King's Business - 1946-11

For the Children

Points and Problems

WANTED! Christian workers to profit­ ably sail religious gifts ARREST f H igh Prices — REWARD: Good profits- * A •excellent lor fund raising cam* l \ paign—personal distribution. A LTA R STEP STYLE SE LF-G LO W CROSSES —K e y C h ain Lock ets, Stam ps W a lle ts . (W rite for details — FREE sample w allet.) GOSP E L P EN C IL CO . J>. O . Pox 38, Station K, N ew York $ 8 , N . Y , Now on Mondays A B C NETWORK Hear the favorite hymns o f famous people, an d your own favorites, t oo . . . on "CLUB TIME" Presented by the Makers of CLUB ALUMINUM Hammercraft Waterless Cookware

The two passages selected for this week’s lesson set forth some of the outstanding things which are included in the Christmas message. Even as seven is the number of completeness and perfection, so we find here pre­ sented seven things which are in­ cluded among the blessings of the Gospel and which give a well-rounded conception of the Christian life. First, the Christmas message includes the gift of eternal life (John 3:16). The golden text of the Bible informs us that the Christian becomes the pos­ sessor of life: life, eternal in char­ acter as well as in duration. Second, it includes the privilege of prayer (Eph. 3:14). Through Christ the believer has access into the immediate presence of God. Since the veil has been rent asunder, he may approach the throne of grace boldly and un­ afraid. See Hebrews 4:16. No prerog­ ative of the Christian is greater than this. Third, it includes membership in the family of Heaven (Eph. 3:15). The unregenerate have no part in this family (John 8:44). Membership in­ volves the new birth (John 3:3, 5), hence, only Christians belong to the Heavenly family. Think of the joys and privileges of this relationship! Fourth, the Christmas message also includes the power of the Spirit for life and service (Eph. 3:16). In these times, when the emphasis upon energy is so great, the believer needs to be reminded of the omnipotent Spirit dwelling within his heart, who is ever ready to control -the willing heart. Fifth, it includes the possession of the indwelling Christ (Eph, 3:17). He is the Author of the believer’s salva­ tion and the One who maintains it. Sixth, it includes a comprehension of the love of Christ (Eph. 3:18, 19). Only the Christian understands what the love of Christ is and -what it ac­ complishes. Even he is able to “com­ prehend” that love in its four dimen­ sions only partially now, but in Heaven he will fully understand. Seventh, it includes a desire for the eternal glory of God (Eph. 3:20,21). Unregenerate men seek the glory of men. Dr. Harlln J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies. Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2.40. THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY S010 Bryan St. Dallas 1, Texas NOVEMBER, 1946 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter.

W h e n J esus W as B orn L u k e 2:8-16 MEMORY VERSE: “Glory to God in the highest” (Luke 2:14). Would you not feel hurt if those who came to your birthday party gave gifts to one another, but all forgot to give you anything? How like Christ­ mas that would be! Christmas, the birthday of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the world, is celebrated by the giving of expensive gifts to friends and relatives, but how very few there are who remember to honor the One whose birthday they celebrate. On the first Christmas night, there were shepherds watching their sheep on the hillsides. Suddenly a great light shone from Heaven and an angel appeared and said that in the city of Bethlehem a Saviour King had just been born. Q u i c k l y the shepherds searched for the Babe, and found Him lying in a manger. They told others the joyous news at once and gave praise to God for the gift of His Son. What may boys and girls give to the King for His birthday? They may give themselves; that is the gift which He most desires. They may also give their talents; they may give their wor­ ship; they may use their lips to tell others about Him. They may give some of their money that others may hear the story of salvation. They may, if He asks them to do so, give their lives to serving Him as missionaries or preachers or Sunday school teach­ ers. They may give their time to read God’s Word each day and to talk with Him in prayer. Can you think of any other gifts that you may give to your King this year for His birthday?


M O N T H L Y Editors: Keith L. Brooks and Howard W. Kellogg

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