INUKA InTouch Gala 2019



Being recognised again as Top 25 Business Leader 2019 was a huge motivation for me especially because as a team we faced many challenges. I am grateful to God and I am lost for words!

INUKA has totally changed my life. The unexpected extra R25000 Cash Reward I earned for being in the Top 25 made a surprising difference to my total Gala Rewards. My total cash rewards made one of my dreams come true way earlier than I expected, especially thinking that I had joined INUKA just to help cover my petrol bill. If you are looking for a place where your efforts are genuinely recognized, then you should join INUKA. From seeing a Facebook advert to becoming a renowned INUKA Entrepreneur shows that INUKA is true to its values to ENCOURAGE and EMPOWER every life they touch.

Being a Top 25 Business Leader requires great determination. At INUKA, if you carefully visualize and plan for your next level of success, you are certain to achieve.

The moment I decided on my goals, I also made a commitment to myself that no circumstances or challenges would stand in my way to make my goals a reality. I kept focus on what needed to be done to achieve and, on many occasions, exceeded on what I initially set out as a goal.

Despite my difficult environment I remained consistent and disciplined in my daily efforts. There is no other way to success other than hard work and consistency.

Thank you to my team, the INUKA Limit Breakers, for breaking all known and unknown limits. This determination kept us in the Top 25. I will never give up on us no matter the challenges we face in Zimbabwe. My passion is to see many of you also being recognized as Top 25 Business Leaders.

Thank you to my special and valued clients. Your support is testimony that the INUKA Products are the BEST.


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