K2 Sounds in Action Games and Activities

Kindergarten Level 2

Games and Activities

A Teacher’s Guide for Fun Class Supplements

Copyright © 2018, New Directions for Academic Achievement Inc. Authored by Megan Beck Formatted and Edited by Megan Beck Cover design and Artwork by Rebekah Henry and Seth Weinberg

No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Dr. Linda Gonzales or New Directions for Academic Achievement Inc.

New Directions for Academic Achievement Inc. P.O. Box 1429, Carlsbad, CA 92018, USA www.newdirectionsacademics.org Dr. Linda Gonzales, Director, Educator: drlindagonzales@me.com Megan Beck, Author, Curriculum Writer: megan@newdirectionsacademics.org


© 2018 New Directions Academics


Kindergarten Level 2: Games and Activities

Table of Contents

Active Memorization Games • Action Race • Hungry Chubbs Game

4 5 6 7

• Firefly Says

• The Whispering Game

Active Topic-Based Games • Alphabet Ball Pass

8 9

• Chopstick Spelling Game

• There Is, There Are


Table Memorization Activities • Body Parts Picture Bingo (use after Unit 8) • Classroom Picture Bingo (use after Unit 10) • Capital Letter Bingo (use after Unit 22) • Lowercase Letter Bingo (use after Unit 26) • Letter Sounds Picture Bingo (use after Unit 36) Table Topic-Based Activities • Funny Monster Drawing Game (use after Unit 8)

11 20 29 38 47

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• I Am, You Are (use after Unit 1)

• Letter and Sound Matching (use after Unit 26)


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Active Memorization Game

Action Race

Main Idea: Students will listen and respond to commands individually before they use words to express what they were asked to do. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have two cones, chairs, or some other markers on one side of a room. - Have a whiteboard with markers for score-keeping. Instructions: 1. Divide the students into two teams. Have each team line behind a chair. 2. Point out a finish line on the opposite side (a wall, another chair, a tree, etc.) 3. Say that you will give an action command (such as run, jump, clap, crawl, or hop) and the first student on each team will do that action from the chair to the finish line and back. When they get back to the chair, they must say “I can [whatever the action was]!” The first student to get to their chair wins a point for their team. Give an extra point if the sentence is said properly. 4. Start the race by giving an action command to the first pair, then send them to the back of their team’s lines. Track points on a whiteboard. 5. Continue the same way for the other pairs. When the game is finished, count the points and announce the winning team.



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Active Memorization Game

Hungry Chubbs Game

Main Idea: Students practice word or sound recognition by “feeding” the teacher the words or sound requested. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one Chubbs the Bulldog Mask (optional). - Have Quick Word Cards or Sound Cards that students have already studied. - Have a whiteboard with markers for score-keeping. Instructions: 1. Teacher should either have a Chubbs mask or act like a dog for the game. The teacher asks the children to feed him/her the new vocabulary. Either put the students into groups or have them compete one against another. 2. Place the Quick Word Cards or Sound Cards on the floor or on the desk and say “I’m hungry for [word or sound]. The students that are sitting should repeat the word or sound until “Chubbs” is fed when a student finds the card and gives it to the teacher. 3. Award points to either the team or the individual student that feeds the card to the teacher.



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Active Memorization Game

Firefly Says

Main Idea: Students comprehend and respond to commands according to specific directions.


- No supplies are needed.

Instructions: 1. Tell students that when you give directions without saying “Firefly says” first, they are not to do the command. They are only to follow your directions if Firefly says to do so. If a student does the wrong action or does an action when they are not supposed to, he/she must sit down. 2. Play this game with action commands such as walk to the door, touch the whiteboard, pick up a pencil, and raise your arms.



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Active Memorization Game

The Whispering Game

Main Idea: The first student in line recognizes a word or sound, passing it along for others to listen and repeat until it is verified. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have Quick Word Cards or Sound Cards that students have already studied. - Have a whiteboard with markers for score-keeping. Instructions: 1. Divide the students into two groups, lined up and facing away from you. 2. Show the last student in each line a Quick Word Car or Sound Card, which those students should whisper to student in front of them and so on until the word or sound reaches the last student. 3. The last student must come and tell you what the word was. The team to get it right gets the points.



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Active Topic-Based Game

Alphabet Ball Pass

Main Idea: Students individually identify and say letters of the alphabet in the correct order. Supplies: - Have 1 inflated and tied balloon. Suggestion: have extras on hand in case it pops.

Instructions: 1. Have your students sit in a circle.

2. Pass a balloon or a ball to the first student while saying the first letter, A, and ask that student to say the next letter and so one, so that the students recite the whole alphabet. 3. Restart and try to go faster.



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Active Topic-Based Game

Chopstick Spelling Game

Main Idea: Students individually choose letters to spell quick words (memorized high frequency words) as a part of a team race. Supplies and Set-Up: - Small pieces of paper with one letter on each (if your quick words have 20 letters, you must have 2 sets of those twenty letters on twenty little pieces of paper) - Put the two sets of letters in two piles and mix them up. - 2 sets of chopsticks Instructions: 1. Divide students into two groups, each lined up. Give the first student in each line a set of chopsticks. 2. Once you announce the spelling words, each student will race to his or her team’s pile of letters and grab the letters needed, one by one, with chopsticks, taking the letters back to their lines where they will spell them out on the desk or chair. The first student to finish spelling the word, yells “Finished!” If the spelling is correct, that student’s team gets a point and the next two students in line are up to play the same way.



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Active Topic-Based Game

There Is, There Are

Main Idea: Students accurately count and tally as a team and form grammatically correct sentences individually for their team to get the most possible points. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have 2 clipboards, each with a paper that has numbers 1-10 spaced out as a left side column. - Have 1 whiteboard and dry-erase markers.

Instructions: 1. Divide students into two teams. Give each team their clipboard. 2. Using the whiteboard, show students how to tally numbers.

3. Say that they will tally to give the answer to 10 questions on their clipboard. 4. Give questions with numerical answers one at a time, such as “How many windows/doors are there in the classroom?” “How many students are there?” How many chairs are there in this room? How many pencils are on this desk?) 5. To check the answers, have one student from each team give the first answer in the form of “There is # [object or person]” for singular terms and “There are # [objects or people] for plural terms. The team gets one point if the number is correct and another point if they formed the sentence correctly. For the remaining questions, have different students on each team answer to give everyone at least one chance to represent their team.



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Table Memorization Game

Body Parts Picture Bingo (Use after K2 Unit 8)

Main Idea: Students hear and identify terms for body parts as they seek to mark five in a row to win. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one different Bingo Card per student, copied from pages 12-19. - Have crayons or small candies or buttons to color in or cover spaces. Instructions: 1. Give every student a bingo card. 2. Review the vocabulary words associated with each picture (studied through the teacher guided exercises found in Units 1-10 of English in Action). 3. Call out one of the following words/phrases: head, mouth, eye, both eyes, nose, one ear, both ears, one hand, both hands, one finger, two fingers, one arm, both arms, one leg, both legs, black hair, blonde hair, red hair, brown hair, one shoulder, both shoulders, wrist, one foot, both feet. 4. Students must identify the picture that matches that word and color in or cover the space (small candies or buttons can be used). 5. If a student has five pictures in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, they should call “Bingo!” If they are correct, they win that round.





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Topic: Body Parts Player 1:


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Topic: Body Parts Player 8:


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Table Memorization Game

Classroom Picture Bingo (Use after K2 Unit 10)

Main Idea: Students hear and identify terms for classroom objects, concepts, or people as they seek to mark five in a row to win. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one different Bingo Card per student, copied from pages 21-28. - Have crayons or small candies or buttons to color in or cover spaces. Instructions: 1. Give every student a bingo card. 2. Review the vocabulary words associated with each picture (studied through the teacher guided exercises found in Units 1-10 of English in Action). 3. Call out one of the following words: pencil, book, paper, triangle, chair, light, window, whiteboard, tape, boy, girl, stapler, wall, pen, clock, ceiling, door, table, square, circle, floor, teacher, line, ball. 4. Students must identify the picture that matches that word and color in or cover the space (small candies or buttons can be used). 5. If a student has five pictures in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, they should call “Bingo!” If they are correct, they win that round.



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Capital Letter Bingo (Use after K2 Unit 22)

Main Idea: Students hear and identify uppercase letters of the alphabet, or identify the letters that go with certain sounds, as they seek to mark five in a row to win. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one different Bingo Card per student, copied from pages 30-37. - Have crayons or small candies or buttons to color in or cover spaces. Instructions: 1. Give every student a bingo card. 2. Review the vocabulary words associated with each picture (studied through the teacher guided exercises found in Units 20-23 of English in Action). 3. Choose one of the following levels to play at: a. Basic: Call out the name of a letter (example: the letter A) b. Intermediate: Call out a letter’s sound. (example: aaa, as in at) c. Difficult: Tell students to find the letter that makes the first sound in a given word. (example: find the letter that makes the first sound in at) 4. Students must identify the letter and color in or cover the space (small candies or buttons can be used). Note: if the student does that have the letter called, they do not color or cover any space but wait until the next letter is called. 5. If a student has five pictures in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, they should call “Bingo!” If they are correct, they win that round.





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Topic: Capital Letters Player 1:

© 2018 New Directions Academics D G S I F H R K V A H Q B N P T A Y O M L J W Z U E www.newdirectionsacademics.org 30

Topic: Capital Letters Player 2:

© 2018 New Directions Academics E S M O T B H N V A h W R F P L Y I D J G U Z Q K www.newdirectionsacademics.org 31

Topic: Capital Letters Player 3:

© 2018 New Directions Academics C E D U N K Z T A V R P F O L Q W I M J G H Y B www.newdirectionsacademics.org 32

Topic: Capital Letters Player 4:

© 2018 New Directions Academics Y J D M H B A K O W C T N L Q G I U E V P F S Z www.newdirectionsacademics.org 33

Topic: Capital Letters Player 5:

© 2018 New Directions Academics K T R V H A Q N Z F O J Y P B W E D I S L G M C www.newdirectionsacademics.org 34

Topic: Capital Letters Player 6:

© 2018 New Directions Academics B D R M Q V Z W H O F J Y G K N L T S E I C A P www.newdirectionsacademics.org 35

Topic: Capital Letters Player 7:

© 2018 New Directions Academics Z M V F W N U Q O E C G P I K Y L D S R T B A J www.newdirectionsacademics.org 36

Topic: Capital Letters Player 8:

© 2018 New Directions Academics S M V H I D N G Z O B W E J F P R Q C T L Y U A www.newdirectionsacademics.org 37

Lowercase Letter Bingo (Use after K2 Unit 26)

Main Idea: Students hear and identify lowercase letters of the alphabet, or identify the letters that go with certain sounds, as they seek to mark five in a row to win. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one different Bingo Card per student, copied from pages 39-46. - Have crayons or small candies or buttons to color in or cover spaces. Instructions: 1. Give every student a bingo card. 2. Review the vocabulary words associated with each picture (studied through the teacher guided exercises found in Units 24-27 of English in Action). 3. Choose one of the following levels to play at: c. Difficult: Have students find the letter that makes the first, middle or last sound in a given word. (example: find the letter that makes the middle sound in bat) 4. Students must identify the letter and color in or cover the space (small candies or buttons can be used). Note: if the student does that have the letter called, they do not color or cover any space but wait until the next letter is called. 5. If a student has five pictures in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, they should call “Bingo!” If they are correct, they win that round. a. Basic: Call out the name of a letter (example: the letter A) b. Intermediate: Call out a letter’s sound. (example: aaa, as in at)





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Topic: Letters

Player 1:

© 2018 New Directions Academics d g s i f h r k v a h q b n p t y o m l j w z u e www.newdirectionsacademics.org 39

Topic: Letters

Player 2:

© 2018 New Directions Academics e s m o t b h n v a h w r f p l y i d j g u z q k www.newdirectionsacademics.org 40

Topic: Letters

Player 3:

© 2018 New Directions Academics c e d u n k z t a v r p f o l q i m j w g h y b www.newdirectionsacademics.org 41

Topic: Letters

Player 4:

© 2018 New Directions Academics y j d m h b a k o w c t n l q g i u e v p f s z www.newdirectionsacademics.org 42

Topic: Letters

Player 5:

© 2018 New Directions Academics k t r v h a q n z f o j y p b w i d e s l g m c www.newdirectionsacademics.org 43

Topic: Letters

Player 6:

© 2018 New Directions Academics b d r m q v z w h o f j y g k n l t s e i c a p www.newdirectionsacademics.org 44

Topic: Letters

Player 7:

© 2018 New Directions Academics z m v f w n u q o e c g p i k y l d s r t b a j www.newdirectionsacademics.org 45

Topic: Letters

Player 8:

© 2018 New Directions Academics s m v h i d n g z o b w e k f p r q c t l y u a www.newdirectionsacademics.org 46

Letter Sound Bingo (Use after K2 Unit 37)

Main Idea: Students hear and identify letters’ sounds as they try to mark 5 in a row. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have one different Bingo Card per student, copied from pages 48-55. - Have crayons or small candies or buttons to color in or cover spaces. Instructions: 1. Give every student a bingo card. 2. Review the sounds that each picture represents and the letter they match (in the teacher guided exercises of Units 34-40 of English in Action). 3. Choose one of the following levels to play at: a. Basic: Call out a letter’s sound (example: if you make the sound of ‘b,’ students look for the bat, the only picture that starts with that sound) b. Intermediate: Call out the name of a letter (example: if you call the letter B, students look for the bat) c. Difficult: Tell students a word and find the first sound in that word. (example: if you say, bear, students look for the bat which represents the ‘b’ sound) 4. Students must identify the picture that represents the sound they are looking for and color in or cover the space (small candies or buttons can be used). 5. If a student has five pictures in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, they should call “Bingo!” If they are correct, they win that round.





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Topic: Letter Sounds Player 1:


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Topic: Letter Sounds Player 3:


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Topic: Letter Sounds Player 5:


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Topic: Letter Sounds Player 8:


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Table Topic-Based Game

Funny Monster

Main Idea: Students will hear and recognize various body part terms called out to the group and draw the number of them that they roll individually. Supplies and Set-Up: - Have 1 piece of paper per student with a circle drawn on it. - Have 1 die per student. - Have 1 pencil or some other writing utensil per student. Instructions: 1. Give each student a piece of paper with a circle drawn on it and a die. 2. Call out a body part. 3. Have the students roll their die. 4. Tell the students must draw that number of the body part on or out of their circle to form a monster. (e.g. an eye was called and a 4 was rolled, the student must draw 4 eyes on their monster.) 5. Continue until you have used on the body part terms that students know.



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Table Topic-Based Game

I Am, You Are

Main Idea: Students will hear and make introductions of themselves and others, practicing the verbal use of proper grammar structure.

Supplies and Set-Up: - None needed.

Instructions: 1. Sit with the students in a circle.

2. Start the game by saying “I am [your own name], you are [the name of the student on your left].” Look at the student when you say his or her name and indicate that they are to do the same. The student on your left will say “I am [his/her own name], you are [the name of the student on his/her left]” (e.g. I am Shay, you are Olivia…”). 3. This game can also be played by saying I am, he is, or she is, he is, etc. 4. After a few rounds, switch from going left to going right. 5. As the students get better, speed up the game to make it more challenging.



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Table Topic-Based Game

Letter and Sound Matching

Main Idea: Either individually or as a part of a team, students will recognize letters and/or pictures that represent words that make the first sounds in certain letters and match them according to teacher instructions. Supplies and Set-Up: - Cut out 1 set per student of the boxes of letters and sound pictures, copied from pages 59, 60, and/or 61. - Have 1 folder and 1 glue stick per child. (Optional) Instructions: 1. Option 1: Divide students into two teams. Give each team a set of capital letters and lowercase letters, mixed together. Tell students to pair capital letter with their lowercase letter when the game starts. The first team to finish getting all letters paired correctly wins. 2. Option 2: Divide students into two teams. Give each team a set of lowercase letters and sound pictures, mixed together. Tell students to pair capital letter with their lowercase letter when the game starts. The first team to finish get the letters and sound pictures paired correctly wins. 3. Option 3: Give each student a folder, glue stick, and set of lowercase letter, capital letters, and/or sound pictures. Tell students to glue appropriate pairs together in alphabetical order in the folder (starting in the top left corner and moving right for the first row).


a b c d e


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