K2 Sounds in Action Games and Activities

Table Topic-Based Game

Letter and Sound Matching

Main Idea: Either individually or as a part of a team, students will recognize letters and/or pictures that represent words that make the first sounds in certain letters and match them according to teacher instructions. Supplies and Set-Up: - Cut out 1 set per student of the boxes of letters and sound pictures, copied from pages 59, 60, and/or 61. - Have 1 folder and 1 glue stick per child. (Optional) Instructions: 1. Option 1: Divide students into two teams. Give each team a set of capital letters and lowercase letters, mixed together. Tell students to pair capital letter with their lowercase letter when the game starts. The first team to finish getting all letters paired correctly wins. 2. Option 2: Divide students into two teams. Give each team a set of lowercase letters and sound pictures, mixed together. Tell students to pair capital letter with their lowercase letter when the game starts. The first team to finish get the letters and sound pictures paired correctly wins. 3. Option 3: Give each student a folder, glue stick, and set of lowercase letter, capital letters, and/or sound pictures. Tell students to glue appropriate pairs together in alphabetical order in the folder (starting in the top left corner and moving right for the first row).


a b c d e


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