press the thoughts of those who lis ten in another tongue. Sometimes the interpreter is hard pressed to find a native word to convey the thought. This presents another difficulty in translating. Words used in the Eng lish, French, or Spanish language may not at all convey the right thoughts to those people living in the heart of Africa or in India or the islands of. the sea. 3. DIFFICULTIES IN ILLUSTRA TION. Matt. 13:34. It has always been the plan of ser vants of God to use apt illustrations to convey definite thoughts. All through the Bible this method is used. Our Lord Jesus also used it. In speak ing to those in foreign countries, the illustrations must be changed some what to suit the people. The Eskimo does not go out to sow seed, neither does he dig in a field to find treas ure. Many people know nothing of the ox or the ass. They never see these animals. The Scripture, of course, is translated exactly as God gave it, but in reading it to the peo ple some explanation must be given. Illustrations must be used which may be readily understood. How needful it is that translators understand the minds and thoughts of the people to whom they present the Gospel, and for whom they write the Scripture. 4. DIFFICULTIES IN THOUGHT. Isa. 55:8. The heathen do not think as we do. Their minds have peculiar quirks and they do not come to the same conclu sion as we do when they hear the Gospel story. Again the translator faces a difficult problem in presenting the precious truth of the Word in such a way. that the native w ill get the true thought expressed by the Scrip ture. The translator must know the thought processes of those among whom he is working. In writing the Scriptures, he needs to convey God’s truth to them in their own words which w ill fully express that truth. Here godly care is needed so that no false doctrine or human conclusion enters in the translation. December 15, 1946 H O W TO USE THE BIBLE P sa . 119:33-40 /"'tOD HAS given us a book which fits in with every condition of human life. It meets every need from the cradle to the grave and reveals to the heart those precious truths which sup port and sustain. We should learn to use it more and we can only do so as we know it well. This calls for con stant reading and careful study of all of its teaching. The finest carpenter can use his tools to the best advan tage. The finest surgeon obtains the best results by skillful use of his in struments. So in the sphere of the King, those _who know the Bible the NOVEMBER, 1946
best are used of the Lord the most. They find answers in the Word to every problem that is presented, and give God’s truth to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. - 1. WE MUST USE THE WORD OF GOD IN WINNING SOULS. Psa. 119:130. Only the Word of God reveals the w ill of God. Faith in the Word of God brings the life of God to the soul. The soul is saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, believing XViiVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAa ITS AN IDEA Rev. Carlton C. Buck
heed in the heart of the unsaved. 2. WE MUST USE THE BIBLE IN TEACHING DOCTRINES. 2 Tim. 3:15. Every false religion is based on the teachings written in text books by Someone who follows the traditions of tnen. It is not the will of God that We should follow human traditions but rather that we should follow the Word which reveals His will. Every teligious leader desires to have his followers believe in his own theories. Ño false religion could exist by using bnly the Bible. Probably lit all the World there is no person following a false doctrine who w e n t astray through reading the Bible alone. The Word of God leads people to think God’s thoughts but men’s books lead them to believe their thoughts. We ban only know the truth of G6d as we lead the Word of God. The doctrines bf forgiveness, salvation, justification, tedemption, sin, judgment, ánd pun ishment are only learned from the sacred pages of God’s Book. 3. WE MUST USE THE BIBLE IN T e a c h in g g o d l y l iv in g . 2 Tim. S:16. The Lord has not given instructions to the ungodly concerning daily liv ing. All the instructions found in the Scripture are for Christians. The un saved are lost and dead in their sins and are guilty before God so that they need a Saviour. We never tell a dead person how to behave nor do we tell bondemned murderers how to live, bod’s instructions are for God’s peo ple who are saved by grace, and Washed in the blood of the Lamb. In the Bible, children are told how to bbey their parents in the Lord, serv ants are instructed concerning their lelationship to the master, and the blaster is taught concerning his treat - ment of his servants. Husbánds and Wives are admonished in régard to their treatment of each other. God bffers the finest and most helpful teaching in regard to all human re lationships in His wonderful Book, the Bible. 4. WE MUST USE THE BIBLE IN fcEGARD TO HOME LIFE. Eph. 6:1-3. Through the Scripture, Christians áre called upon to manifest the graces Which make life sweet and pleasant. Love is to abound in the Hearts of those in the home. Childreh are to honor and respect the parents God has given them. The father is to plan for the home as a godly man seeking to bring all the peace and blessing that he can to those under his care. Patience must be exercised, for human frailties will be manifested. Blessings áre to be shared and burdens borne So that each heart is enriched in the Sight of God. There should bb no un righteous dealings with one another for this will result in turmoil, confu sion, and hatred. Christ is to be en throned in the home. 41
Idea 1. Prove your thanks during this Thanksgiving time by an organized effort to make others happy. Visit hos pitals, homes, shut-ins, and the less-privileged in your community. Take them the cheer of Christian benevo lence. Idea 2. In Psalm 55:18, Da vid states: “He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.” There are two ways of handling burdens, man’s way and God’s way. Man will de liver the soul in pieces, but God will deliver the soul in peace. The Bible alone re veals to us God’s method. Idea 3. The topic for Decem ber 22, “Let Earth Receive Her King” is from Isaac Watts’ beautiful hymn, “Joy to the World!” Have someone pre pare a brief talk on the life of Watts and the story of the hymn. Idea 4. Luke says of Christ concerning the so-called “si lent years” of Christ’s life, that “He increased in wisdom” (Luke 2:52). We should take an invoice of our lives at the close of the year to see if we have been really learning of Him. Have we been growing in grace and “ in favour with God” ?
God who sent the Lord Jesus, and be lieving the truth of these things as revealed in the Scripture. We should not make the mistake of trying to bring men to Christ by argument or reasoning or stories, and omit the Scripture. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” and not by any other book, method or process. Let us learn how to use the Scriptures wisely so that every kind of lost person may find the answer to his heart hunger in the precious Word. It has an answer for every kind of
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