Air Serbia inflight magazine
HAPPY NEW TRAVELS Srećna nova putovanja
BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije
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Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
December 2024
Decembar 2024.
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
BLIŽI SE KRAJ 2024. GODINE, KOJA JE ZA ER SRBIJU BILA ISPUNJENA RAZLIČITIM USPESIMA. Završili smo obnovu regionalne flote koja sada ima deset aviona tipa ATR 72-600. Stigao nam je treći širokotrupni „erbas A330-200“, registarske oznake YU-ARD sa vizuelnim identitetom EXPO 2027. Taj avion, namenjen dugolinijskom saobraćaju, svoj prvi let obavio je u okviru čarter saobraćaja na ruti između Beograda i Tokija, što je vremenski najduži let u istoriji naše kompanije. Nastavili smo i sa širenjem mreže destinacija, pokrenuli letove do Guangdžoua, Nice i Mostara, i za 2025. godinu najavili uspostavljanje direktnih avio- linija između Beograda i Šangaja, Ibice, Mikonosa i Sardinije. Za prvih deset i po meseci prevezli smo 4 miliona putnika, što otvara mogućnost da godinu završimo novim rekordnim rezultatom, odnosno da premašimo broj od 4,19 miliona putnika, koliko smo ukupno prevezli tokom do sada najuspešnije 2023. godine. Aktivno smo pratili promenljive prilike u avio-industriji i kretanja na tržištu, prilagođavali se promenama, uvek stavljajući na prvo mesto potrebe putnika i efikasnost poslovanja. S tim u vezi, pokrenuli smo i značajne projekte koji imaju za cilj dalje unapređenje usluge koju pružamo. U narednom periodu otvorićemo novi, moderniji i veći Premijum salon na našem matičnom aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu i potpuno preurediti prostor za prijavu na let putnika u biznis klasi. Veliku pažnju poklonili smo i našim zaposlenima. Tokom 2024. godine pridružilo nam se gotovo 300 novih koleginica i kolega. Kontinuirano radimo na unapređenju letačkih timova i kabinskih posada. Odškolovali smo prvu ženu na poziciji kapetana ATR aviona i u saradnji sa Vazduhoplovnom akademijom pokrenuli pilotski kadetski program koji nam omogućava da perspektivne mlade pilote i pilotkinje potencijalno angažujemo odmah po završetku školovanja. Uveliko se pripremamo za novu poslovnu godinu, koja će neosporno doneti mnoge prilike, ali i izazove. Uveren sam da ćemo mudro iskoristiti svaku šansu za dalji rast, a timskim duhom i angažovanjem više od 1.500 zaposlenih u srpskoj nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji prevazići i eventualne prepreke. Iskustvo koje imamo predstavlja odličan temelj za dalju nadogradnju i stabilne osnove za nove uspehe Er Srbije, a sve u najboljem interesu naših putnika. Želimo vam srećne praznike!
WE ARE NEARING THE END OF 2024, A YEAR THAT WAS FILLED WITH ALL KINDS OF SUCCESSES FOR AIR SERBIA . We completed the renewal of our regional fleet, which now comprises ten ATR 72-600 aircraft, and also welcomed our third wide-body Airbus A330-200, registered as YU-ARD and sporting the branding of EXPO 2027. This aircraft, intended for long-haul traffic, made its inaugural Air Serbia flight as part of a charter service on the route between Belgrade and Tokyo, which is the longest flight in the history of our airline. We also continued expanding our destination network in 2024, introducing flights to Guangzhou, Nice and Mostar, as well as announcing the 2025 introduction of direct flights from Belgrade to Shanghai, Ibiza, Mykonos and Sardinia. We carried 4 million passengers over the first 10 and a half months of the year, which creates the possibility of ending the year with a new record that exceeds the 4.19 million passengers we transported during 2023, as our most successful year to date. We have actively monitored changing conditions in the aviation industry and market changes, and adjusted accordingly, while always prioritising passengers’ needs and the efficiency of our operations. In that context, we have also launched significant projects aimed at further improving our services. In the period ahead, we will open our new, larger and more modern Premium Lounge at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as well as completely renovation of the check-in zone for business class passengers. We have also paid great attention to our employees, with nearly 300 new colleagues having joined us in 2024. We work continuously to improve our flight crews and cabin staff and have trained our first female captain for ATR aircraft, as well as working in collaboration with the Aviation Academy to launch a pilot cadet programme that allows us to potentially hire promising young pilots immediately upon completion of their training. We are already preparing for the new business year, which will undoubtedly bring many opportunities, but also challenges. I am confident we will wisely take advantage of every opportunity for further growth and that, with the team spirit and commitment of the over 1,500 employees at Serbia's national airline, we’ll have no trouble overcoming any potential obstacles. The experience we’ve gained provides an excellent foundation for further development and a stable basis for Air Serbia to record new successes, all in the best
Jirži Marek Jiri Marek
interest of our passengers. We wish you happy holidays!
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7
Najbolja ostrvska zabava: Sledećeg leta vas vodimo na Ibicu, Mikonos i Sardiniju / Top island fun: We’re taking you to Ibiza, Mykonos and Sardinia next summer Globalni lideri avio-industrije gosti Beograda / Belgrade welcomes global aviation industry leaders
Er Srbija prevezla četiri miliona putnika do polovine novembra / Air Serbia carries four millionth passenger in Mid-November
INTERVJU INTERVIEW 30. Goran Bregović: Čini mi se
da sam srećan čovek / Goran Bregović: it seems that I‘m a lucky man
Sa nama putuje Jelena Rozga, pevačica / Travelling with us is Jelena Rozga, singer
Toni Parsons: Ljudi ć e uvek čeznuti za pričama / Tony Parsons: people will always long for stories
Neophodan komad i radost za hladne dane: Kamel kaput za svaku eru / Essential piece and joy for colder days: the camel coat for every era
Vodimo vas u Prag / We’re taking you to Prague
50. Muzej savremene umetnosti: Dualnost Milene Pavlović Barili / Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade: the Duality of Milena Pavlović- Barili 60. Pola veka sa gitarom: Vlatko
Stefanovski među Bitlsima / Half a century with the guitar: Vlatko Stefanovski emulating the Beatles
8 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 94 Prirodna blaga i zimsko uživanje: Nezaboravna istočna Srbija /
Natural treasure and winter wonderland: unforgettable eastern Serbia
RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 76. Zlatno doba Pozorišta na
Terazijama: Kultno mesto za ubijanje samoće / Terazije Theatre’s Golden Age: iconic spot for killing loneliness
DESTINACIJA DESTINATION 100. Vreme je za Božić ,
doživite magiju Krakova / It’s Christmas time, experience the Magic of Kraków
SLAVLJE CELEBRATION 80. Pokloni, svetla, uživanje: Najbolji božić ni marketi /
Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica
Gifts, lights, delights: the best Christmas markets
SPORT SPORTS 106. Dušan Borković: Na putu za Guangdžou i Makao / Dušan Borković: travelling to Guangzhou and Macau
Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
Air Serbia inflight magazine
Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
HAPPY NEW TRAVELS Srećna nova putovanja Nova godina za nova putovanja /
Broj / Issue No. 370 Naslovna strana / Cover Hajdi Kostić
New Year for new travels Foto/ Photo: Hajdi Kostić
Contents » Sadržaj | 9
∙ Private sanctuary on Montenegro’s pristine coast with panoramic Adriatic views ∙ Residents will have access to exclusive Clubhouse and Luštica Bay’s amenities ∙ Innovation new payment options available INTRODUCING HORIZON - LUŠTICA BAY’S NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD
A corner of calm Horizon’s residences benefit
LUŠTICA BAY has redefined the art of coastal living in the past de- cade - emerging as a compelling investment opportunity and a ga- teway to Montenegro’s natural be- auty and rich culture. The laun- ch of its newest neighbourhood, Horizon, represents a further mi- lestone in Luštica Bay’s commi-
tment to elevated living, and adds to its existing portfolio of luxury re- sidences. Horizon has a towering van- tage point above the Adriatic Sea. For thousands of years, locals wo- uld gather at this point to obser- ve the sun and stars, and to scan for local mariners returning home safely. Fast-forward to today, Ho- rizon will welcome residents back with open arms, providing them with a place to retreat, reset and renew. Somewhere they feel they belong.
from being close to the action and community of Luštica Bay - minu- tes from Marina Village, Centrale, and a new golf course - yet still in a quiet and secluded area overloo- king the Bay of Trašte. The architectural langua- ge of the residences blends mo- dern luxury with traditional Mon- tenegrin charm to maximise views across the Adriatic Sea. Every li- ving room, bedroom, terrace and balcony is orientated around blue vistas and natural scenery. Gene- rous open-plan living spaces boast floor-to-ceiling windows, warm lo- cal stone, earthy colour palettes, and Mediterranean shutters. And cascading infinity pools and outdo- or terraces are surrounded by lush gardens and fragrances of lime trees and lavender. All of this works to create a serene oasis of privacy and ele- gance. +382 67 050 550
E: T: +382 67 050 550 me scan
10 | Promo » Promo
A community of life Residents will have access to
ment terms. A unique payment stru- cture includes a zero-interest plan extended up to four years, with up to two years of post-delivery flexibility. This allows owners to generate ren- tal income for up to two years befo- re making their final payment, effe- ctively off-setting their investment through Luštica Bay's professional Property Rental Service. Capitalising on Montenegro's rapidly ascending luxury market Situated within three hours of Europe's major hubs, and with three international airports nearby, Luštica Bay offers modern connectivity and appealing investment opportuni- ties. While comparable residences in established European markets command inflated prices, Luštica Bay’s property values show consi- stent year-on-year growth that out- pace many Mediterranean coun- terparts. As Montenegro cements its po- sition as the Adriatic's newest luxury destination, Horizon is ideally positi- oned to offer owners long-term va- lue creation and a new standard for Mediterranean living.
Horizon's exclusive Clubhouse for socialising, dining and entertain- ment. Expansive terraces with swing sofas and sun loungers offer additi- onal perspectives over the Adriatic, while the elevated Skybar is made for sunset drinks and alfresco dining. The Clubhouse also features an in- finity pool, private cinema, state-of- the-art fitness centre, and a dedica- ted kids' club. Luštica Bay’s boutiques, restau- rants, events and sports facilities provide further year-round recreati- on. In addition to its high-end marina, five pristine beaches, and three sea lounges, Luštica Bay will soon be ho- me to Montenegro’s first golf cour- se: an 18-hole Gary Player Signature Champion Course. This course wi- ll establish Montenegro as a premier golfing destination and be one of the few in the world to possess sea views from every hole. An innovative investment opportunity Horizon residences range from €450,000 to €1,452,000 - with a 20% downpayment and flexible pay-
Promo » Promo | 11
U fokusu
In focus
publike Srbije je tokom letnje sezo- ne saobraćala do više od 90 desti- nacija širom Evrope, Azije, Afrike i Severne Amerike. Flota kompani- je jedna je od najmlađih u regionu i čine je tri aviona tipa „erbas A330- 200“, tri aviona tipa „erbas A320- 200“, deset aviona tipa „erbas A319-100“, deset aviona tipa ATR 72-600, kao i jedan avion tipa „em- braer E-195“. Pored matičnog Aero- droma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa Međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kraljeva i Aerodroma „Konstantin Veliki“ u Ni- šu. Tokom 50. dodele godišnjih na- grada za postignuća u vazdušnom saobraćaju, koja je u maju 2024. godine održana u Dubaiju, Er Sr- bija je uvrštena u Er Transport Vor- ld (Air Transport World – ATW) Ku- ću slavnih.
NASTAVLJAJU SE FANTASTIČNI REZULTATI ER SRBIJA PREVEZLA ČETIRI MILIONA PUTNIKA Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je 15. novembra oborila još jedan rekord od početka 2024.
REKORDNI REZULTAT ER SRBIJE postignut je skoro mesec dana ra- nije u odnosu na do sada rekordnu 2023. godinu, kada je četirimilioniti putnik zabeležen 13. decembra. – Tokom prvih deset i po meseci 2024. godine Er Srbija je realizova- la niz projekata i aktivnosti koji su za cilj imali dalje unapređenje usluge. Sredinom novembra smo prevezli i četirimilionitog putnika od početka 2024, što otvara mogućnost da go-
dinu završimo novim rekordnim re- zultatom i premašimo broj od 4,19 miliona, koliko smo ukupno prevezli u 2023. Pred nama su novogodišnji praznici koji su za većinu ljudi vreme opuštanja, a za nas u avijaciji vreme saobraćaja pojačanog intenziteta. Uveren sam da ćemo taj period, kao i novu 2025. godinu spremno doče- kati – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije. Nacionalna avio-kompanija Re-
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Er Srbija je tokom letnje sezone saobraćala do više od 90 destinacija širom Evrope, Azije, Afrike i Severne Amerike Over the course of the summer season, Air Serbia operated flights to more than 90 destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America
AIR SERBIA REACHED FOUR MI- LLION PASSENGERS carried al- most a month earlier than in 2023, when the four millionth pa- ssenger was recorded on 13 th De- cember, also representing a re- cord. “During the first ten and a half months of 2024, Air Serbia reali-
sed a number of projects and acti- vities aimed at further improving the services that we provide. We also carried our four millionth pa- ssenger in 2024 in mid-Novem- ber, which creates the possibili- ty of ending the year with a new record by exceeding the 4.19 mi- llion passengers carried in 2023. The New Year holidays are ahead, which are a time of relaxation for most people. However, for those of us working in aviation, it‘s a time of increased traffic intensity. I am confident that we will be ready for this period and for 2025,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. Over the course of the sum- mer season, Air Serbia operated flights to more than 90 destina- tions across Europe, Asia, Afri- ca and North America. The airli- ne’s fleet, one of the youngest in the region, comprises three Air- bus A330-200 aircraft, three Ai- rbus A320-200 aircraft, ten Ai- rbus A319-100 aircraft, ten ATR 72-600 aircraft and one Embraer E-195. In addition to its hub at Bel- grade Nikola Tesla Airport, Air Ser- bia also operates from the Morava International Airport near Kralje- vo and Niš Constantine the Gre- at Airport. The 50 th annual awar- ds ceremony for achievements in air traffic, held in Dubai in May 2024, saw Air Serbia inducted in- to the Air Transport World (ATW) Hall of Fame.
AIR SERBIA CARRIES FOUR MILLIONTH PASSENGER The national airline broke another record in 2024 on 15 th November
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13
Na letu
On board
Pogled iz aviona mi daje posebnu moć The view from a plane gives me special power ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?
VERUJEM DA SMO SVI NEGDE U USPO- MENAMA ZADRŽALI SEĆANJE NA SVOJ PR- VI AVIO-LET . Onog trenutka kad se avion vinuo u vazduh, osetila sam se predivno i radosno kao malo dete. Videti svoj grad i predivno Jadransko more s tolike visine… Ostalo mi je to urezano u sećanju i nikada ne želim da se naviknem da je to nešto sa- svim obično. Prelepo je gledati te lepote iz vazdu- ha, ima neku posebnu moć. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom? – Slušalice kako bih slušala muziku, mada mo- ram priznati da ja jako brzo zaspim kad letim. Veći- nom putujem nakon nastupa, pa me stigne i umor i većinu leta prespavam. (smeh)
“I BELIEVE THAT WE’VE ALL RETAINED THE MEMORY OF OUR FIRST FLIGHT SOMEWHERE WITHIN US . That moment when the plane ascended, I felt as wonderful and joyful as a little child. To see one’s city and the beautiful Adriatic from such a height... That remained etched in my memory and I never want to get used to it as something totally ordinary. It’s stunning- ly beautiful to see those attractions from the air, which has some special power.” What do you always carry aboard? “Headphones so I can listen to music, though I must admit that I fall asleep very quickly when flying. I most- ly travel after a performance, so my exhaustion some- how catches up with me and I sleep through most of the flight (laughs).”
Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: John Pavlish
Ko je Jelena Jedna od najvećih pop zvezda sa ovih prostora sa preko dve decenije niza- nja hitova najpre u grupi „Magazin“, pa u solo karijeri, detinjstvo je pro- vela u baletskim patikama u rodnom Splitu. Zbog koncerata širom Balka- na i Evrope većinu godine provede na točkovima ili na letovima. Njena ha- rizma, emotivni nastupi i energija na sceni osigurali su joj čak sedam kon- cerata za druženje sa publikom kra- jem godine u beogradskom Centru „Sava“ (20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29. i 30. decembar). WHO IS JELENA One of the region’s most popular pop stars, with over two decades of hits, initially with the band Magazin and then throughout her solo career, she was born and raised in Split and spent her childhood in ballet shoes. Thanks to concerts across the Balkans and around Europe, she spends most of her time travelling. Her charisma, emotion- al performances and stage energy have led to the scheduling of as many as sev- en year-end concerts at Belgrade's Sa- va Centre (20 th , 21 st , 26 th , 27 th , 28 th, 29 th and 30 th December).
Jelena Rozga pevačica singer
14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Osvetljeni Prag blista na Božić Illuminated Prague sparkles at Christmas
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me scan
130 min.
Neki gradovi su toliko savršeni oko Bo- žić a da se čini kako su osmišljeni isključivo u skladu sa ovim dobom godine. Pogledaj - te samo Prag – gde slavne srednjovekovne i barokne građevine blistaju ukrašene bajko - vitim svetlima. Meštani su ludi za Božić em, baš kao i turisti koji prihvataju lokalne tradi - cije sa istinskom radošć u.
Some cities are so perfect at Christmasti- me that you start wondering if they’ve been designed solely with the festive season in mi- nd. Take for example Prague, a city where glo- rious medieval and baroque edifices are ac - cessorised with fairy lights. The locals are as nuts about Christmas as tourists and embra- ce its local traditions with genuine joy.
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19
Popnite se stepenicama zamka
Climb the castle stairs First of all – the view. For a proper sense of Prague ci- ty centre, head straight to Ma- la Strana, a place of cobbled streets and baroque palaces huddled in the shadow of Pra- gue Castle, then climb the castle stairs. The inner city’s jumble of historic rooftops and attic windows slowly reveals it- self as you ascend, with almost all of central Prague becoming visible by the time you reach the top. It’s undeniably chan- ged quite a lot since good King Wenceslas last looked out in the 10 th century, but half of Pra- gue’s history still seems to be contained in that view. You are awaited at the top of the sta- irs by Prague’s castle and cat- hedral. And, yes, according to the Guinness Book of World Re- cords, Prague has the world’s largest castle. Covering an area of 70,280m 2 , it doesn’t resem-
ble your typical fairytale castle – it is more of a large complex of different buildings constru- cted over the centuries, with a large cathedral at its centre. Wander the Old Town Square’s market Once you’ve got your bearin- gs, it’s time to take on Prague’s essential Christmas experien- ce: the markets. The largest is held annually at the Staromest- ske Namesti (Old Town Square) and this is your essential first stop, despite being the most to- uristy market and generally the most expensive, That’s partly due to its sheer size (with over a hundred stalls, it’s sure to keep you snacking, sipping and shopping for hours), but mostly due to the backdrop. That’s be- cause several of the city’s most attractive landmarks overlook the square, including the me- dieval astronomical clock and the superbly spiked towers of the Church of Our Lady befo- re Týn, with wedding-cake-style baroque townhouses filling in the gaps. Prague’s tallest Chri- stmas tree completes an enc- hanting scene.
Pre svega, pogled. Za pravi oseć aj centralnog Praga idite do Male Strane, do kaldrmi - sanih ulica i baroknih palata koje se zbijaju ispod Praš - kog zamka. Zatim se popni - te stepenicama koje će vam, dok idete gore, polako otkri - vati krovove i prozore u pot - krovljima grada, sve dok ne stignete do mesta odakle mo - žete da vidite gotovo ceo cen - tar Praga. Naravno, malo se sve to promenilo u odnosu na vreme kada je kralj Vaclav tu uživao u 10. veku, ali se i da - lje čini da je polovina istorije Praga sadržana upravo u tom pogledu. Na vrhu stepenica čekaju vas Praški zamak i ka - tedrala. I da, prema Giniso - voj knjizi rekorda, Praški za - mak je najveć i na svetu. Ima 70.280 kvadratnih metara, ali ne liči baš na tipičan zamak iz bajke – više je kompleks različitih zgrada iz svih veko - va sa velikom katedralom u sredini.
20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Prošetajte pijacom na Starom gradskom trgu
Cross the Charles
touch it? The statue represents Saint John of Nepomuk, the co- urt priest of King Wenceslas IV. Legend has it that he was killed at the behest of the king after refusing to divulge the details of the queen’s confession. Touc- hing the statue is a Prague ritu- al that’s supposed to bring go- od luck and ensure you’ll soon return to Prague. Unsurprisingly, given its size, the Christmas market on Pra- gue’s Old Town Square has the busiest programme of festive entertainment. Free concerts of pop, rock and folk music are held there, so visit trhypraha. cz for updates on programmes. However, the most charming musical moments come from visiting choral groups, especially during Prague’s annual Advent Choral Meetings, which attra- ct over 70 choirs from 22 coun- Listen to a choir by the Church of St Nicholas tries. Many people sing in the midst of the market’s stalls, as well as in the Church of St Nic- holas overlooking the square.
Bridge at dawn
Vreme je da se zaglavi - te u jedinstvenom boži - ć nom iskustvu Praga – na pijacama. Najveć a je ona u Staromestskim Namestima (poznatiji
Even if it didn’t conne-
ct Prague’s most distin- ctive districts — Stare Mesto and Mala Strana — the Charles Bridge wo- uld still be a wonder of the modern world. Built in Prague’s golden age of the 14 th century, it is bookended by a pair of sha- pely medieval towers. It is also packed with tourists from the early hours until long after du- sk, so come and traverse it at dawn, when everyone is still in bed or having breakfast. You’ll have just a handful of locals for company at that time of day, and nothing to listen to but the waves of the Vltava. Don’t for- get to check out the plaque fixed to a statue depicting a man being thrown from the bridge. What’s the story behind that plaque and why do people
kao Starogradski trg) i ma - da je ovaj market generalno najskuplji, to je vaša osnov - na prva stanica. Delimično je zbog same veličine: sa preko stotinu tezgi, omoguć ić e vam da grickate, pijuckate i kupu - jete satima – ali se uživanje uglavnom svodi na okolinu. Nekoliko najlepših znamenito - sti u gradu gleda na trg, uklju - čujuć i srednjovekovni astro - nomski sat i šiljaste kule crkve Gospe pred Tinom. Najviša bo - žić na jelka u Pragu upotpunju - je očaravajuć u scenu. Pređite Karlov most u zoru Čak i da ne povezuje najatrak - tivnije oblasti Praga – Staro Mesto i Malu Stranu – Karlov most bi i dalje bio čudo savre - menog sveta. Izgrađen u zlat - nom dobu Praga u 14. veku, posebno se ističe prelepim srednjovekovnim kulama. Od 9.30 ujutru do dugo nakon su - mraka prepun je turista, pa do - đite i pređite ga u zoru, dok su svi još na doručku. U to doba dana imać ete samo šačicu lo - kalnog stanovništva za druš - tvo i ništa da slušate osim ta - lasa Vltave. Ne zaboravite statuu sa pločom koja prika - zuje čoveka bačenog sa mo - sta. Koja je priča iza ploče i za - što je ljudi dodiruju? Statua predstavlja Svetog Jovana Ne - pomuka, dvorskog svešteni - ka kralja Vaclava IV. Legenda kaže da je ubijen po naredbi kralja, jer je odbio da izda kra - ljičine tajne. Kako god bilo, dodirivanje statue je postalo praški ritual koji bi trebalo da donese sreć u i obezbedi da se brzo vratite u Prag.
22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Stambeno-poslovni kompleks Nemanjin grad
Na prodaju veoma kvalitetni stanovi u izdradnji od 40m² do 170 m2 i lokali od 60m² do 1.500m² u kompl- eksu Nemanjin grad, ul. Peke Dapčevića, Trošarina, prekoputa naselja Stepa, samo 4km od Autoko- mande i 5,5km od Slavije. Na par minuta hoda od kompleksa nalaze se škola, vrtić, Dom zdravlja i supermarketi. Useljenje 31.12.2026., promotivne cene stanova već od 2.400 evra/m² do 31.01.2025. For sale: high quality apartments under construction ranging from 40m² to 170m² and commercial spaces from 60m² to 1,500m² in the Duke Nemanja’s Town complex, located in Peke Dapčevića street, Trošarina, on the opposide side of the Stepa neighborhood, just 4km from Autokomanda and 5,5km from Slavija square. Within a few minute walk from the complex, there is a school, a kindergarten, a health center and supermar- kets. Move in date - December 31, 2026. Promotional apartment prices starting from 2.400 euros/m² available until January 31, 2025.
+381 69 807 0386
+381 69 807 0389
Slušajte hor kod Crkve Svetog Nikole
Nije iznenađujuć e što, s ob - zirom na njegovu veličinu, starogradski trg u Pragu po - staje domaćin božić noj pi - jaci sa najprometnijim pro - gramom praznične zabave. Tu su svi besplatni koncer - ti pop, rok i narodne muzi - ke, pa posetite trhypraha. cz za novosti o programi - ma. Međutim, najšarmantni - ji muzički trenuci dolaze od horskih grupa, posebno to - kom godišnjih adventskih horskih susreta u Pragu koji privlače preko 70 horova iz 22 zemlje. Mnogi pevaju na tezgama na pijaci, kao i u crkvi Svetog Nikole koja gle - da na trg. Pijuckajte svarak Zaboravite pivo – u ovo do - ba godine, svarak je omilje - na praška šolja dobrog ras - položenja. U suštini, to je kuvano vino, ojačano raki - jom od šljive ili rumom – i malo je citrusnije (i manje slatko) nego što smo navi - kli. Kako dan prelazi u noć , njegov miris se vrti kroz svaku božić nu pijacu, dok se raspoloženje polako me - nja od prazničnog bazara
do velike zabave na otvore - nom. Bezalkoholna alterna - tiva je vruć i sok od jabuke sa cimetom. Kupite božić ne kuglice Česi vole svoje jelke. Trenutak kada se svetla upale da otkriju božićne poklone najsvetiji je za svako
kuglice su prelepe i zaključa - ne su kao dragulji kada ne vi - se na jelkama. Na prazničnoj pijaci u Pragu možete kupi - ti sve vrste božić nih rukotvori - na: sveć e, vence, lutke, ručno rađene igračke, keramiku. Ali ništa tako ne donosi
osećaj magič - ne sezone kao te krhke stakle - ne sfere.
češko dete (i mno - ge roditelje) – ta - ko da nije ni čudo što se trude da ih ukrase najbolje što mogu. Njihove ruč - no slikane staklene
24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Sip some svarak Forget beer — at this time of year, svarak is Prague’s favouri- te tipple. It is essentially mulled wine, stiffened with plum bran- dy or rum — and it’s a tad mo- re citrusy (and less sweet) than we’re used to. As twilight des- cends, its aroma swirls throu- gh every Christmas market in the city, while the mood slowly shifts from festive bazaar to giant outdoor party. The non-alcoholic alternative is hot apple juice with cinnamon. Buy Christmas baubles The Czechs love their Chris- tmas trees. The moment the li- ghts are turned on to reveal Jezisek’s presents on 24 th De- cember is the most sacred mo- ment for any Czech child (and many of their parents too) —
so it’s no wonder they go the extra mile to decorate them. Their hand-blown and hand-pa- inted glass baubles are things of beauty that are locked away like jewels when not dangling amid the tinsel. There are all kinds of Christmas craft items to buy on Prague’s festive mar- kets: candles, Advent wreaths, puppets, handmade toys, ce- ramics etc. However, nothing evokes the season’s fleeting sense of magic quite like those fragile glass spheres. Feast on street food Always head to a Christmas market when hungry. That way you can give in to all the tempting aromas of the food stalls, and simultaneously keep yourself warm. Freshly cooked kloubasa is a favourite treat —
MAIA.HOMEDRESS a touch of elegance on your skin MAIA.HOMEDRESS is a premium luxury brand that represents a synonym for elegance and sophistication. MAIA distinguishes itself as a leader in handcrafting the finest silk garments. Located at 12/2 Vojvode Dobrnjca Street, you will find refined collections ranging from designer silk pyjamas to timeless cloaks and dresses for important occasions.
MAIA.HOMEDRESS dodir elegancije na vašoj koži MAIA.HOMEDRESS je luksuzni premium brend koji predstavlja sinonim za eleganciju i sofisticiranost. MAIA se ističe kao lider u ručnoj proizvodnji najfinijih odevnih predmeta od svile. Na adresi Vojvode Dobrnjca 11/2 pronaći ćete graciozne kolekcije, od dizajnerskih svilenih pidžama, do vanvremenskih ogrtača i haljina za važne prilike.
SPOJ KLASIKE I SAVREMENOSTI MAIA.HOMEDRESS je brend namenjen samouverenoj, kosmopolitskoj ženi koja ceni trenutke uživanja. U svakom francuskom šavu utkana je priča o kvalitetu, stilu i estetici. Pored ekskluzivnih odevnih komada, imaćete priliku da osetite MAIA. CEREMONYSCENT, prvi miris za svilu proizveden u Srbiji. ZAKORAČITE U MAIA SVET I DOŽIVITE VRHUNAC MODNE FUZIJE!
MAIA.HOMEDRESS is a brand intended for self-confident, cosmopolitan women who value precious moments of enjoyment. Woven into every French knot is a tale of quality, style and aesthetics. Alongside exclusive items of clothing, you’ll also have the opportunity to experience MAIA. CEREMONYSCENT, the first silk apparel perfume to be produced in Serbia. STEP INTO THE MAIA WORLD AND EXPERIENCE THE PINNACLE OF FUSION FASHION
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 25
Uživajte u uličnoj hrani Uvek idite na božić nu pijacu gladni da biste lakše podle - gli svim primamljivim mirisi - ma sa štandova za hranu, a pritom se i zagrejali. Omilje - na poslastica – mesna češ - ka kobasica – uvek se slu - ži sa parčetom kiselog testa i kašičicom blagog senfa. A ako vas to ne zadovolji, pro - bajte sendvič sa svinjetinom pečenom na ražnju ili praš - kom šunkom. Pečeni lešni - ci i kesteni su veoma raspro - stranjeni, kao i palačinke. Među češkom hranom ko - ju morate probati je topin - ki: kombinacija prženog hle - ba prelivenog belim lukom, jajetom, kečapom i sirovim lukom, što ć e pomoći i u najhladnijoj noć i. Evo još jednog načina da se zagrejete dok mrak prekri - va ulice – u banji punoj pi - va! Najnoviji velnes trend u Pragu dolazi u hrastovoj ka - di ispunjenoj toplom vodom, pivskim kvascem i hmeljem. Kažu da kvasac izglađuje Zagrejte se u pivskoj kupki bore, hmelj deluje umirujuć e i, ako vas to ne opusti, može vam dobro doć i pivo na to - čenje pored kade. „Beer Spa“ na Ribni je na samo pet mi - nuta hoda od Starog grad - skog trga.
this meaty Czech sausage is always served with a slice of sourdough bread and a dollop of mild mustard. And if that do- esn’t hit the spot, try a sandwi- ch containing spit-roasted pork or Prague ham. Roasted hazel- nuts and chestnuts are widely available too, as are freshly fried pancakes. Another must- try Czech speciality is topinky, a combination of fried bread topped with garlic, egg, ketc- hup and raw onion that will cut through even the coldest night. Warm up in a beer bath on Rybna Street Another way to warm up as darkness cloaks the streets is at a bubbling beer spa. Pra- gue’s newest wellness trend comes in an oak tub filled wi - th hot water, brewer’s yeast and hops. The yeast is said to smo- oth wrinkles, while the hops ha- ve a calming effect, and if that doesn’t relax you, then the beer on tap next to the tub may co- me in handy. The Beer Spa’s tre- atment room on Rybna Street is just a five-minute walk from Staromestske Namesti.
26 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Intervju Interview
Čini mi se da sam srećan čovek Dobio sam priliku da u životu dva puta počnem. I u toj drugoj karijeri su
se čuda desila kao u prvoj, kaže Goran Bregović, koji je 1. januara 1974. godine svoj bend nazvao „Bijelo dugme“
N jega nije potrebno predstavljati. Život- ni i muzički put vodio ga je od jugoslo- venske grupe „Bijelo dugme“ koja je bi- la, kažu, popularna u jednom trenutku kao sam Josip Broz Tito. Onda je otišao u simfonije, filmsku muziku, violine i trubače, do pe- sama bez kojih se ne mogu zamisliti slavlja. Čak do aviona Er Srbije koji nosi njegovo ime. Mada ga svi znaju, iako ima tako mnogo muzič- kih izleta i odlazaka u različite žanrove, Goran Bre- gović se možda ipak najemotivnije seća početaka sa „Dugmetom“. Zato je ove godine i krenuo na turneju „Doživeti stotu – 50 godina – 50 gradova“, tamo gde je sve počelo – u Sarajevu u Domu mladih. Pa onda dalje po Balkanu, svetu, Evropi, preko okeana, svu- da gde svi znaju sve njegove pesme.
„Dugme“ sada nastupa u izvornom rok sastavu, tu su Zoran Redžić, Dragan Điđi Jankelić, Ognjen Ra- divojević na klavijaturama, vokali Mladen Vojčić Ti- fa i Alen Islamović. Nema Bebeka, koji nije želeo da se priključi i onih koji, nažalost, već dugo nisu me- đu nama. Bregović kaže da ne slavi rođendane, ali 50 godina „Bijelog dugmeta“ mu se nekako slavi. Na početku razgovora koji vodimo između rasprodatih koncerata u Beču i Kopenhagenu, pitamo ga čega se prvo seti kad pogleda 50 godina unazad... – Kad pogledam tako daleko u prošlost, uvek se setim da je moj život mogao da izgleda sasvim dru- gačije. Već sam bio četvrta godina filozofije na Filo- zofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu i sledeće godine je tre- balo da počnem da predajem marksizam u srednjoj školi. Tada su profesori filozofije predavali marksi- zam. I onda sam na toj četvrtoj godini napravio pr- vu ploču „Bijelog dugmeta“. Sreća! Bolje je biti zvez- da nego predavati filozofiju u srednjoj školi. (smeh) Hajdučka česma, hitovi koji se pevaju da- nas, omot u muzeju MOMA, ime na avio- nu... Da li vam je moguće da odgovorite na pitanje na šta ste najponosniji?
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović
Fotografije / Photography: Marko Edge, Marko Ristić
30 | Intervju » Interview
Goran Bregović rođen je 22. marta 1950. godine u Sarajevu. Gitarista, pevač i kompozitor, vođa je i jedini stalni član „Bijelog dugmeta“ od početka do danas
Goran Bregović was born in Sarajevo on 22 nd March 1950. A guitarist, singer and composer, he is the frontman of Bijelo Dugme and the only member of this famous rock band to have been with it since the very beginning
– Veoma sam ponosan bio kada sam postao pred- sednik Bokserskog kluba „Željezničar“ u Sarajevu. To mi je predstavljalo ogromnu čast jer su me borci, ko- ji se bore po strogim pravilima gledajući se u oči, pri- hvatili u svoje društvo. Bilo je to veliko priznanje i bio sam veoma ponosan na sebe. Takođe sam ponosan na to što svakog petka, subote i nedelje stotine orkestara iz Srbije krene da svira na svadbama i veseljima. Znam da većina njih, a možda i svi, sviraju nekoliko mojih pesama za koje će dobiti bakšiš. I taj će bakšiš pomoći nekoj porodici i učiniti živote njihove dece malo lep- šim. Na to sam ponekad ponosan. Kako se sećate tog mladog Gorana od pre 50 godina? – U to vreme niko nije živeo od muzike i svi smo pomalo svirali jer su devojke volele gitariste. Kasni- je kao treba da se baviš ozbiljnijim poslovima. A ispa- lo je da smo mi verovatno prvi koji su pokazali da je moguće živeti od sviranja rokenrola. Da li ste ikada sanjali ovakvu budućnost? – A ko je mogao sanjati da će se sve ovo desiti što se desilo? Rat nam je svima promenio živote i pode- lio ih na pre i posle rata. Dao mi je priliku da počnem po drugi put. Sećam se kada mi je neka Romkinja iz Makedonije gledala u šolju i rekla da ću biti zvezda. U tom trenutku sam zbilja već bio velika zvezda u Ju- goslaviji i mislio kako više ni Romkinje ne znaju da predvide budućnost. Međutim, desila mi se nova ka- rijera. Zbog rata sam se našao u novom svetu i mo- rao da počnem još jednom. Možda je to bilo i najbolje što mi se desilo, jer svaka rutina, ma koliko da je do- bra, i dalje je rutina. Ono što je lepo to je početak, a ja sam dobio priliku da dva puta počnem. I u toj drugoj karijeri su se čuda desila kao u prvoj. Odmah su mo- je ploče postale zlatne u deset zemalja Evrope. Pone- kad mi se čini da sam verovatno srećan. Na jubilarnu turneju krenula je rok posta- va, sastav u kom ste počeli, bez Bebeka i članova koji su preminuli. Kakva je atmos- fera u bekstejdžu? I suze i smeh?
– Odlučili smo da odsviramo 50 koncerata i svi se zbilja tome raduju. Možda više ne sviramo tako dobro kao nekada, ali ponekad imam snažan osećaj da ta kla- sa proviri i da se čuje. To je kao proslava godišnjice ma- ture – uvek ima neko nešto da ispriča. Nekad je bila strašna gnjažava u životu do- živeti stotu. Sada više nije? – Kada ste mladi, nemate taj osećaj prolaznosti kao sada. Sećam se kada su najavili da će biti Olimpi- jada u Sarajevu, izračunao sam da ću tada imati 37–38 godina. Mislio sam: bože biću star, šta me za to briga. A sad u ovim godinama počneš da misliš: pa dobro – ko je znao da živi, valjda će znati i da umre, to je lakše. Ne volite slavlja, a ipak ste odlučili da pro- slavite pola veka „Bijelog dugmeta“. Zašto? – U vremenu kada sve tako kratko traje i prolazi munjevitom brzinom, nešto što i nakon 50 godina ima vrednost zaslužuje da se slavi. I da se ne radi o „Bije- lom dugmetu“, bilo bi mi drago da se slavi. Ali ovako, raduje me što sam stvorio nešto što je živo i nakon 50 godina. U muzici je to prilično retko. Treba iskoristiti svaku priliku da nam se desi slavlje. „Bijelo dugme“, duhovna i filmska muzika, simfonijski orkestri, Kanske nagrade... Ima li nečega što niste uradili u prethodnih 50, a što biste baš, baš želeli? – Mislim da bi bilo arogantno želeti više od ovoga što sam već nekim čudom dobio. Nastavljam da radim dobro, pišem dobro, čak i bolje nego pre. Nastojim da pišem tako da se moja deca toga ne stide. Ovim brojem „Elevejta“ ispraćamo 2024. godinu. Šta biste poželeli svima koji nas či- taju dok lete u neke nove avanture? Šta že- lite sebi i svojoj porodici? – Letite! Nema ničega lepšeg od letenja. Taj fini osećaj da ste uspeli da nadmudrite gravitaciju, da ste uspeli da ostavite zemaljsko ispod sebe. Uprkos tome što tako puno letim i što sam oduvek mnogo leteo, taj me osećaj ne napušta i iznova me raduje. Želim i sebi i drugima što više radosti.
Tako smo dugo sa Er Srbijom, koja je nekada bila JAT, da nam je postala kao član porodice. Zato je još i lepše gledati je kako raste i kako uspeva We’ve been travelling with Air Serbia for so long, which used to be Jat, that it’s become a member of our family. That's why it’s even better to watch how it’s growing and succeeding
Interview » Intervju | 31
BREGA ON THE “LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED” TOUR It seems to me that I’m lucky
Odlučili smo da odsviramo 50 koncerata i svi se zbilja tome raduju We decided to play 50 concerts and everyone is really looking forward to it
T his man needs no introduction. His life path and musical journey led him from Yugoslav rock band Bijelo Dugme, which is said to have been as popular as Josip Broz Tito at one point, through symphonies, film music, vio- lins and trumpeters, to songs that are obligatory for cel- ebrations in these lands, and even to an Air Serbia plane that bears his name. And despite being known by everyone and having embarked on numerous musical adventures and tried his hand in different genres, Goran Bregović is perhaps most emotionally attached to his recollections of the start of his career with that famous band from Sarajevo. That’s also why he this year launched the tour “Live to be a hun- dred – 50 years – 50 cities”, back where it all began – at the Sarajevo Youth Centre. He went on to tour the Bal- kans, the world, Europe, across the ocean, wherever his songs are known by everyone. Bijelo Dugme today performs with its original rock line-up, including Zoran Redžić, Dragan ‘Điđi’ Jankelić, Ognjan Radivojević on keyboards and vocalists Mladen ‘Tifa’ Vojičić and Alen Islamović... There’s no Bebek, who “I was given an opportunity to make a fresh start twice in my life. And miracles happened in that second career just as they had in the first,” says Goran Bregović, who named his band Bijelo Dugme on 1 st January 1974
chose not to join the tour, or those who, unfortunately, have long since departed this world. Bregović says that he doesn’t celebrate birthdays, but he was somehow in the mood to commemorate Bijelo Dugme’s 50 th anni- versary. We began our interview, which was wedged be- tween sold-out concerts in Vienna and Copenhagen, by asking him what he first remembers when looking back over these 50 years... “When I look so far back into the past, I always re- member how completely different my life could have looked. I was already in the fourth year of philosophy studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo and was due to start teaching Marxism in secondary school the
32 | Intervju » Interview
Living to be a hundred used to be a terrible hassle. Is that no longer the case? “When you're young, you don't have that sense of transience like we do now. I remember when they an- nounced that the Olympics would be held in Sarajevo and I calculated that I would be 37/38 at the time. I though “God, I'm going to be old, what do I care about that?’ And now, at this age, you start thinking, oh well – I guess those who knew how to live will also know how to die, that’s easier.” You don’t like celebrations, yet you decided to celebrate Bijelo Dugme’s 50 th birthday. Why? “In these times when everything is so short-lived and passes at lightning speed, something that still has value after 50 years deserves to be celebrated. Even if it wasn’t Bijelo Dugme, I’d still be happy to celebrate it. But as things stand, I’m glad to have created something that’s still alive after 50 years. That’s pretty rare in music. This achievement should be celebrated; we should take advantage of every opportunity to celebrate.” Bijelo Dugme, spiritual and film music, sym- phony orchestras, Cannes awards etc. Is there anything you didn’t manage to do over the past 50 years that you really wish for? “I think it would be arrogant to desire more than I’ve already miraculously received. I continue to work well, write well, even better than before. I try to write in such a way that my children are not ashamed.” We are bidding farewell to the year 2024 with this issue of Elevate. What would you wish for everyone who reads us while flying to some new adventures? What would you wish for yourself and your family? “To fly! There’s nothing more beautiful than flying. That pleasant feeling that you’ve managed to outfox grav- ity; that you've succeeded in leaving the earth beneath you. Despite the fact that I fly so much and have always flown a lot, that feeling doesn’t dissipate and brings me joy time and again. I wish for as much joy as possible for myself and others.”
following year. Philosophy teachers lectured on Marxism back then. And it was during that fourth year of stud- ies that I recorded the first Bijelo Dugme record. Fortu- nately! It’s better to be a star than to teach philosophy in secondary school (laughs).” The Hajduk’s Fountain concert, hits that are still sung today, the album cover at MoMA, your name on a plane... Is it possible for you to answer the question of what makes you feels the most pride? “I was very proud when I became president of Saraje- vo’s Boxing Club Željezničar. That was a huge honour for me, because those battlers, who fight according to strict rules and look each other in the eye, accepted me among their ranks. That was great recognition and I was extreme- ly proud of myself. I’m also proud of the hundreds of or- chestras from Serbia that head out to perform at wed- dings and parties every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I know that most of them, and perhaps all of them, play a few of my songs that will earn them some extra tips. And those tips will help a family and improve the lives of their children a little. I am sometimes proud of that.” How do you recall that young Goran of 50 years ago? “No one lived from music back then and we all played to an extent because girls liked guitarists. We were meant to deal with more serious matters sometime later. And it turned out that we were probably the first to demonstrate that it was possible to make a living playing rock’n’roll.” Did you ever dream of this kind of future? “Who could possibly have dreamt that all this would happen? The war changed the lives of all of us and di- vided them into pre- and post-war lives. I was given an opportunity to make a second fresh start. I remember when some Roma woman from Macedonia looked at my coffee cup and told me that I would be a star. By then I was already a major star in Yugoslavia, and it occurred to me that even Roma women no longer knew how to predict the future. However, I experienced a new career. I found myself in a new world because of the war and had to start over again. That was perhaps the best thing that happened to me, because every routine is still a routine, no matter how good it is. New beginnings are what’s beau- tiful, and I got the chance to begin again twice. And mir- acles happened in that second career just as they had in the first. My records went gold in ten European countries immediately. I sometimes think that I’m probably lucky”. The band’s original rock lineup embarked on the jubilee tour, with only Bebek and the members who’ve passed away missing. How’s the atmosphere backstage? Are there both tears and laughter? “We decided to play 50 concerts and everyone is re- ally looking forward to it. We might not play as well as we used to, but I sometimes have a strong sense that our class shines through and is audible. It’s like celebrating a graduation anniversary – there’s always someone with something to recount.”
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