in the Company’s Corporate Governance Charter. Expected standards of conduct for staff are outlined in the Company’s Employee Handbook, which is provided to all employees. Whistleblower Protection Policy A formal policy regarding whistleblower protections has been communicated to all staff members and forms part of the Company’s Employee Handbook. Employees are encouraged to report concerns in relation to illegal, unethical or improper conduct in circumstances where they may be apprehensive about raising their concern because of fear of possible adverse repercussions. PRINCIPLE 5 SAFEGUARD INTEGRITY IN CO-OPERATIVE AND MUTUAL ENTERPRISES (CME) REPORTING Go Vita Group has formal controls and rigorous processes that safeguard our assets, provide independent attestations to members of the integrity of our financial processes and disclosures, and can demonstrate alignment with purpose. Audit & Risk Committee The Audit & Risk Committee plays an important role in assisting the Board to provide oversight of the financial performance of the Company and the integrity of performance reporting. The Chair of the Committee is selected based on skill, experience and capability to perform the role. The current Chair is a Member Director. The terms of reference of the Audit & Risk Committee are detailed in the Company’s Corporate Governance Charter. Financial Statements Historically, the Board of Go Vita Group has not received attestations from senior management in relation to financial statements.
Further detail regarding the Directors’ qualifications, special responsibilities, skills, experience and expertise (including the period of office held by each Director) and length of each Director’s tenure is set out in the Directors’ Report in the Annual Report. Board Committees There are currently two committees of the Board: (a) The Audit & Risk Committee (which provides oversight of the financials and risk issues relevant to the Company’s success); and (b) The Sustainability Committee (which is concerned with informing the Board about sustainable practices and emerging issues). Go Vita Group does not have a nomination committee and chooses to conduct Board succession planning work using the full Board. Role of the Chair Since 2020, Go Vita Group has elected to have an Independent Chair to augment the skills and experience of the Board. The role of the Chair is an important leadership position which leads the communication with shareholders, mentors and guides the CEO, and facilitates effective decision making by the Board. Induction Program for Directors Go Vita Group has a formal program for inducting new Directors. This process provides appropriate learning prior to commencing the role. The Company aims to provide opportunities for Directors to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively perform their role as a Director. PRINCIPLE 4 ACT ETHICALLY AND RESPONSIBLY Go Vita Group acts ethically and responsibly in relation to its members and other stakeholders. Code of Conduct A code of conduct for the Board of Directors is included
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