Join Date: 27 May 2013 Status: Triple Diamond Leader Rainbow Score: 292,24%
YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE I was truly humbled to stand on the INUKA Gala Stage once more being announced the INUKA Ambassador 2019. This meant 5 consecutive years of holding the INUKA Ambassador title since 2015. Besides all of my cash reward earnings on 6 July 2019 (R 677,500.00), I was also blown away on being presented with a surprize 4 Nights Holiday at a 5 Star All-Inclusive Zanzibar Resort for 2 people and a Luxury White Cellini Suitcase Set. Who is Kate Sekhu ? I am a woman of love, light, knowledge and humanity. I am a single mother. I am also a father to my sons. I am a grandmother and a grandfather. I am a spiritual leader. During the past year I kept this in mind: The law of cause and effect states that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE UNIVERSE HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Every deed we do gives off energy into the Universe. That energy will be returned to us. The Universe spares none. This simply means everything we do comes back to us. So be wary of what you do. Be wary of what you say. Because you are the author of your life. You hold the pen that writes your future. All you desire is with you right now and it begins with the choice to believe in yourself. If I can believe it in my mind, it will surely manifest into reality. Speak positivity into your life. Breed prosperity into your world. You are Unstoppable.
I want to thank the INUKA staff, our Founder Alma and my almighty Eagles. Without you all this would never be possible. To my special mentor, Sue van Zyl, words can’t express my gratitude for our journey. Thanks for who you are and guiding me to LIVE MY BEST LIFE .
To my family, I thank you for your endless support and putting up with me when I am not able to be there for you. Everything I do, I do for you. To my late husband who started this journey with me and gave me the strength and freedom to pursue this dream: “Wow, look at me now!” I wish you could be here to stand beside me and share in my proudest moments. I will always love you. I’d like to close off with a Bible Verse, James 1:12, NIV: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
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