Case for Support_FINAL_Digital

Mobilizing Communities

Your financial support enables us to reinforce progress already underway and to significantly expand our reach and impact. The most effective measures that MADD and our advocacy network push for in states include: All-offender interlock legislation or improvement to existing interlock legislation, would require all drunk driving offenders to install the small, handheld breathalyzer device onto their car ignition which would prevent their vehicle from starting if it detects the consumption of alcohol. Over the last 16 years, the use of these devices has stopped 4.5 million attempts to drive drunk with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or greater. 9 .05 BAC legislation calls for legislators to lower the legal blood alcohol concentration from .08 to .05 to ensure the safety of everyone on the roads. A 2022 study by NHTSA found that traffic deaths in Utah decreased , and more drivers said they arranged for sober rides home when the State lowered its impaired driving legal limit to .05%. 10 High-visibility enforcement of impaired driving laws and equitable traffic safety enforcement: Prioritize funding and resource allocation aimed at equitable enforcement of hazardous driving behavior (e.g., impaired driving and speeding). Encourage states to use Federal Section 1906 Racial Profiling Prohibition Grants to develop and implement programs, public outreach and training to reduce the disparate impact of traffic stops. Drug-impaired driving prevention: Ensure cannabis legalization efforts include funding for underage prevention, education, high-visibility enforcement and officer training. Justice for victims: Support legislation to ensure victims of impaired driving obtain justice, such as Bentley’s Law and Dram shop laws. MADD continues to work across states to pass drunk driving laws that will create a nation of no more victims. Help us go the last mile.Your financial support will allow us to:  Build and engage with the MADD Advocacy Network across their social platforms – digitally organizing to create a grassroots movement to amplify their voices and reach to change behaviors and effect positive social change within their communities.

Engage volunteers in their state advocacy issues – encourage participation in lobby days, press conferences, and meetings with legislators and disseminate upcoming legislation within the community. Implement a marketing and communication strategy to share information on MADD’s current priorities at the federal and state level, while giving local MADD offices the opportunity to cultivate volunteers for key advocacy moments.

9. Farmer, C. (2021) Lives saved by in-vehicle alcohol detection systems. Traffic Injury Prevention. 10. 1080-15389588.2020.1836366. 2020/11/12 10. Data collected by MADD from interlock Companies 15

Mothers Against Drunk Driving ®

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