King's Business - 1946-11

given to them as the proof that they are sons and daughters of the King. There must be no bitterness In the heart or in the words of God’s chil­ dren. All anger, clamor, evil speak­ ing, and desire to “ get even,” or to harm others, are out of place in the life of a Christian. Others do not ex­ pect to see these things in the Chris­ tian any more than you expect to find a prince in an alley! In place of these, people should see kindness, love, and forgiveness in the lives of Sons and daughters of the King of kings. LESSON FOR DECEMBER 8 Paul Admonishes the Churches (Temperance Lesson) LESSON M A TER IA L: 1 Cor. 11:20-27; Rom. 13:13, 14: Eph. 5:18-21. GOLDEN T E X T : “ Let ut walk honestly, as in the day" (Rom. 13:13). Outline and Exposition I. T he L ord ’ s S upper (1 C or . 11:20-27) The Lord’s Supper is based upon a great fact—the desire of our Lord to be kept in mind by His blood- bought children. Jesus said, "This do in remembrance of me.” But frequent­ ly at His own Table the Lord is for­ gotten, and the Christian becomes oc­ cupied with himself. He questions whether he is worthy to be there, and, if he is honest, the answer drives him away. But the Lord’s Supper is where the Lord is remembered in the suffi­ ciency of His sacrifice, the reality of His resurrection, the certainty of His presence, and the glory of His Person. To be occupied with Christ is the prop­ er condition for partaking of the Lord’s Supper. 1L T he D ecent W alk (R om . 13:13,14) The Christian is to walk “honestly," that is "decently,” or “in good form” (V. 13). He belongs to another world, with different customs from this world with its sins. Hence he is to walk (have a manner of living) in accord­ ance with the world to which he be­ longs. The power for such a walk is to “put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision [take no foot­ hold] for the flesh.” There will be no provision for the flesh when the Lord Jesus Christ is the garb in which the Christian clothes himself. in. T he C hristian P rivilege (E ph . 5:18-21) Every Christian has the supreme privilege of being “filled with the Spirit," but every Christian does not take advantage of it. The Spirit-filled Christian will have a singing heart, making melody to the Lord; a thank­ ful heart, offering praise at all times for all things; and a submissive heart, freed from the pride and pomp of this world. NOVEMIER, 1945

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