A P U a é e . &l Buda S tu d e n t Jttlffi
Some of the experiences long to be remembered are the heart-to-heart talks between the students and the godly men and women who compose our faculty.
THE B I BL E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S is the Missionary and Evangelistic Training Center of the West
# We have now enrolled the largest student body in our history. # Our students are trained without any cost to them for tuition. We look to God and God’s people for our support.
You can “sponsor” a stu dent for a year with the gift of $125.00. Send for folder describing our plan.
558 S. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES 13, CALIF. Gentlemen: Please send me the folder on “ personal sponsorship’* of students. Address .............................. ......i hiame City and State.a............
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