Leadership in Action - Canada English - 202212

we’ve had to break through some fear to get there. And impostor syndrome is one of those things that’s stopping us. Here are a few practical changes you can implement in your life to manage impostor syndrome. GET A MENTOR Having someone in your life who can tell you you’re awesome is important. But a mentor is more than that. Get someone in your life who can remind you of how qualified you are and where you’ve been on your journey so that when you do have those self-doubts, you have someone there to discuss things with. In those kinds of conversations, you’ll realize that you do know a lot, that you have great value, and that you have unique experience. Yes, this mentor could be the person who introduced you to Melaleuca. If you’re building your Melaleuca business, they could be a member of your support team—someone who has already helped you see what’s possible and get started toward your goals. But your mentor could just be a friend: someone you look up to, someone who knows you well. Having that mentor relationship can make such a difference! Here is a person who will have your back, who will keep what you tell them confidential, who has your best interests in mind, and who believes in you and wants you to succeed. I urge you to seek out that person. They’re there. You may have to swallow your pride and check your ego at the door—but ask someone you can count on to be your mentor. I can assure you that they will be honored. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, BE A MENTOR This isn’t just a trendy idea; research backs it up. If you want to reduce impostor syndrome, become a mentor for someone else. You’ll realize that the fear you’re experiencing is unfounded. You’ll remind yourself how much you’ve learned throughout your career. All the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve put into building a better future, and all the challenges you’ve overcome, have made you who you are today. That only happens when you’re helping mentor others. This doesn’t even have to be a formal mentoring relationship. It could be you simply putting someone under your wing and sharing an effective approach or an anecdote about Melaleuca’s Mission Statement. Maybe you’re taking an interest in their

Doubting yourself does not mean that you’re going to fail. In reality, it means you’re on the cusp of something great!

When my kids were younger, I volunteered to be their soccer coach. I remember thinking, Why would I ever be a soccer coach? Every other parent from the sideline clearly knows more than I do, and they’re about ready to figure that out. I began my professional career in pharmaceutical sales. In the 1990s, pharmaceutical sales was a coveted career. Eventually I became Vice President of Medical Sales. With every promotion I received, I thought to myself, I’m not qualified for this. I have no idea why they picked me . Sound familiar? If so, you may be facing what I’ve often faced: impostor syndrome. It isn’t a disease but a mindset laden with self-doubt, negative self-talk, and a feeling of nervousness and anxiousness. It’s the thought that you’re a fraud—a phony—and that you’re about to be found out. So how do you counter impostor syndrome? BREAK THROUGH THE FEAR To take on impostor syndrome, you first need to understand this fact: doubting yourself does not mean that you’re going to fail. In reality, it means you’re on the cusp of something great! It means you’re facing a brand-new challenge and are about to learn something new about yourself. It means growth is around the corner. My point is simple: that feeling of uncertainty is a good thing. And maybe you don’t like the word uncertainty . Maybe a better term is nervousness or even sweaty palms. But that feeling is not bad and not something to run from—quite the opposite. When you have those sweaty palms, that’s something you should be excited about because it’s a signal that growth is about to happen. One of my favorite quotes is from George Addair, who said, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” Isn’t that the case? For everything we’ve achieved in life,


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