King's Business - 1946-11

November 20 WORK " And to work with your own hands” (1 Thess. 4:11), Through an open doorway, a Lon­ don missionary watched a seamstress at her work. As the needlewoman stopped to rest a moment, she looked at her candle and said, "I must hasten, for my candle is burning low and I have no other." As we are cog­ nizant of world affairs, we are im­ pressed with the shortness of the time left for the Christian to serve the Lord. Surely, our “candle" is burning low. We are challenged to concen­ trated and consecrated service for Him while that freedom and opportunity are ours. November 21 QUIETNESS "Study to be quiet” (1 Thess. 4;11). In carrying out the admonition of this Scripture, according to Dr. W il­ liam Graham Scroggie, we need a defi­ nite plan, a fixed time, a quiet place, and an unhurried attitude of stillness and expectancy for our time alone with the Lord. The object should be the nourishing and building up of our spiritual life through Bible medita­ tion, self-examination, and prayer. Dr. Scroggie further suggested that we plan our field of meditation, and “read the Scripture over and over again until our thirsty soul is sat­ urated with the Word of God,” By the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the holy truths, our self-examination is made, and our prayers are directed. No Christian’s spiritual life can be sustained without this. November 22 SORROW "That ye sorrow not” (1 Thess. 4:13). When sorrow creeps into our lives, it is our precious privilege to look unto Him for the comfort that only He can give. He comforts us not only for our own peace, but in order that we may comfort others in their time of sadness. Usually a sorrow proves to be a blessing. The grieving one is brought into a more intimate fel­ lowship with his Lord through which he is able to be a sympathizing and strengthening witness to those who know not our Saviour and His heart- sustaining comfort. November 23 VOICE "The voice of the archangel” (1 Thess. 4:16). What a wonderful day it will be when we hear the “voice of the arch­ angel” and are caught up to be with our Lord! “My voice” (Psa. 5:3). In the morn­ ing David directed his prayer to the Lord, and the Lord heard the “voice" of his “supplications" (Psa. 28:6). “A voice of singing” (Isa. 48:20). Many have accepted Christ as their II

of glory.” As David sounded forth his praise to the Lord on his harp, we may express the rejoicing of our hearts with the instruments He has given us to use for His glory. Our words, our thoughts, our acts, our money, our everyday experiences; all may be used to praise Him, and to reveal our own joy in Him. Be a re­ joicing Christian. "Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Mrs. Charles E. Cowman says that prayer is “the link that connects us with God.” How much we need this connecting link! Daniel “prayed, and gave thanks before his God” three times a day. We too, may open our eyes in the morning with prayer, take a moment at noon to lift our hearts to Him, and close our eyes at night with a prayer on our lips. How won­ derful it is to know that we may pray at any time, anywhere, day or night as the need arises, and that we are heard always by the divine One. In the words of Paul, “all things work together for gbod to them that love God,” and because of the truth of this statement we are admonished to “give thanks” in “every thing.” This exhortation may seem unsympa­ thetic and hard to one who hasn’t thought the matter through, but if these inspired suggestions are appro­ priated in the time of need, they will prove to be of untold value. Dr. R. E. Neighbour has said, “The greater the sorrow, the greater the joy; the heav­ ier the affliction, the heavier and far more exceeding the weight of glory.” There is a lesson and a blessing for the Christian in each of his experi­ ences; therefore, let us be grateful for them all. November 30 BLAMELESS “Blameless unto the coming of our Lord” (1 Thess. 5:23). When Jesus stood in the judgment hall, friendless and forsaken by all His friends, the words of Pilate were: “I find in him no fault at all.” We know that He was, indeed, faultless. We look forward to the time when we, too, shall stand faultless before the throne of His glory. However, until then, the old nature is present within us. In spite of that, if we are wholly yielded to Him, we are blameless be­ fore God because of the perfection of Christ in whom we appear before the Father. May our lives come nearer each day to measuring up to the ex­ cellence of our Redeemer. TH E K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S November 28 PRATER November 29 THANKS “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18).

Saviour through hearing the “voice of singing.” A singing voice should be dedicated to His use. In the glory, two voices will be silenced forever: the “voice of weeping,” and the “voice of crying" (Isa. 65:19). That will be a blessed relief and joy for the child of God. While we are dwelling upon the earth, may our-voices be to His honor at all times. November 24 LIGHT “Children of light” (1 Thess. 5:5). As “children of light," we should manifest our love for our Lord by walking “in the light." We do this by obeying Him in all things. In so doing, His glorious light will radiate from us to others because He has called us to be “the light of the world.” November 25 PEACE "And be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thess. 5:13). The only way that Christians can give a united testimony to the un­ saved is by the maintenance of peace in the Body of Christ. To accomplish this requires all or any one of a num­ ber of characteristics on the part of the believer: the setting aside of per­ sonal interests; laboring uncomplain­ ingly in the little-known capacity while another one may occupy a prominent office; forbearing gossip; abstaining from the unkind word; tact, poise, steadfastness, loyalty, love, generosity, untiring effort in His serv­ ice; and a host of other distinctive traits. Is this a formidable list to you? All may be possessed through the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. November 26 PATIENCE "Be patient toward ail” (1 Thess. 5:14). A story is told by T. T. Shields of a telephone operator who gave a wrong number four times to a cus­ tomer. Each time the voice at the other end said, “You gave me the wrong number, operator; try again.” “I would like to meet that man,” said the operator to a co-worker. “Who could he be?” When the source of the call had been traced, her co-work­ er exclaimed, “I know him, he is my minister!” The other girl then said, “I am going to hear him preach.” Our testimony is always strengthened by patience. May we ever seek to culti­ vate this priceless and powerful vir­ tue for His service. November 27 REJOICING "Rejoice evermore" (1 Thess. 5:16). Although trials and temptations overwhelm us, we may rejoice in Him with “joy unspeakable and full

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