King's Business - 1946-11


crime committed annually in these United States. This figure was de­ termined by a s u r v e y conducted among the attorneys in 3,073 counties. The survey was confined to major crimes, and did not cover misde­ meanors, drunken driving, etc. Some of the confirmed "drys” in our land continue to wonder when our supposedly intelligent l e a d e r s will awaken to the fact of the terrible de­ structive power of the demon rum. Sailed & One of the important factors in our national program for veterans’ re­ habilitation is the additional privi­ leges allowed under the G. I. Bill of Rights. This is an e x c e p t i o n a l l y worthy and valuable move on the part of our government and w ill produce good results in the years to come. A side light on this was the recent sail­ ing of twenty American war veterans on the American export liner Vulcania, bound for Palestine, where they will study at the Hebrew University aird the Haifa Technical Institute. This brings to mind a fact which has been little recognized, but which has great implications, that Pales­ tine is becoming an educational center and will some day be host to the largest student body in the world. Four Hundred & A great event in foreign mis­ sionary history will take place about the first of September, when over 400 Protestant missionaries will sail from San Francisco, bound for China and the Philippines. This group is the first of more than 8,000 missionaries who plan to return to their fields in Asia and the Pacific Islands. The ship on which they w ill sail is to be loaded with freight and baggage to replace equipment lost during the war. It is expected that a second missionary ship will sail shortly, accommodating 600 to 700 additional missionaries. This news is cause for real re­ joicing. Here is the one factor which will do more to insure world peace than dozens of conferences and scores of scheming statesmen. Profit ^ The first three months of 1946 brought the National Distillers’ Cor­ poration a net profit of $9,306,434. This seems like a goodly sum to enter the

pockets of those who own distillery stock. However, we would like to see published along with this figure a list of the men and women made into drunkards, homes irreparably broken, and children w h o s e lives will be seared and stunted because of the vile stuff from which these profits were derived. I am sure that with every dollar of net profit gained, the amount of misery created can scarcely be estimated. Testaments The present plan of the Gideons, an organization of Christian business men, is to place a special edition of the New Testament in the hands of every child between the ages of 10 and 13 in the United States. It is esti­ mated that 30,000,000 New Testaments will be needed to carry out this pro­ gram, which is designed to help meet the Juvenile delinquency problem. A l­ ready, 400,000 copies of this special edition, including the Psalms and Proverbs, have been distributed to school children, and it is estimated that 2,500,000Testaments will be given away each year under the present pro­ gram. The cost of these books is met through contributions obtained by the Gideons, including generous gifts from the members themselves. Surely this program of distributing the imperish­ able Word of God is one that ought to strike a responsive chord in the heart of every Bible-believing Christian. Survey Recently, the make-up of 115 motion pictures was catalogued as evidence that the motion picture in­ dustry in its present condition is a powerful school for crime. Here are the results: 87% per cent showed smoking. 66 per cent showed drinking. 49 per cent showed vicious scenes. 57 per cent showed m u r d e r by homicide. 43 per cent showed drunkenness. There were: 74 deaths by violence. 59 assults.

According to an estimate by the United States Public Health Service, there are over 8,000,000 Americans now suffering from mental or nervous ill­ ness, and 10,000,000 of our population will have to be hospitalized for such disorders before they die. This problem Is a grave one, and is expected to receive national atten­ tion and legislation. Four times the present number of psychiatrists are to be trained, and psychiatric research is to be intensified. What is the cause of increased mental difficulty? No doubt, some of it is traceable to war neurosis and much of it to the intensified strain of our present-day life. God in His Word promises: “Thou wilt keep him in per­ fect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” The original Hebrew for this passage may be better rendered: “God will keep him in peace, peace.” That is, there will be an unbroken chain of peace to those who stay their hearts on God and His truth. Encouragement Clifford J. Durr is a member of the Federal Communications Commission. In a recent address before the Work­ shop for Religious Radio held at the University of Chicago, Mr. Durr spoke words of real encouragement for those interested in the religious side of radio. “By all means, religious broad­ cast organizations should recognize the far greater importance of getting the right things on the air, than keep­ ing the wrong things off,” said he. “Radio is the best tool religious groups have for laying foundations of national and international under­ standing. Religion should speak over the radio on major issues of the day.” We are happy for this statement from a member of the Commission and agree most heartily with him that the way to keep both our radio and our country safe is by a proper recognition of the place of the voice of God in the affairs of men. Half & The American Business Men’s Re­ search Foundation which is, as its title Indicates, a committee to study business trends and their causes im­ partially, reports that liquor is re­ sponsible for more than half of the

54 murders. 36 holdups. 21 kidnapings.

This is a total of 406 crimes in 115 pictures. In another survey of 500 pictures, 82 per cent dealt in subjects of crime, sex, and illicit love. T HE K I N G ' S BUS I NE SS


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