King's Business - 1946-11

LESSON FOR DECEMBER 22 G o d ’s Greatest Gift LESSON M A TER IA L: John 3i16; Eph. 3:14-21. GOLDEN T E X T : “ Thanks be unto Ood for his unspeakable gift“ (2 Cor. 9:15). Outline and Exposition L T he P roclamation (J ohn 3:16) This well-known verse is part of the answer to the question of Nico- demus as to how one could be bom again. The method of spiritual re­ generation is through the gift of God. Here is stated the reason for the gift: God’s love for the world; the character of the gift: God’s only begotten Soh; the result of the gift: possession 6f eternal life; and the way of poSsessitig the gift: believing in that Son. Re­ jecting the gift leaves a mdn with only the certainty of perishing which includes eternal separation from the Giver. II. T he P rayer (E p h . 3:14-19^ The prayer includes four petitions: first, that the saints might be strengthened in the inner man; sec­ ond, that Christ might dwell in their hearts by faith; third, that they might comprehend and know the love Of Christ; and fourth, that they might be filled with all the fullness of God. What a paradox! To know some­ thing that passeth knowledge, and to be filled with the God who filleth all the universe, both Heaven and earth! IIL T he B enediction ( E p h . 3:20-21) This reveals the possibility oi an an­ swer to the paradoxical prayer. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that is asked, or even thought, “according to the power that worketh in” the saints. This also reveals the condition for answer to the prayer. The glory, in its entirety, must be given to the God who, by Jesus Christ, does the impos­ sible throughout all ages. The strength asked, the experience of Christ dwell­ ing within the heart, the comprehen­ sion and the knowledge, with the fill­ ing of the fullness of God, all depend upon God’s working by His Son ih answer to prayer.

Tot the Children L earning to F orgive P h ilemon 8-20

Robert Harkness Presents . . . Two Correspondence ( Courses I. Evangdiitic Hymn Playing For Pia>o and Organ Teaches TW ELVE Musical Subjects. EIGHTY musically-illustrated lessons. I f you can already play hymns and Gospel songs, send today for free Prospectus. POtJR THOUSAND stu­ dents have enrolled. 2. Beginner’* Hymn Playing Court« For Piano For those who cannot play a note but who wish to learn to play hymns and Gospel songs. Children can also study this course under home supervision. Now enlarged to F IFT Y lessons with special HARKNESS K E Y B O A R D CHARTS. Send for FREE details to R O B E R T H A R K N E S S P. O. lex 204, South Pasadena, Calif. Are helping pastors and evangelists start genuine revivals that win youth and adults to our Lord Jesus Christ. Are increasing attendance and fruitfulness of both the Church and Sunday School. C .o do the Same for yetf. Want to bear and see a Baptiste Film ! Write to Ês£p.BAPTISTS RIMS ' c “ ca .HUROMST CO10. Ill WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this grow­ ing Bible School— “ built with prayer.** The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Co­ lumbia River are an added inspiration. Accred­ ited courses. FREE tuition, strong faculty, de­ voted student body. Ask for catalog. In terestin g M o n th ly Sent F ree fo r a Year to A ll In q u ire rs M U L T N O M A H I y I School of the B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Fret. B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D., John G. Mitchell. D.D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vlce-Preeident 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Oregon

MEMORY VERSE: “ Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matt. 6:12).. A slave named Onesimus had run away from his màster, Philemon, and had gone to Rome. Paul, who was in Rome, one day told Onesimus about the Saviour. Thé slave received the Lord Jesus into his heart and became a Christian. Paul told him that since he was a Christian he should return to his master, for that was the right and honorable thing to do. How hard it would have been for Onesimus to take Paul’s advice if it had not been for a letter which Paul wrote to Phile­ mon, asking him to forgive his slave! In the letter, Paul told Philemon that Onesimus had recèived the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and was, therefore, his brother in Christ as well as his slave. Paul promised to repay to Philemon anything that Ohesimus had taken dishonestly before he ran away, and before he was saved. We do not read in God’s Word what Philemon did, but we feel sure that he gladly forgave his slave who was now his brother in the Lord. Chris­ tians cannot hold a grudge against others, especially against other Chris­ tians. Only the love of the Lord Jesus in the heart can make one ready and willing to freely forgive those who have wronged him. You have ofteil said part of the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples: “ Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” If the Saviour were no more willing to forgive than you are, would He forgive you so often? If not, pray that His love will so completely fill your heart that you will gladly forgive all whom you feel have wronged- you in any way.

Registrar 20II GlwarmPI. Venter, Colorado


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