Matecun Thomas & Olson PLC - August 2020

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What’s Inside? 1 2

Memories of My Summer Jobs

Exercise Your Way to a Clean Home

Have You Had This Conversation With Your Family?

3 4

Antiquing in the Age of eBay

Retiring in 2020? Follow These 3 Steps!

3 Guidelines to Ensure a

Stable Future

A few months ago, several news sources confirmed what savvy American businesspeople already suspected: The United States is currently in a recession and has been since February 2020. While a recession isn’t good for anyone, it’s especially concerning for those nearing retirement age. Those who were planning on retiring this year might be having second thoughts — for good reason. Rest assured, however, that if you’ve had fears about retiring this year, you can still go ahead with your plans as long as you keep a few things in mind. Don’t let emotional attachment guide your decisions. Saving for retirement is almost inherently tied with joyful thoughts of financial stability in your golden years. So, when something like a recession threatens that security, it’s easy to react irrationally. Before

deciding what to do with your retirement funds, make sure your decisions are rooted in logic, not fear or anxiety. If you don’t know where to start, contact us and we’ll put you in touch with a top-notch financial advisor. Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Even for financial experts, the markets are notoriously hard to predict. Rather than expend energy wishing you could sway the market, focus on making changes where you have control. You can control where your assets are invested, when you claim Social Security, and how you spend your money, among other things. Think about how you can change these factors in your favor and don’t worry about the rest. Stress-test your finances. While conducting a stress test might sound a little abstract, it’s something that many financial advisors can help you do with your retirement accounts. Stress-testing your finances can help you determine if now is the right time to retire or if it’s better to wait just a little bit longer. Even if things look bad right now, that could change in a year or two. As the market recovers, so do your chances of a peaceful retirement.


Offices: Howell | Clinton Township | Livonia | Bloomfield Hills

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