Point* and Problems
LESSO N F O R D E C E M B E R 29 The World for Christ LESSON M A TER IAL: Acte 9:15: 19:21: 23:11; 28:28-31; Rom. 1:13-16; 15:22-24. GOLDEN T E X T : “ I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise” (Rom. 1:14).
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1. The breadth of Paul’s missionary ministry is suggested by the different places he visited or hoped to visit as mentioned in the several passages of today's lesson and also by the dif ferent people. (1) Places: Macedonia, Achaia, Je rusalem, Rome, and Spain; the first two represent the cultural centers of Paul’s day, Jerusalem the Jewish or religious center, Rome the govern mental, and Spain the pagan fron tier of that day. (2) People: Gentiles, kings, children of Israel, Greeks, bar barians, learned and uneducated. The variety of places and people appear ing upon the horizon of Paul’s minis try clearly indicates the unlimited out reach of the Gospel. It is for all peo ple, “God so loved the world" that He provided a universal Gospel. 2. "For as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear wit ness also at Rome" (Acts 23:11). These words suggest first, the order of Gospel presentation: to the Jew first (Jeru salem) and then to the Gentile (Rome). Paul observed this order in his ministry as far as he was able, preaching in the synagogues to the Jews first, and then turning to the Gentiles, as opposition from Jewry arose and opportunities opened. These words suggest also the content of Paul’s preaching ministry: "as . . . in Jerusalem, so . . . at Rome.” The place or the people make no differ ence to the minister of Christ. All men need the same Gospel. 3. "But was let hitherto" (Rom. 1:13). Obstacles to the fulfillment of a task do not necessarily indicate that a person is out of the will of the Lord. Sometimes God allows hindrances to come for purposes of testing or be cause His time has not arrived. It was God’s will for Paul to go to Rome (Acts 23:11), but he must go in His time. God’s servant needs not only to know what God would have him to do, but also when is the best time to do it. 4. "X am debtor . . . I am ready • • • I am not ashamed" (Rom. 1:14-16). These three statements present the autobiography of a true believer. He is one possessing vision of the spiritual need of the world, readiness to re spond to that need, and faith in the power and scope of the Gospel. Rural Evangelism By Mail To out-of-the-way placet, has gone into thousands of homes In 25 states. Many def inite conversions reported. We must warn the Lost and tell them of Salvation through the Blood of Jesus. You can help with your pravers, tithes and offerings. Send gifts and write for information to: HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC. INTERDENOMINATIONAL Box 183, KB. Pasadena 16, Calif. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
QuUine and Exposition I. T he C hoice of P aul (A cts 9:15)
Paul was especially chosen to bear God’s name "before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.” This world-wide ministry was fulfilled by Paul though it entailed great suf fering, tremendous hardships, bitter discouragements, and finally, martyr- dom. II. T he S econd M issionary T our of P aul (A cts 19:21; 23;11; 28:28-31) Paul visited Philippi, Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus, and saw, “the name of the Lord Jesus magnified” in every place. Then he "purposed in spirit” to go to Jerusa lem, and after that to Rome (Acts 19:21). At Jerusalem, he was told that he was to witness at Rome (Acts 23:11). From that time he endeav ored to get to Rome, the center of the then-known world. At last Paul arrived at Rome (Acts 28:28-31). There he declared that the Gentiles were included in God’s plan for the world’s salvation, and that they would be willing to listen to the Gospel even if the Jews rejected i t For two years, he stayed atiRome and, with all confidence, preached “the kingdom of God,” and taught the “things which concern the Lord Jesus.” XXL T he P olicy of P aul (R om . 1:13-16; 15:22-24) Paul felt himself to be a debtor to all men. He was determined to dis charge that debt even to the Romans (Rom. 1:13-16). He was not ashamed of the Gospel he preached: it was the power of God unto salvation, be cause in it was the righteousness of God which was needed by both Jew and Gentile. Paul’s delay in reaching Rome was because of obstacles over which he had no control. But even Rome was not his final objective: he had his eye upon far-off Spain to which he finally took the Gospel (Rom. 15:22- 24). The Church is chosen, as Paul was, to give the Gospel to every creature. Only as the Church catches something of the enthusiasm, and adopts the policy of Paul, w ill she fulfill her mission upon earth.
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