K2 Sounds in Action Games and Activities

Active Topic-Based Game

Chopstick Spelling Game

Main Idea: Students individually choose letters to spell quick words (memorized high frequency words) as a part of a team race. Supplies and Set-Up: - Small pieces of paper with one letter on each (if your quick words have 20 letters, you must have 2 sets of those twenty letters on twenty little pieces of paper) - Put the two sets of letters in two piles and mix them up. - 2 sets of chopsticks Instructions: 1. Divide students into two groups, each lined up. Give the first student in each line a set of chopsticks. 2. Once you announce the spelling words, each student will race to his or her team’s pile of letters and grab the letters needed, one by one, with chopsticks, taking the letters back to their lines where they will spell them out on the desk or chair. The first student to finish spelling the word, yells “Finished!” If the spelling is correct, that student’s team gets a point and the next two students in line are up to play the same way.



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