Leadership in Action - US English - 202212


career. But through that process, you’re giving your brain evidence that you do in fact know what you’re talking about— that you should absolutely be in this role and that no one is better for it than you are. Now, you may already be thinking, Darrin, news flash, I have no one to mentor. If that thought has crossed your mind, I am going to push back. You do have someone to mentor! They’re waiting for you. Just look again with a mentor mindset. They may be a colleague. They may be a brand-new Melaleuca Member. They may be someone who just needs a helping hand—someone you can reach out to. START TAKING ACTION! You don’t have to take huge steps, but you do have to stay in motion. Engaging in Critical Business-Building Activities 1–4 consistently will keep you in motion by showing you which areas you need to improve in. You can make the needed adjustments, try again, and immediately see the results. This process will build your confidence. You’ll be able to see on a daily basis the positive, lasting impact your actions are making in others’ lives. And, of course, doing the Critical Activities is the key to success in growing your business. My point is that taking action now can help you manage impostor syndrome instead of letting it manage you. Diving into something worthwhile and fulfilling will convince your brain that you are in the right place and that you’re capable of making a big difference. I’VE GOT THIS When you take steps to counter impostor syndrome, expect good things to happen. You’ll no longer think that you’re less talented than others. You’ll dismiss that lie you tell yourself about how you just got lucky or how you’re just a one-hit wonder. You’ll stop worrying about whether your support team had no idea what they were doing when they teamed up with you. You’ll stop thinking that everyone else knows more than you do. Instead, you’ll start reminding yourself that you are better than you think. By taking these steps, you’ll find the power to analyze your past more fairly and push back on the negative self-talk. Perhaps best of all, you’ll discover just how valuable you really are to your business partners, customers, colleagues, and friends. No one else can do what you do!

Want to know a secret? Every single Melaleuca Marketing Executive has battled impostor syndrome at some time or another. Just like you, they’re figuring it out as they go along. So don’t ever think that even the most successful business builder has it all completely dialed in. Guess what? They don’t. But they succeed anyway because they keep taking the right steps forward. So let’s walk once more through the steps you can take to push back against impostor syndrome.

Break through the fear and self-doubt. Remind yourself that uncertainty is a good thing. You’re poised to learn something you’ve never learned before! You’re right where you want to be—on the edge of your comfort zone. Get a mentor and be a mentor. That’s something you can start today. Just watch the impact that mentoring will have on your mindset as well as your ability to lead others and lead yourself.



Take action. Get going on something worthwhile. Start now. Don’t even wait for the New Year! Whatever it is you want to launch, launch it now. Do not wait.


You are no impostor. Just the opposite, in fact. You’re really good at what you do. You’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for. The time is now—not 90 days from now, and certainly not next year. Take a look at where you are with your Melaleuca business and with your life. You’ve gotten yourself to this amazing place where you have a good look at your future. You belong here! And you deserve every reward that comes from stepping forward.


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