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READ WHAT OTHERS SAY: Justice Glenn Terrell, Form er Chief Justice o f the Supreme Court o f Florida.: “ The inscription over the entrance to the Library of the Florida State College for Women in Tallahassee. Florida, is: The Half of Knowledge Is to Know Where to Find Knoyitdge/ The New Chain Reference Bible is the ‘ Where* to find the fullest spiritual truths and to gain the most com plete knowledge of the Bible in the easiest way. For the past two years I have used the N ew Chain Refer ence Bible and I have found it to be the best of them all/* Dr. Ralph W » Sockman, Christ Church, Meth odist, N ew York C ity: “ It contains so much in such Concise form that I use it above all others. I have never seen a Bible édition which equals it for study Work and general Use.“ Dr. H arry Riminer, Biblical Scholar and Scientist: " I have never seen any other single volume that contained as many practical helps for the beginner, or the advanced student of the Scriptures." Rev. Charles £ . Fuller, Director, Old Fashioned R evival Hour Broadcast: “ I wish every preacher and teacher of the Word had a copy of this most usable and logical reference work/*' Dr. Lean- tier S. Keyser, Form er Prof., W ittenberg College: “ The New Chain Reference Bible is a treasure-house o f useful information. Surely this is the Bible that ought to be in every home.“ Dr. H . Fram er Smith, Nationally-Known Bible Teacher: “ The more I use it the more I value it. I t Is indeed a marvel o f Bible Analysis. It is not only a very scholarly work that w ill be greatly appreciated by the deep student, but it is so simple that even a child nine years of age can use it. To anyone desiring a better knowledge of the Scriptures, I would say, examine this work be fore buying any other Bible.** Dr. F . M. McConnell, Rditor Emeritus, Baptist Standard: *‘I firm ly believe that a boy in the 7th grade can get more information from this Bible in two days than a preacher can get from an ordinary Bible in a week.** Rapidly Replacing Other Bibles—’ Has So Many More New Helps! 1. Uniquechartshowing Origin and Growth of the English Bible. 2. The Outline 6tudies of Bible Periods, comparing Bib lical History with Contemporary Secular History. 3. The Analysis of the Bibleas a Whole. 4. The Analysis of each of the 66 Books of the Bible, 6 . The Analysis o f every Chapter o f the New Testament. 6 . The Analysis o f the Verses of the entire Bible. you to study the Constructive and Destructive Forces of Life, with the Bible verses printed out in fullunder such sub- j ects as Faith—Unbelief, Love—Hatred, Courage— Fear, etc. 33.■Life Studies, such as Business Life, Home Life, Devo tional Life. The Surrendered Life, etc. 34. Bible Stories for Children. A. list of 56 stories to be read from the Bible itself. 35. Miracles of both the Old and New Testaments listed Sn Chronological Order. The Revised Version is given in the wide margin opposite the verses, wherever an im portant difference in meaning occurs. Be Fair to Yourself!
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