Frontier Co-op 2022 Biennial CSR Report

Photo: Organic tea (Camellia Sinensis) growing in southern India.


OUR OBJECTIVE: To increase our volume of sustainably sourced materials and ingredients as our co-op continues to grow. We define 'sustainably sourced' as those that are organic and/or Fair Trade certified. As of FY22, this constitutes more than 80% of our purchases by volume.


NOURISH PEOPLE & PLANET. ALWAYS BE FAIR. As our mission statement, this simple sentence guides our business here at Frontier Co-op. Supporting organic agriculture is a key component of fulfill- ing that mission. At Frontier Co-op, 80% of the botanicals we source from around the world are raised organically. In our food business, that number has climbed to almost 83%. We firmly believe that organic agricultural prac- tices are better for our environment from our soil to our water and food; and better for people from farming families all the way through to our consumers.

2022 Social Responsiblilty Report | 23

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