Measure Magazine, Vo. IX

Yet, while trying to exist within four walls, I still yearned to dance outside the lines. It is ironic when you think about it. The fashion industry, built around the idea of beautiful creativity in all forms, can still produce such feelings of shame, exhaustion, and competition. There is an unmentioned standard throughout society that in order to be accepted, one must dress relatively the same… create the same art… appreciate the same aesthetics. Through this toxic mentality, imperfection is inescapable in a person’s exploration of themselves. The fashion industry has built itself up on words like “trendy,” “cheugy,” “in,” and “out.” The phrases hammer the nail into the small box we group ourselves into. Their meaning becomes worthless when we use them to categorize ourselves and others. We are all masterpieces desiring admiration. We are all individuals, not one exactly like the other. So, what is our call to action? How can we bury the burden, the toxicity, and the guilt? How do we rise to the task of being ourselves instead of falling short? The answer is simple. We must hold ourselves responsible. Someone very honest with themselves once told me,


YOURSELF ; IT IS ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF.” When we take a step back and think about creating ourselves in an industry such as this, we are presented with

immense responsibility. By realizing that we are all individuals who are capable of being true and honest, we will then attain what we have been yearning for. Outside the box, lies perfection.

Vol. IX


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