I will show you how to make this tape measure stand. (Wrap it around the yardstick.) Now it clings to the yardstick and w ill stand as long as it remains in that position. (Wind spirally, and fasten the end of the tape with a rubber band.) The life that stands is the one that is built around Christ Many fail be cause Christ is not the center of their lives. The children of Israel had been building houses for themselves, but God was not satisfied with them, be cause they were not built around Him. He ordered them to build the temple. It was to be kept for the worship of God. The temple was built because the people realized that they must depend upon God, and it was pleas ing to Him, and a blessing to the people. If an individual is to be pleasing to God, he must have his life built around Christ. If a church is to be pleasing to God and useful to men, it must have Christ as the center of all its work. Paul said: “We preach Christ crucified” (1 Cor. 1:23). It is no wonder that Paul’s preaching was blessed and honored by God. If a na tion is to be kept strong, it must be built around God. . As long as the Jews built around God, they were safe; but as soon as they built around the heathen altars, they could not stand against their enemies. Fourth Week T he T ater F amily 1 .....—n— n — or Objects: Six potatoes. (Two should be larger than the others, and the other four of varying sizes. Dress them to represent a father, mother and four children. The last one should have a stiff wire pushed through it at the position of the arms. On the end of the wire a red cross can be fastened, allowing the cross to be turned into a visible position when desired.) Lesson: I brought a whole family with me this morning. This is Mr. and Mrs. Tater, and their four chil dren. Mr. Taler’s name is Dick (Dictator). He always tells others how to live, but never lives that way himself. The Apostle Paul spoke of Christians who were "ensamples to all that believe" (1 Thess. 1:7). I am afraid Mr. Tater is not a good ensample, which means NOVEMBER, I»4*
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