Frontier Co-op 2022 Biennial CSR Report


Thank you for taking the time to read our 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report. As a member-owned co-op, sustainability and responsibility to all our stakeholders has always been fundamental to who we are. This biennial report is a labor of love for our team as we continue to evolve our goals and our approaches to meeting them in order to better address the changing needs of our customers, our consumers, our employees and our sourcing partners. Frontier Co-op’s approach to social responsibility is framed by our purpose statement — the idea that ‘Doing Good, Works’. We’ve divided this work into three pillars focused on improving the lives of everyone our co-op touches: doing good at source, doing good in our communities, and doing good within our walls. While it has certainly been a difficult couple of years due to the global pandemic and its continued impact on our supply chain, our operations, and the individ- ual lives of everyone our co-op touches, thanks to our cooperative business model, these global challenges haven’t changed our commitment and our ability to live out this purpose. In September 2022, I had the opportunity to travel to a co-op in Cobán, Guatemala to visit one of our supply chain partners for the first time since the pandemic and see firsthand the impact of our recent community- and business-building projects in their community. Thanks in part to the generous contributions of our member-owners, we’ve been able to maintain our social giving budget of more than $1 million per year to community causes both domestically and around the world. As far as our impact within our walls, our Breaking Down Barriers to Employment initiative has been acknowledged globally for providing critical employment support in our region from childcare to transportation, apprenticeship, and second chance hiring practices. These stories of our co-op’s global impact continue to inspire me to push the boundaries of the ‘good work’ our co-op can do. This is what “Doing Good, Works” means to us at Frontier Co-op. It’s not a tagline; it’s a way of doing business that works for everyone involved. Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any comments or questions about the information provided in this report, or to discuss any ideas you may have for ways our co-op can continue to improve in the future.

Tony Bedard, CEO Frontier Co-op

Photo: Tony Bedard, CEO of Frontier Co-op, visits the new mobile medical clinic the co-op funded in Cobán, Guatemala

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