don’t like the word uncertainty . Maybe a better term is nervousness or even sweaty palms. But that feeling is not bad and not something to run from—quite the opposite. When you have those sweaty palms, that’s something you should be excited about because it’s a signal that growth is about to happen. One of my favorite quotes is from George Addair, who said, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” Isn’t that the case? For everything we’ve achieved in life,



career. But through that process, you’re giving your brain evidence that you do in fact know what you’re talking about— that you should absolutely be in this role and that no one is better for it than you are. Now, you may already be thinking, Darrin, news flash, I have no one to mentor. If that thought has crossed your mind, I am going to push back. You do have someone to mentor! They’re waiting for you. Just look again with a mentor mindset. They may be a colleague. They may be a brand-new Melaleuca Member. They may be someone who just needs a helping hand—someone you can reach out to. START TAKING ACTION! You don’t have to take huge steps, but you do have to stay in motion. Engaging in Critical Business-Building Activities 1–4 consistently will keep you in motion by showing you which areas you need to improve in. You can make the needed adjustments, try again, and immediately see the results. This process will build your confidence. You’ll be able to see on a daily basis the positive, lasting impact your actions are making in others’ lives. And, of course, doing the Critical Activities is the key to success in growing your business. My point is that taking action now can help you manage impostor syndrome instead of letting it manage you. Diving into something worthwhile and fulfilling will convince your brain that you are in the right place and that you’re capable of making a big difference. I’VE GOT THIS When you take steps to counter impostor syndrome, expect good things to happen. You’ll no longer think that you’re less talented than others. You’ll dismiss that lie you tell yourself about how you just got lucky or how you’re just a one-hit wonder. You’ll stop worrying about whether your support team had no idea what they were doing when they teamed up with you. You’ll stop thinking that everyone else knows more than you do. Instead, you’ll start reminding yourself that you are better than you think. By taking these steps, you’ll find the power to analyze your past more fairly and push back on the negative self-talk. Perhaps best of all, you’ll discover just how valuable you really are to your business partners, customers, colleagues, and friends. No one else can do what you do!

Want to know a secret? Every single Melaleuca Marketing Executive has battled impostor syndrome at some time or another. Just like you, they’re figuring it out as they go along. So don’t ever think that even the most successful business builder has it all completely dialed in. Guess what? They don’t. But they succeed anyway because they keep taking the right steps forward. So let’s walk once more through the steps you can take to push back against impostor syndrome.

Break through the fear and self-doubt. Remind yourself that uncertainty is a good thing. You’re poised to learn something you’ve never learned before! You’re right where you want to be—on the edge of your comfort zone. Get a mentor and be a mentor. That’s something you can start today. Just watch the impact that mentoring will have on your mindset as well as your ability to lead others and lead yourself.



Take action. Get going on something worthwhile. Start now. Don’t even wait for the New Year! Whatever it is you want to launch, launch it now. Do not wait.


You are no impostor. Just the opposite, in fact. You’re really good at what you do. You’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for. The time is now—not 90 days from now, and certainly not next year. Take a look at where you are with your Melaleuca business and with your life. You’ve gotten yourself to this amazing place where you have a good look at your future. You belong here! And you deserve every reward that comes from stepping forward.


The Rewards of the Melaleuca Community Helping Others and Becoming More Than You Ever Thought Possible


THE GROWING EPIDEMIC OF SERIOUS LONELINESS Loneliness is an epidemic spreading through advanced countries. It’s a real mental health concern and such a serious problem that governments have even taken action to address the problem. A Harvard study revealed that 36% of US citizens experience serious loneliness. 1 CBC news reports that nearly 25% of Canadian adults experience severe loneliness. 2 In a world where more people are connected than ever before, how can this be? Research shows what common sense tells us: digital connections don’t always translate into real emotional bonds. On top of this, growing research reveals that people today are lacking a sense of community that came more naturally to previous generations. 3 Loneliness can affect anyone, but young mothers and retirement-age seniors experience higher rates of loneliness than any other demographic. These seasons of life tend to be the most isolating and can lead to health issues, including higher susceptibility to disease and depression. 4

would care more deeply about you and your family than you could ever imagine? Did you know that you would be aided by corporate employees who would call you by name and have you on speed dial? Did ever expect that your Melaleuca commission check, no matter the size, would empower you to dream again? Could you have anticipated the pride you’d feel as you helped a customer open an account for the first time or heard your name called at Convention? Did anyone tell you how your heart would soar when someone you enrolled opened their own first commission check? The best-kept secret about Melaleuca is that Melaleuca may not be about the products or income at all. You might not see it addressed in a Melaleuca Overview, but the best- kept secret about Melaleuca is the empowering community that comes with your Melaleuca Membership at no extra cost. It’s often said that lives change here. These stories speak to the truth of that.

Research from Stanford University attests that good social relationships are the most consistent predictor of a happy life—and a thriving community can offer the emotional and social connection we need. But when society has replaced bowling leagues and block parties with TikToks and Zoom meetings, how can anyone find genuinely fulfilling connections? GAINING A COMMUNITY Think back to the moment you filled out the forms to open your Melaleuca shopping account and become an independent Melaleuca Marketing Executive. You knew you had opened an account to gain access to Melaleuca’s world-class, superior products and the potential to earn income by helping others open shopping accounts too. But did you fully grasp what you had gotten yourself into? Did you have any idea that by becoming a Melaleuca Member, you were becoming part of an ever- growing circle of new friends who

Continued on next page >

1. Alison Cashin, “Loneliness in America: How the Pandemic Has Deepened an Epidemic of Loneliness and What We Can Do About It,” Harvard, February 2021. 2. Sara Jabakhanji, “Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness at Highest Levels among Canadians since Early Pandemic,” CBC News, January 25, 2022. 3. Emma Seppala, “Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection,” Stanford Medicine, March 8, 2014. 4. Raheel Mushtaq et al., “Relationship Between Loneliness, Psychiatric Disorders and Physical Health: A Review on the Psychological Aspects of Loneliness,” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 8, no. 9, September 20, 2014.


LAURA’S STORY: OUT OF ISOLATION The harrowing experience of a bitter divorce left Executive

but one mindset exercise at that event changed everything for her. “We each had some paper and sat by ourselves to write down all the things we didn’t like about ourselves, all of our negative thoughts,” Laura says. “I had three pages of thoughts like ‘I’m not a good leader,’ ‘I don’t love myself,’ and ‘I’m not a good mom.’ Then, in a twist, we had to put our kids’ names at the top of the list and reread it out loud as if we were saying those things to our kids. “It was the worst thing and best thing,” Laura says. “I saw how wrong and awful those thoughts were. I started sobbing. I knew I couldn’t go around for the rest of my life with these painful, damaging thoughts about myself. They would affect my kids. They would affect all aspects of my life. I decided I had to change.” The participants then rewrote each negative thought into a positive. This became their new story as they burned the negative pages in front of everyone. It wasn’t long until Laura’s new attitude lit up all aspects of her life. Her boyfriend at the time (now her husband) noticed she became happier, trusted her own judgment more, and had more confidence overall. “That renewed self-esteem felt amazing,” Laura says. “Being a single mother can be isolating. Melaleuca gave me the sense of community that I really needed. I began to develop the skills to help other people. I saw that I had value to give to others. I had never felt that way before.”

she could never really be successful at building a Melaleuca business. “My inner voice would say, ‘No one wants

Director 6 Laura Schmidt feeling less than worthy and extremely lonely. Fighting for custody of her children and then trying to find a way to support them financially and emotionally took every scrap of self- esteem out of her. “I was in a really low place,” Laura recalls. “I had no belief in myself. I didn’t feel like a good mother. I didn’t have friends. I just felt that I wasn’t good enough in any way.” Through Facebook, Executive Director 6 Breana Borchers reached out to Laura. Breana had previously experienced divorce and a custody battle of her own and offered her support to Laura. She also suggested that Laura learn more about Melaleuca as a way to produce income around her children’s schedules. Laura had little faith that Melaleuca could do for her what it had done for Breana, but she decided to try. Somehow, Laura began enrolling but still hadn’t shaken the feeling that

Executive Directors 6 Tyler & Laura Schmidt

to join your team. No one likes you. You can never do this,’” she recalls. At a team retreat hosted by Breana, Laura experienced a massive tectonic shift in her mindset. “The moment I walked in, everyone was so warm and welcoming,” Laura says. “I was hugged by people I had only seen online. The atmosphere was amazing—like family.” The warmth and camaraderie certainly eased Laura’s self-doubts,


TRIXIE’S STORY: BEING BLESSED AND BLESSING OTHERS If you’ve heard Executive Chairman Frank VanderSloot speak to Marketing Executives, you’ve surely heard him say that at Melaleuca, we go through life together; we grow old together. Executive Director 9 Trixie Mangold enrolled in 1998 to see how eliminating toxic cleaning products from her home could improve her family’s health. Twenty-four years later, Trixie knows she has received so much more from Melaleuca than world-class wellness products. “My Melaleuca community—I call them family—has gotten me through a lot of tragedy,” Trixie says. “I went

through a divorce after being married for 28 years. I remarried and lost my husband within five months. My Melaleuca family always pulls through from all over the country to help me.” This last August, Trixie was in for even more change. She married a wonderful man, Charlie Mangold, and made her home in Cape Coral, Florida. Then, just one month later, Hurricane Ian turned her new life upside down. The Category 4 storm was not projected to hit Cape Coral, but it unexpectedly shifted directions. With no time to evacuate, all Trixie and her family could do was hunker down and wait it out.

Executive Directors 9 Charlie & Trixie Mangold

Continued on next page >


as Trixie and Charlie helped others worse off than themselves, they both gave away the generators earmarked for themselves. Trixie was able to help the father of longtime Melaleuca customer Dennis Crosby. Real estate agent and Executive Director 4 Stefanie Peters was desperately trying to help a client who lost her home on Sanibel Island find somewhere to live. Charlie sold his vacant condo to her at a significantly reduced price to help. Trixie has never questioned the value Melaleuca has brought to her life. The products have immensely helped her maintain the health of her home and family. The income saw her through life as a single mother and several economic recessions. The friendships have enriched her life daily for 24 years. And whenever there’s a crisis, Trixie never has to doubt that the community she has discovered through Melaleuca will be there to see her through it.

family. “I got a text from [CEO] Jerry Felton, and it meant the world to me,” Trixie says. “[Members of the Coaching and Leader Development team] Mark Townsend and Ed Jessop checked in on us. Executive Director Joseph Lam, a Melaleuca friend from years ago, reached out and told us he was bringing us 10 gallons of gasoline.” With fresh gasoline in their car, Trixie and Charlie ventured out to devastated homes to help in any way they could. “We felt that we were safe for a reason,” Trixie said. Joseph Lam volunteered with them. Through their Melaleuca connections, Trixie was blessed and, in turn, was able to bless others. Trixie and Charlie received three generators donated by Melaleuca—one for her house, one for her son’s house, and one for Charlie’s condo. Without electricity for air conditioning, the Florida humidity can destroy a home just as completely as the winds of a hurricane. However,

“The wind was louder than a freight train,” Trixie says. “For 12 hours, we could hear loud whistling and the sound of things slamming against the house, but with all the windows shuttered up, we couldn’t see what was happening. The garage door was heaving in and out like it was breathing.” In the hurricane’s wake, they were cut off from the rest of the world. No power. No water. No internet. No gasoline. No open grocery stores. After 48 hours of what was like camping in their own home, Trixie’s enrollers, Corporate Directors Julie and Steve Peters, asked Trixie to come stay with them in a less- affected area 45 minutes away. With the last bit of gasoline they had, Trixie and Charlie navigated the treacherous roads and arrived at the safe haven of the Peters home. With restored cellular service, Trixie received a flood of messages of concern from her Melaleuca


MEGAN’S STORY: REKINDLING HER CONFIDENCE THROUGH COMMUNITY When you focus on an opinion long enough, it becomes a belief. And that’s how Senior Director 8 Megan Medlar began to believe that she was a worthless person and a bad mother and that she didn’t deserve anything better in life. Megan had accomplished one of the hardest things any person can accomplish—she overcame her addictions and rebuilt a life of sobriety. Tearing down old habits and reforming oneself is a lonely process. And like many reformed addicts, Megan had to rebuild her sense of self-worth of from scratch. “I went through my days smiling for my children when internally I felt like nothing,” Megan says. “I didn’t have friends. The loneliness was real. My mom was the only person who was in my life to help me.” Finances were a struggle for the Medlars. Their marriage was in distress. Megan didn’t see that there was any way out of the hopelessness she felt. Her identity as a mother was extremely important to her—and since she didn’t believe she was a good mother, it’s no wonder she felt so low. During this time, Megan was introduced to Corporate Director 4 Kimberly McCauley, who showed Megan all that Melaleuca had to offer. Megan decided to try Melaleuca’s safer products even though she was unsure how she would pay for anything—including Melaleuca—at that time. Megan was also attracted to the positive energy that Kim exudes. “I really would love to surround

She was a good mother, a good wife, and a good friend—and she always had been! Life is completely different for Megan today. She now radiates the confidence that she has admired in other Melaleuca leaders. Kim McCauley is one of her best friends. She knows her role as a mother is the most important work she does. Thanks in part to her Melaleuca income, Megan and her family no longer fear the grocery bill and have been able to purchase a home. Her marriage has never been better. “I can’t express the fulfillment Melaleuca has given me,” Megan says. “I feel like I was born to help people. Every single day I get to go to bed and know that I’m a good mom, I’m a good wife, and I love what I do.” OPEN YOUR HEART TO MORE There are hundreds and even thousands of stories with a similar refrain to these—stories of how Melaleuca sparked purpose and passion in a struggling individual. How loneliness was driven out by the warmth and love of a caring Melaleuca community. How confidence and accomplishment helped add luster to innate individual worth. Melaleuca has always been about enhancing lives in ways that go far beyond clean laundry and cutting- edge supplements. Melaleuca isn’t just a store. It’s not just a shopping club. It’s a community. It’s a family. And it’s ready with open arms for you.

myself with people like her because she’s just so confident,” Megan says. “Her energy was like this lighthouse in my fog.” After falling in love with Melaleuca products, she asked Kim how she could earn enough income through Melaleuca to continue to order products and maybe bring in some extra money. As Megan began to interact with more Melaleuca Members and watch training videos on Melaleuca.com, she recognized that Melaleuca business builders had the kind of confidence and happiness she wanted in her life.

Senior Director 8 Megan Medlar

Summoning up a mountain of courage, Megan made a goal to

earn $250 through Melaleuca. “I felt inadequate,” she says. “I worked on borrowed confidence. For about the first nine months of referring, I was so intimidated by Kim that I wouldn’t ask for help.” In just her second month of referring others, Megan reached her $250 goal and realized she needed to set another. With every approach and every enrollment, Megan began to prove her opinions of herself wrong. She was capable. She was worthy.



Dennis & Raquel Jacinto ILLINOIS Teamwork: The Fuel for Uncommon Results

are built on real products. When those you refer try the products, they are going to love them because the products really work.” Dennis has now built his Melaleuca “family” to include a support network that offers Melaleuca Overview presentations every day and provides training sessions three times a week, all of it with a single goal in mind: “When you present Melaleuca, it needs to come from your heart, not just your mind,” Dennis explains. “There is a big difference between memorizing the Overview and really understanding and internalizing it.” When it comes to his team, Dennis is extremely grateful to his mentors Executive Directors 9 Luis & Eleonor Navarro. He also credits Executive Director 2 Lovely McNulty (see page 23) for her coachability and willingness to learn and Senior Directors 6 Faye & Don Torres for being “the back office” of our group. “They are the ones who lead and teach us social media,” Dennis explains. He also credits Executive Directors Leonila & Jason Renfrow with inspiring the team. “Leonila helps our team see that anything is possible,” Dennis says. And of course, Dennis is most grateful for his wife, Raquel. “She is a big part of this,” Dennis says. “I could not do this without her!” It’s easy to see how everyone on Dennis’s team works to complement and strengthen one another. With all those hearts and minds engaged in the Melaleuca mission, it’s no wonder that when one succeeds, they all find success. MH

Dennis and Raquel have a lot to celebrate. While this latest advancement is genuinely impressive, they are most excited about the more than 50 businesses in their organization that advanced this month. “I’m so very proud of my team,” Dennis says. “It’s so exciting. For us, it is a record-breaking number of advancements!” That many advancements in a single month is no accident. It’s a direct result of dedicated teamwork, which Dennis considers one of the great strengths of his team. He loves a quote that defines teamwork as “the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” “That’s exactly what we have on our team,” Dennis explains. “Everyone in our organization is willing to help and support each other.” That spirit of teamwork is a natural extension of Dennis’s own example of leadership. “This business is all about helping others,” he says. “You approach a family about Melaleuca because you care about them and you want to improve their health and wellness. You treat them like your own family, and that doesn’t ever stop. It’s easy to build genuine relationships with Melaleuca because they

$37,136 $508,259




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Ron Lyons CALIFORNIA Investing in Your Customers Pays Off

With this focus on the customer experience, the quality of each enrollment on Ron’s team has increased dramatically. Ron has seen a 4% increase in his customer retention rate so far, and that figure continues to trend up. Each week, Ron and his leaders come together for digital training. This not only helps them become better leaders but helps them connect and build trust with each other, which is essential for mentoring. Ron offers topics to study—like the new Critical Activities Bonus or a personal development principle— and has one of his team members dive into the topic and train the group on it. He’s seen that by pouring his time into his customers and his leaders, the results come back tenfold. Ron not only benefits from this but is also helping customers who are looking for safer, healthier products and a business model that benefits families. With the New Year around the corner, Ron has already set 2023 goals for himself. “I created a 90-day plan at the last ADVANCE event,” he says. “My focus is on continuing down the path of raising up leaders and investing in my customers. By using the existing Melaleuca tools to help customers switch stores completely, I see great potential in increasing volume in my current customer base. These things will help me reach my goal of advancing past Executive Director and building a National Director business.” LH

Ron Lyons’s business has been growing steadily since he enrolled with Melaleuca last March. Melaleuca has become a family affair as his daughter, Director 7 Ashley Lyons (pictured with Ron above), is also building a business and has enrolled her grandmother. Ron’s ultimate reason for building a Melaleuca business is to create a business to last a lifetime and to create security for his family, so he has been emphasizing customer retention more than ever before. “When your team is experiencing fast growth, you must consider how you are taking care of each customer,” he says. “Otherwise, you’re doing your customer and your business a disservice.” Working with his leaders, Ron emphasizes various ways they can show appreciation to every customer. “We make time to celebrate every brand-new shopper,” Ron says. “We post welcome messages on social media, invite each new Member to our weekly Zoom meeting so we can say hello, write thank-you notes, and call all shoppers weekly. We intentionally build a meaningful connection with every shopper.”

$52,488 $271,164




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Derek & Morgan Martin MICHIGAN Building for Work-Life Balance

“Melaleuca’s mission resonates with both of us,” Morgan says. “Multiple times my husband has said, ‘I’m so glad you’re partnered with a company that really cares about helping people.’” They also love the products. Both Morgan’s family and her husband’s family now shop at Melaleuca. “There’s no reason to be afraid to approach someone about Melaleuca,” Morgan shares, “because if you truly believe these products do what they say they do, you owe it to them.” Morgan places a heavy emphasis on consistent approaches. She teaches her team to think of sharing Melaleuca like sharing your favorite restaurant. “The other important thing to remember is that you’re not asking anyone to spend money that they’re not already spending,” she says. “Many of Melaleuca’s products are essentials; they’re simply greener for the environment and safer for your body and home.” Morgan laughs when asked to share her favorite products. “As a new mom, I can’t live without our coffee!” she says. “And of course I love the baby wipes.” Her son just turned one year old. Having him has been one of the biggest blessings in Morgan’s life. “I have a history of miscarriage, so switching to safer products and reducing toxins in my home has become really important to me,” she explains. After sharing her story, Morgan has garnered many followers on social media who have had a loss or are struggling with infertility. “My goal is to be part of the solution for better health,” she says. “I love knowing I can help people by connecting them to life- changing wellness products AND something much bigger.”

Morgan Martin has experienced her fair share of network marketing—and she’s put in plenty of hard work chasing success! She was at an MLM for seven years before being introduced to Melaleuca. “It was a constant hustle,” she says. Morgan even chose to work through her maternity leave when her son was born. “I felt like if I wasn’t working my business 24/7 the whole thing would fall apart,” she explains. That’s one reason why she loves the repeat income opportunity at Melaleuca—success still requires continual work, but there’s an emphasis on building a stable, long-term business that pays dividends even when stepping back becomes necessary. “I never expected to feel this safe this fast at any company,” she says. “I’m at home here. I can’t tell you how nice it is to work with a company that values family and operates with such integrity. It really is refreshing.” Morgan’s husband is grateful too. As the manager of a CrossFit gym in their local community, he loves to stay healthy and help others.

$32,372 $201,908




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Lovely McNulty & Jeremy White ARKANSAS Take Your Business Seriously and Lead by Example

being consistent with the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. When I started focusing on that, I started seeing results and building momentum in my business.” Working full time and being a single mom made it difficult to stay consistent, but Lovely was committed. “I treated Melaleuca as a part-time job alongside my full-time job,” she explains. “I set dedicated business hours for it and made sure I showed up for my Melaleuca job every single day.” From the very beginning, Lovely recognized the importance of Critical Activity 7: lead by example. For Lovely, that meant converting her home to Melaleuca products right away. “This is a word-of-mouth business,” she explains. “If you don’t have experience with the products, there is nothing you can share. I started out loving the products and then sharing them with others and helping them succeed. You don’t find success with Melaleuca unless you’re focusing on other people. And doing that lets them know what they need to focus on as well.” Today, Lovely is happily married, and her husband, Jeremy, recognizes the significant positive impact Melaleuca is making on their lives. “When I see the difference it’s making in my wife’s life, I’m all in with Melaleuca,” Jeremy says. “Melaleuca is a real blessing. We’re just so happy to be part of the Melaleuca family. We love it and can’t wait to continue to grow this business.” MH

When it comes to Melaleuca, timing truly is everything. For Lovely, life got in the way again and again, and it wasn’t until the third time she was introduced to Melaleuca that the timing was right for her to dedicate herself to building a Melaleuca business. When she enrolled in 2020, Lovely was a single mom struggling to provide for her children. She was working full time but knew something had to change. “I knew I needed a plan B,” Lovely says. “I wanted to provide a better future for my kids. That was a really deep why for me. I believe that if you don’t have a why that will make you cry, it’s hard to keep going and find success.” Lovely believed that Melaleuca was a vehicle that could help her reach her goals, but she had to learn an important lesson first. “I had more than 10 years of professional sales experience,” Lovely explains, “so in the beginning, I was still trying to act like a saleswoman.” Lovely wasn’t getting the results she wanted, but seeing a training from Corporate Director 9 Ed Bestoso helped her shift her understanding. “I heard Ed say that salesmen don’t work at Melaleuca,” she recalls. “He said that success is all about

$33,898 $230,017




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Leonila & Jason Renfrow NORTH CAROLINA Putting Your Heart into the Mission Statement

her to easily exhibit empathy—to put herself in other people’s situations and understand how they feel. Leonila admits that she is shy and introverted, but she hasn’t let that get in the way of following up with people, improving her presentations, and enhancing lives. “If your heart wants to help people, you don’t care about yourself anymore.” “She never puts her phone down,” Jason jokes regarding Leonila’s commitment to her Melaleuca business, “and now she has two phones!” Leonila would advise Marketing Executives to simply be persistent and to focus on their goals and their whys . “But before you think about yourself, you need to think about other people. I am obsessed with Melaleuca because of our mission to enhance lives; I really want others to have success.” “She loves when someone tells her thank you because she helped change their life,” Jason says, “and she wants to help other people find the peace that she has found.”

Growing up in a poor family in the Philippines, Leonila is no stranger to challenges. “I came from nothing,” she says. And she continued to face difficult obstacles beyond her childhood. Before she was led to Melaleuca, Leonila worked in production. “It was really tough for me because my leaders would yell at me,” she says. “That gave me anxiety.” Her husband, Jason, has also had similar experiences with his employment. Leonila didn’t want to keep reliving that awful situation every day, and that desire pushed her to try Melaleuca, which came into her life through a social media request from Director 7 Evelyn Burch. “She was so stubborn!” Leonila laughs. “And I was so skeptical. I didn’t know her.” But Leonila’s challenges at work made the timing just right. And although she is happy to be out of that situation, Leonila’s true motivation for working hard is the opportunity to live Melaleuca’s Mission Statement. “It makes me happy that I can help other people change their lives,” she says. Leonila’s background and life experiences enable

$50,098 $178,216




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

LEADERSHIP Through the Years EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS 4 Todd & Jeri Lyn Hatch I D A H O

“Don’t quit—just keep going,” Jeri Lyn says. “Embrace the process and have fun.”

Lifetime Earnings: $1,464,488 Personal Enrollees’ Earnings: $2,562,593

Monthly Repeat Income: $6,833 Members in Organization: 2,209 Directors in Organization: 68

Hard Work, Dedication, and Relationships In 2009, as their mortgage and real estate

the best vehicle we’ve ever found to help others in a business and customer setting. And it also gives us a chance to volunteer in places where we can truly influence people for the better.” Jeri Lyn and Todd know that the success they’ve achieved so far with Melaleuca has nothing to do with luck or good timing. It’s all about hard work, dedication, and building strong relationships. “Melaleuca is not a get-rich-quick program—it’s a work program,” Jeri Lyn says. “You develop a consistent work ethic that helps you along the way.” “We love Melaleuca,” Todd adds. “It is the fuel that allows us to do what we really want to do in life, like always building new relationships with people. It’s been a blessing, and we want others to enjoy that blessing.” SV

been there for them, offering a reliable, consistent income. In addition to the financial rewards, the Hatches appreciate the way Melaleuca has enhanced other areas of their lives. They are grateful for the freedom and health they enjoy, and for the opportunity to help others get ahead. “Melaleuca has made all the difference,” Jeri Lyn says. “The biggest difference is the ability to have a flexible time schedule and do our favorite thing, which is to spend time with our family. We also have better health. With the supplements and the other wellness products, our health is better than it’s ever been.” “Something we love about Melaleuca is how it really allows us to live our mission of helping other people,” Todd adds. “As a couple, we were living the values of that mission long before we found Melaleuca, but this company has been

careers took the brunt of an unstable economy, Todd and Jeri Lyn Hatch took up a search for alternative options. During his job hunt, Todd approached his neighbor and friend National Director Jeff Stutz hoping to find a corporate position at Melaleuca’s Idaho-based home office. “I was hoping to apply for a job at Melaleuca headquarters,” Todd recalls, “but I didn’t know that Jeff had already resigned from his corporate role to focus on building a Melaleuca referral business. We later teased Jeff that we had to show a résumé to have him talk to us.” Following Jeff’s lead, Todd and Jeri Lyn started their own Melaleuca business and got to work on the right activities. During the years since 2009, they’ve built a prosperous organization that now has more than 2,200 loyal customers. Rain or shine, their business has always


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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